RAM speed

What is the added value of faster RAM?

If I upgrade my 3yo laptop with 1600MHz instead of 1333 MHz, will I notice a difference?

Other urls found in this thread:

books.google.com/books?id=Jts_CQAAQBAJ&pg=SA12-PA23&lpg=SA12-PA23&dq=are synthetic benchmarks a good indication of real world performance&source=bl&ots=r_Ld1qdr5T&sig=SraW6-zBETUGvFb5DpQCNLb_pV8&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj56qDLn_XMAhUJPT4KHRBWD44Q6AEIIzAB#v=onepage&q=are synthetic benchmarks a good indication of real world performance&f=false

No, and your motherboard probably doesn't support the faster clock anyway

if you use iGPU, yes.
otherwise no

No, if you want a faster computer get an ssd

You get more FPS in games.

I'm going to. The current setup has a 5400RPM HDD and 6GB ram. Since I'm going to get new ram anyway I wondered if speed makes a difference. The price is marginal.
I don't do gaymen.

Oh god, get a ssd. Biggest improvement ever to laptops. 5400 is glacier speed, you will think you have a new computer with a ssd installed. You will probably forget about your RAM after that.

I know.

Still going to get the RAM because I want to be able to run a virtual machine.


seconding this.

RAM speed is almost meme tier. Whats even worse is that in my experience, laptops are very picky about RAM timings, so I'd stick with whatever timings the factory had.

Thanks. I'll check what speed it currently has and stick to that.

If the motherboard only supports up to 8GB, is there any way to work around that and still get 16GB? Like a new memory module?

yes. Official support for amount of memory is usually something that can be ignored.

Only on the shittiest of computers is it ever a problem.

Let me take a guess. You've an HP laptop?

ram speed is only relevant is you have bleding edge system with crossfire/sli, then ram clock is important for anything less than 2 cards it doesn´t matter even remotely

Do not listen to this guy! It will either not boot or report the RAM as the capped capacity.


Can you really just ignore it? I thought you'd at least have to install another module (if such a thing is possible at all) because it currently only has 2 slots.

are you retarded by chance?

This is patently false. answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20100316080655AAm4ZXn

Extra MHz won't do shit. More RAM is where it's at.
Then get a refund.

you do have consumer protection laws where you live, right?

DDR3 RAM density has gotten better as the standard has matured. You can safely install 16gb sticks in some laptops now even though they usually say the max is 8 or 16gb (2x4 and 2x8 respectively)

This is false.

I'm not sure such a small jump in bandwidth would be worth it. But if you are going for 16gb, might as well get the fastest that is available.

Fuck off with your memes

What laptop?

Get a SSD if you already have 8gb of ddr3 dram your all good

did he say he was going to be gaming?

No? Damn, there goes your argument!

OK then

>posting synthetic benchmarks unironically

Damn son you owned him 10/10.

ddr3200 less score than 3000 KEKEKEKEKE

>my subjective opinion is more relevant than objective benchmarks

Kys, plz

what opinion? Its a fact that real world performance has little correlation to synthetic benchmarks.

This is the exact model


It's a laptop genius

wait does it come with 6 or 8?

Better off just getting a SSD and reinstalling windows from scratch

And now would be the appropriate time to demonstrate your argument

Your CPU is in GHZ. Your RAM is in MHZ.
Do the math.

It comes with 6, but it supposed to support up to 8.


I'm tired of doing basic tasks for simpletons

Probably not, it's pretty subtle.

The problem is that it is highly unlikely that your laptop supports 1600 MHz RAM. If you put the wrong RAM in, your laptop probably won't boot. It's weird, I saw laptops with the wrong RAM inside that booted just fine, but whenever you opened a Window or something, it would just freeze.

So, don't do it.

>all this buttfrustrated hostility
is Sup Forums on its period again?
Huh weird

Yeah get some 8gb sticks make sure you get a good brand 1600mhz or better

6gb is a little on the low side these days also really odd size huh weird must be 1x2gb and 1x4gb? nfi

Only if the motherboard/stock bios is ratshit

>Posting 2 year old gawker media
Seriously, kys

I'd have posted books.google.com/books?id=Jts_CQAAQBAJ&pg=SA12-PA23&lpg=SA12-PA23&dq=are synthetic benchmarks a good indication of real world performance&source=bl&ots=r_Ld1qdr5T&sig=SraW6-zBETUGvFb5DpQCNLb_pV8&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj56qDLn_XMAhUJPT4KHRBWD44Q6AEIIzAB#v=onepage&q=are synthetic benchmarks a good indication of real world performance&f=false If I thought you could read.

How is gaming not a "real world performance?" Oh right, your subjective opinion.

if his mobo doesnt support 1333mhz I wouldnt push it.

Memory density doesnt really matter, but timings definitely do.

It is real world, but since he isnt gaming its irrelevant, and even then F4 was known to be the "odd man out" when it came to actually being effected by memory speed.

because of horrible timings of 3200

>Calls someone a retard
>uses Yahoo answers.


Gotta talk to retards in a way they can understand.

pfahahahahahahah you are a fucking retard this screenshot is from a bench with 2x cards and perfectly proof my argument ahahahahah fucking retard please read the benchmarks you post befor you post hahahahahahahahaha

here the benchmark fucking retard techspot.com/article/1171-ddr4-4000-mhz-performance/

>I don't understand latency vs. Bandwidth works: the post

Hmmm remove bottlenecks, get better performance. Rocket science

>I make a non sense sentence to look smart

>I refuse to admit bandwidth affects performance

I have a 4690K and overclocked my ram from 1600mhz to 2133mhz and got a nice performance increase.

