Region locked content on the fucking internet

>Region locked content on the fucking internet

When did this become acceptable?

Other urls found in this thread:


I don't know if acceptable is the right term...

Everyone who's not a money-driven content owner hates region locked content. It's fucking stupid, and should not be allowed.

Services like Youtube should fight this dickery by making worldwide availability a requirement for all new videos uploaded.

i honestly don't see what's the point of that

people in germany especially have this problem

just proxy and move on it's not like there aren't ways around this already.

So what's the go-to solution for this sort of thing? People always go "hurr use a proxy" but most proxies are fucking awful, and the sketchy sites made especially for avoiding this hardly ever work.

can't you just google "youtube mirror" or something

I don't know if it's my country or just the videos I watch but I come across like three of those a year.

Is it worse in America? Like in Europe there's a smaller market so the corps don't give a fuck if people watch it or something?

That's what I said, all those sites are awful.


How do they lost money if someone watches their videos ? I don't get it.

Anyone else who keep on getting
"An error occured. Please try again later" bullshit?

YT needs to fix their goddamn bandwidth problems

It's not hard to set up your own VPN, especially for someone who browses Sup Forums

>what is vpn

You're correct, kind of, if the BBC say produces a documentary and then puts it up on Youtube for everyone in the UK and not to view, they don't lose any money.

Except in reality what do is they sell the rights to broadcast that content in another region to another broadcaster, so they might sell the rights to broadcast it in Australia to ABC. They then have to block Australians from being able to view their content otherwise ABC will at the very least, not buy from them again (and depending on the terms of the contract, it may just outright be illegal).

Try the embedded url, you can bypass account login with it, so it might work for this as well.
I'm on the mobile atm so can't test it.

>neo-Sup Forums can't operate a vpn
oh my god

>You can only visit this website from 10pm to 6am

>technological “solution” to a political problem
Like all of the above (also known as DRM mechanisms), there are technological work-arounds.

In this case, it's called a VPN.

I have set up my own VPN server.

Anyway it may interest you to know that if you attempt to download region restricted content with youtube-dl it will provide you with a list of all countries where it is available.

There's a difference between not being able to and not being bothered by.
Not everyone here needs to placebo hide their shady browsing habits.

Is there such thing?

I've seen a few (usually government) websites in germany that are only "open" during daytime
Some porn websites had a similar thing

Yep. In Sweden there are opening hours on the website where you file your taxes. I kid you not. To be clear, it is all automated, there is no person reviewing it or talking to you as you go.

>How do they lost money if someone watches their videos for free? I don't get it.
I don't get what you're not getting.

You don't need to understand it, it's the same insane troll logic that people use to suggest “piracy” hurts content creators.

Is Sweden retarded?

My website blocks visitors from third world countries.

>make me no money
>high chance of making trouble

Here in the Netherlands a Christian political party takes down it's website on every sunday.

Post it


Remember that Star Trek episode with the green heaven like planet with physically fit people inhabiting it?
If you don't, there's an episode involving such a planet where everyone is fit and peace reigns there.
Everything looks perfect and function perfect, except...
Except one of the kids from the visiting crew were having fun and ran into a grass field while they were having fun.
Turns out it is forbidden to step onto many grass fields because hippie reasons,
and any punishments for things, no matter how trivial, were death.
So the kid was sentenced to death for walking on grass.

The lesson? The more peaceful and out of touch with hardships and balance society gets, the more retarded its laws and prioritization gets,
the more twisted its moral and ethical cultural aspects get, and in turn its governing system.

Sweden is that, including the eating of American cum for money (ergo they have to act like some progressive special Internet police like UK is doing).

This has been a thing though since before VHS tapes.

>placebo hide
Are you by any chance implying that tunneling and encryption via a VPN don't actually increase your privacy?

Sounds more like Sliders, are you sure it wasn't Sliders? I want to fuck that mousy check from Sliders, even if she is 50 now.

Nope. It was this episode, found it now:

>So the kid was sentenced to death for walking on grass.
It was an over the top TV show way of showing how different cultures had different cultures and shit.
Nigga marched on and fucked up some thing that didn't look all that important to him, because he didn't fucking understand it.
Like, you'd land in Dover, started driving on the right side and wonder why everyone's up your throat.
Anyway, that shit doesn't explain why would they put an automated service down for no reason other than inconvenience of the ordinary man (and possibly people behind it too).

It does, because inconveniencing their own people for the sake of outsiders and foreigners is the Swedish way.
Giving your daughters and boys to be raped by foreign people isn't rape, it's a moral and ethical act of multicultural bonding.

This. And it's also nice to have on your phone when you travel. Use Google/Twitter/etc in China, use apps that block access when operated in countries with vague infra-structure, etc...
OpenVPN does cause a bit of battery drain though...

it's because the videos are monetized, and some content in those videos may be licensed to be monetized in certain regions only. as in, they purchased a license to stock footage, but that license only covers its use in the uk, so they have to lock it to that region only. pretty simple. its the reason QI will never air in the US

The reason QI is never going to air in the US is because Americans can't comprehend the idea of a gay man telling them to stop being faggots, as Stephen Fry did not so recently.

imagine a world without jews

In fairness I've never seen it on a non-government site and it's only closed like 4 hours during the night. Apparently it's due to backups and batch processing.
I'm not sure if I agree with that comparison. The culture in that episode is much more similar (other than all of them looking Nordic) to Singapore than Sweden. The issues in Sweden are largely due to political correctness, not due to the legal system.

>this post
>this number

>Download openVPN

>vpn for this kind of shit
Just download or stream it.
youtube-dl or if you are a dumbass or just lazy or any other online youtube downloader

>espcially for someone who browses Sup Forums
Modern Sup Forums are consumerist good goys who know nothing about technology past the iphone

When retards like you dont know to use proxies

Picard should have nuked the site from orbit.
"Here's your legal principle, pal."

youtube-dl can't go around regional locks


'murrican mega-corporations

>Wil Wheaton

Get the fuck outta here with that bullshit.

I can assure you that he was in the TNG

Zenmate browser vpn.

Step up faggot

Use Tor