In this thread we imagen life without X

In this thread we imagen life without X

>what distro would you use and why ?
>how long would you survive, estimated ?
>what programs would you use ?

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Fedora cuz wayland support.

Debian with screen. irssi, links2, nano/vim. all you need.

>still not using tmux

Is there any real benefit?


tmux, weechat, lynx, emacs

there, happy now, fanboys?

yea, there is a bunch


I actually use arch in tty1 w/out X in order to rice every aspect



>being overweight

regarding wayland... How much of X does it replace?
Things like xinput, xmodmap xev... Will those keep working on wayland or do we need to reinvent the wheel to get those essential things to work?


I raise you Screen, Weechat, Lynx, Spacemacs (and Vim for just quick edits (it loads much faster)).

And mustn't forget Ncmpcpp.

>he uses a gui

Wayland does not replace X server retard. But you are just a fedora babby

Gentoo with a fraimbuffer


weechat, bitlbee, vim, zsh, mutt, raggle, midnight commander, w3m-img or links2... that's pretty much it, yeah.

ctrl+b t

At the contrary, Screen has more functions than tmux, doesn't matter what memelords say.

Reinvent the wheel.

But hell like I'm switching, that thing has a systemd dependency

Yast works fantastic without X