I was looking at the Intel CPUs whitepapers and apparently anything after Sandy bridge have slower memory controllers, which is why the benefit from faster memory a lot more.

I never said that retard, I said the Ram clock doesn´t matter in real world application unless you use at least two highend cards like 980ti, because a 2133mhz ram saturates a single 980ti and the perfomance doesn´t change if you put in ram with 4000mhz.... look at the fucking benchmark and shut up fucking autist.
if you dont belive me belive the number and fuck off, I not gonna answere 12yrs old who don´t understand a fuck anymore. Sup Forums is worse than reddit in these days...

Are you retarded user, the dual gpu set up is sued to avoid any GPU bottleneck.

How are you gonna make sure the faster ram actually makes any difference if your GPU is already at 99% usage?

You are fucking retarded holy shit.


Not the same guy, but that is literally his point

If you don't use at least 2 cards, there will be no noticable increase

>But that's why they use 2 cards

Yes, that's what he said moron.

sigh, but thats not true at all a GTX970 don't even hits 99% usage on Fallout 4 before you hit a CPU bottleneck where faster ram does improves things, more bandwidth + low latency = more information is being send to the cpu faster

Same reason why dual channel is faster than single channel, 64x2 is faster than 64x1, all ram slot share the same bus so having 128 is faster than 64.

>I´m retarded and have no clue about what I speak but here is my opinion.jpg

no user you are the retarded one, you're only embarrassing yourself at this point, even GTA V sees a huge increase with faster ram and those benchmarks aren't the only ones digital foundry has been doing benchmarks with faster ram for a long time and the results always show faster ram = better performance even on an i5 2500K which can only run 2133mhz max.

>overclocking to base ddr4 speeds
>DDR4 overclocks to over 4ghz by design
Yeah nah its kinda pointless pham

JDEC spec max for DDR3 is 1866mhz, but yes moving to 1600 from 1333 isnt noticeable

>ram speed is only relevant is you have bleding edge system with crossfire/sli, then ram clock is important for anything less than 2 cards it doesn´t matter even remotely

Stop posting dumb bullshit the 8th graders told you during combined gym class.

>are you retarded by chance?
>This is patently false. answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20100316080655AAm4ZXn

Look at this retard.

>If I upgrade my 3yo laptop with 1600MHz instead of 1333 MHz, will I notice a difference?

Yes, but only if you microwave your laptop first.

1600 - 1333 = 267 seconds (4m 27s) to make sure the motherboard can work with the faster ram.

The fucking drivers don't let it hit 4gb by design

what are you babbling about.

More overclocking headroom, benchmark epeen, shaving a few seconds off memory-intensive operations (stuff like calculating pi)

Nvidia optimizes the drivers so they don't go over 3.5gb, triggering all the stuttering.

The last three are pretty much the same

OP if your current laptop werks just save up for a new one honestly ddr4 shits over 3 and is double the speed at 2.1-4ghz+
>Overclocking a stock acer laptop
Unless OP is a custom bios wizard i dont see it happening.

we speak of ddr4 here retard who gives a shit about ddr3

Where do idiots like you come from?

Where did you found out about Sup Forums let alone Sup Forums?

DDR4 gets better increments than DDR3 so my point still stand in fact its helps showcasing my point even better.

link to a benchmark go posted in the thread proving his point not yours. so go away kid stop trying to look cool because you look retarded

>hating on Gawker
Is this a meme thing to do these days on Sup Forums?

is that supposed to be ironic?
Fuck you and fuck this thread.
Learn to use google. KYS

Similar question to the op my PC:
3570k 670gtx and 8gb of ddr3 1333mhz.

Im thinking of upgrading to 8gb ddr3 2400mhz cost around 50 euros. It says my motherboard supports it but in OC. Dont know what that means.

Also the reason im thinking of upgrading the ram, because im not planning to upgrade my CPU for atleast 2-3more years. Since it really decent CPU once OC'ed (i can keep it running at 4.3ghz pretty fairly well). Also im still waiting to see what the GPU market will actually show.

So the question is it forth it for me to upgrade to 2400mhz (from 1333mhz 8gb), will it work with my pc(mobo is P8Z77-M, says it support 2400mhz(OC) ) and maybe i should get 16gb?


On 800W if I'm going to do 8GB I guess?

not your techsupport fucking faggot learn to google or fuck off to reddit

This is like saying that hating genocide is a meme

'Oh yeah I'm too cool to hate genocide'
How fucking hipster do you have to fucking be

wow you are mad as fuck for some reason

How is Gawker genocide? What the fuck kind of reefer are you smoking? Gawker reports on the news hard, raw, and unfiltered. They get into the dirty stuff that no other news outlet talks about. H8rs gonna h8, I guess.

/16 GB is a worthy upgrade. Might as well get the best bandwidth available, it's not that much cost difference at this point.

Gawker is cancer you fucking faggot.

Fuck off back to Sup Forums with your bullshit. Gawker is completely fine here. Even mook agrees.

ye i just checked the price and corsair 16gb 2400mhz cost 80euros. So im thinking about that.

Clever girl

gawker is complete clickbait bullshit and biased as fuck, spreads rumors as truth and their articels have the value of a steaming turd.
if you think gawker is a legitmate news website your are retarded. but what do i expect from millennials
