Can your operating system do this? Its the little things Sup Forums. The little things

Can your operating system do this? Its the little things Sup Forums. The little things.

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No. windows 10

Windows 7 can do that.

I think even XP can do that.

Yes, Windows 10.

what to believe...

Uhh, what? No it can't, not multiple files.

>what is BRU

lol, windows has been able to do it since at least 2000 possibly since XP. Its the basic shit you learn, why dont you know this?

>he doesn't know how to rename multiple files on windows
At least you tried.

>select 10 items
>it renames all 10

Don't know what Ubuntu is using in 16.04 but it's the best bulk renaming tool I've used so far

It can't do things like rename the files using exif data. What can you do in explorer, call every file the same thing? That's useless senpai.

pretty sure it can

I used to sub anime on windows 7 a couple of years ago and I remember renaming the aegisub file and the video file with one click

Every OS that isn't shit can do that. Are you trying to make some pathetically bad thought out effort to say osx is not dogshit?


>Does your system's primary file browser tell you the path of the currently opened directory?
OSX: no
The little things.

>moving the goal posts
At least you tried.

chromeOS lets me down again

Yup, it's called "Rename"
>Win10 blah blah
work motherfucker

Hell, the first option in that list looks more interesting than the ability to rename multiple files.

Why don't you fucking mention that? Because you're retarded, that's why.

the finder is still objectively inferior to windows explorer and even most linux file managers

it's called bulk rename.
>it's the little things
can't comprehend to be small

You mean like this?


Hey user, mind uploading that?


Not yet, but I could write a script to do it in a few minutes.

kek, sure

>windows explorer and even most linux file managers
>and even

>using a helper toolbar at the bottom
>at the bottom

Much appreciated



perl -e '
FILE:for $file (@ARGV){
($ayy_lmao = $file) =~ s/IMG_47\d{1,2}/Whatever$./
next FILE if -e $ayy_lmao;
rename $file => $ayy_lmao
}' *_opt

I got lazy and used line numbers but desu you can tongue my balls

what's a G?

i said 'and even' because windows explorer gives you the full functionality no matter where you view it. whether it be normal folder viewing, saving or opening a file you can still rename, move, delete and do anything you need in that window. in osx, if you have a save/open dialogue you are lucky to be able to make a new folder if that.

i cant remember if you get any functionality like that on linux because i havent tried to do anything like that, mostly because i normally just handle shit via command line beforehand or whatever.

Name of the theme?


>that's a file manager

I use ranger: >space key to mark files
>type ":bulkrename"
>then ranger open the names in vim
>type":$/foo/bar (this replace foo with bar is just regex)
>type ":x" to save changes
>type ":q" to exit and commit

literally can't get any more comfy than this

Where is Media?

Where is Samsung?

Adapta, but I'm using a custom build from a couple of commits back of the master branch...

forgot my image

>being autistic
as you can see, /Volumes

Can your operating system do this?

Checkmate mactard.

>mark files
>right click
>select bulk rename

Why am I not surprised that those kind of people are using OSX and apple products in general.

Do you by accident also collect your feces in bottles?

>Do you by accident
>by accident


Windows can do that. Select multiple files and rename one of them, it will add (#) to all the other files.

faggot what are you trying to say about a man choosing to look at cartoon women on a cartoon women image board?

Are all Mactards clueless morons? Its the little things Sup Forums. The little things.


>using windows 10
>calling others morons

holy shit, wincucks are something else


just tested win7 can do it, just select files and f2 type name hit enter in default explorer

But can it rename by regex?

>>using macshit os
>>calling others morons

no, just renames files to file01-fileXXX

>thinking there's anything wrong with OS X
>calling others morons

fact: mac users are better than you

I am a mac user. I am better than you. You use windows, so you're an inbred. You use windows 10, so you're also a computer illiterate that doesn't care about her privacy. You should kill yourself, you dumb cunt.

>I am a mac user

You sure showed me. You go grrrll!

epik meme

>uses a toddler OS
>thinks he's better than anyone




ITT: level 1 iFag bait.

You're just a little meme machine aren't you user

No user, iToddlers are legitimately this retarded if you've ever met any in real life.

Yes, it can. If you don't know how to write a simple bash script to automate that kind of thing, that's not my problem.

b... but there are 11 items selected, user!

OP is a fucking idiot. He meant to post this, I believe.

No one fucking cares if your OS can rename a batch amount of files and only append a number to it. It's renaming with added functionality like RegEx, etc.

count again, user
and go to sleep

>he fell for it

it was weak bait and yet I _know_ you checked

It can.

Can windows not be shit though? lmao

windows: cmd on the folder you are:

ren * *.jpg

for f in *.png; mv $f (echo {$f} | sed "s/Screen shot/Apple fags/g"); end

Wow that's much easier

OS X can do either or.

looks like elementary

I just hope 10.12 improves Finder tenfold. Unlikely though.

I would recommend formatting your "media" drive, getting a shower and going outside for a while.

Windows 7, Yes

yes, gnu has been able to do this for like 20 years

G = 1000M

kill yourself my man

XD high five my man you showed them
btw buy apple goy

chill, brah
just use an OS that isn't shit, you don't have to use OS X, but you should probably not use windows if you have half a brain. just my advice

thanks, that's the first time someone tells me that on /geeee/
better listen to your advice now
brb installing gentoo :^)


>complaining that it's at the bottom
>Moving the goalposts
Winshits everyone.

>burn to disc
The little things

How fucking retarded are you?

>"get info" opens an info window for every single file
god damn it os x
>burn to disc
>quick look 10 items
>make alias
okay this is kind of nice but i prefer to just do this in the shell.
>set desktop picture

Are American journalists really such assholes that they would publish his name and with in news like that. I mean, shit, his life is ruined.

1) It's an irish publication
2) generally the news will try to avoid naming victims, but suspects/belligerents don't get the same courtesy.

i agree that if someone's mentally ill (as this guy probably is) it's more than a little unfair (like naming a child in a criminal investigation, which we all agree not to do), but something tells me you were just looking for a reason to be outraged at Americans, and your interest in this topic ended back when i pointed out it was an Irish news outfit.

bet you can't uninstall multiple programs at once. checkmate faggot. windows10 master race

Like pressing 'Enter' in order to open a file?

Just because you dont burn shit doesn't mean others dont either, faggot

not him, but that argument is kind of horse shit and you must know it. os x drops support for stuff that's not relevant to 90% of users, and we're well past the point that most OS X users use (let alone burn) discs. How many products does apple sell that can read a disc? it's just the old school MBP, isn't it? all the rest require a peripheral.

would that it were the case that os x just supported all sorts of legacy shit from scsi drives to powerPC CPUs, but apple clearly decided to keep a tight window on the tech they support, and support for burning images from the GUI is way way outside what we would normally consider that window.

Apple is in the process of dumbing down all their software.
Don't be surprised if they remove this option in future versions of OSX.
They fucked up iwork, they fucked up finalcut, they'll fuck up osx too.

Can your operating system do this? Its the little things Sup Forums. The little things.

sauce please