Is this game a programming masterpiece?

is this game a programming masterpiece?

(definitely seems more impressive than gentoo)

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I think so desu... Chris Sawyer must be a pretty smart guy to pull that off.

Don't forget locomotion was also 99% assembly. Fucking, that code could simulate 3000 AI and 15 coasters on a god damn pentium II

Learning assembly partly because I was impressed by RCT. 6502 is a simpler instruction set rather than diving into x86.

This isn't OOP right?
What paradigm was used here?
I honestly have no clue how to program except for OOP

OO is dead. There was never a significant difference in OO and procedural code anyway except how you think about the code. Get into FP and learn how to use multi-paradigm languages.


this fucking generation...

>I honestly have no clue how to program except for OOP
This is what Java does to people.

Unlike Gentoo, it's actually fun to use as well.

If you're not having fun with gentoo you're doing it wrong

>99% assembly
>still runs quite slowly on a pentium


>As I said earlier, I struggle with self motivation, and if something really captures my imagination I will put everything into it and do it, but at the moment there isn't a game subject that draws me in enough actually go ahead and throw myself at another project. It'd be nice to think that that might happen one day, it happened with Transport Tycoon, it happened with Rollercoaster Tycoon, could happen with a new game but I think without that inspiration and that self motivation there's not much point in me creating a new game. I'm happy to help out with Transport Tycoon and the odd thing here and there.

>we'll never get a decent RCT game ever again

Define "OO is dead". I'm learning it in Uni right now, so it's not _really_ dead...

Seems kinda pointless. Why didn't he at least use something like C?

If assembly is good, why aren't OS written in it?

>Get into FP
FP was already discredited a decade before Haskell was made.

Pure OO reached its peak with Java. Even Java is now adding functional programming concepts and thus becoming multi-paradigm.

>I have no clue how to program except OOP

Then you should learn to program lean C. Follow some tutorials at first in order to see what the paradigm feels like.

Once you get the hang of the basics try to implement something you're familiar with using a procedural / functional mixed approach.

This is why people should learn to program procedural and imperative at first (C, assembly) and then OOP, not the other way around.

With x86 and x86_64 being the two dominant processor instruction sets, is assembly portable compared to the 70s/80s?

>people who don't have the brain capacity necessary to understand FP have been dissing it for centuries with 0 success

Huh, that actually makes sense! Functional programming does seem to slowly take over OO.

>my Uni is teaching me outdated technology so it not dead
I bet they still teach you UML.

>what is arm
x86 is irrelevant compared to aarch32 & aarch64.

>people who have the brain capacity necessary to understand FP have been unable to produce better software than "less intelligent" people using "inferior" languages

Hah, they actually do! Is there something wrong with UML, other than it being abused by management?

the fact that no one actually uses it anymore.

fuck off shill

The only people on Sup Forums who defend OO are literal Pajeets and paid Oracle shills.

Corneroids is also built in assembly as far as I know.

It's definitely impressive but I think most programmers could pull it off. The sheer amount of tedium you'd inflict upon yourself makes me wonder why anyone would bother though.

Fine. How portable is assembly these days. How come the guy could get the game to run on any processor.

Except Dutch companies supposedly still do so...
Does anyone still plan anything or did that go out the window when "Agile" became a thing?

OO is more powerful than FP.

OO theory and languages like Scala have functions as syntactic sugar for objects instead of the other way around.

OO is just sugar for procedural code. Which is just sugar for unstructured sequences of opcodes.

Fuck off gaymers

FP just needs a decade of compiler optimizations. Then it'll be viable.

FP is already viable. You're thinking about purely functional code which requires a new computer architecture.

They said that in the 1970s too, after promising that FP would already be faster and easier to optimize.
>Specifically, a construct in a language is called syntactic sugar if it can be removed from the language without any effect on what the language can do: functionality and expressive power will remain the same.

>what the language can do
All turing complete languages can do the same things.

Fag, we are talking about assembly and how this game was 99% assembly. This game is older than most of Sup Forums anyways.

Lots of old games were written in assembly, sometimes using a macro assembler. Weapon of choice on the Atari was GenST from Devpac.

It was actually unusual for some of them to be written in something higher-level - C became the language of choice for a fair few (Dungeon Master being a notable C-user, as was Civilization - which was particularly helpful because they left the symbols in, so decompilation/recompilation was entirely possible!).

I had the source code to a few old games, comments, incbins and all. Sadly, disks don't last forever and they were entirely unreadable when I came to try to archive them.

just play OpenRCT 2

Atari themselves used C in 1984 with Marble Madness.

That game was a game of many firsts. I wonder how they got all the optimization done for it.

step 1: pirate ida pro
step 2: pirate rct
step3: see what's it all about

Operating system kernels usually do have a fair amount of assembly in them. Assembly isn't portable and it can require more lines of code to accomplish the same task so it's not frequently used by itself these days. It's useful for time sensitive operations and when talking directly to hardware so it's still occasionally found embedded in the source files of higher level programming languages in those kinds of areas

>this fucking generation...

You can do OOP in assembly, you doofoos, it's just unconvenient.

Thats why python is good for learning because it is starting with procedural like assembly then you start using functions like c and then you can do muh oop like java.i learnt it so amd then asm, c and java too and to say python is like swiss knife. Do a lot things good (but nothing properly, right?)

Basically, but it had to be that way for the game to be what it is, otherwise it wouldn't have been as well optimized for the hardware of the day

Also GOG has it all on sale, under 5 bucks for RTC 1 &2 complete

So how does a game in assembly mean something good? Use a diff architecture and you're screwed

This. OOP is just a paradigm, not something that's fixed to any particular language.

So what's the 1%?


C, Chris used it for talking to DirectX's APIs to keep it simple.

Did Dave say so?

You should learn English next

most code written in Java is more procedural than object oriented. e.g. utils and anemic models everywhere

It's not, it's just difficult. That's how most games were made at the time, though.

On one hand even the guy writing the game cannot easily port it to other platforms. On the other hand anyone that has the binary basically has the entire source code to the game minus any organization or comments explaining how it all works.

Why do we have to deal with this fucking threads every day?

You can't just take a random pic, put half a sentence and there you go, a thread, discuss












A fucking link, at least a god damn subject


OP is too much of a faggot to actually do that, he just provides some shit pic and an autist cry and THERE YOU GO RIGHT?

Fuck all of you for indulging this BTW

I'll go fap at /gif/, I'm too mad to do anything else right now


beautiful even to this day

sawyer's game is always charming

come on dude don't believe anything said here nothing that is said on Sup Forums represents the real world xd

>OO is dead.

Every project I have been involved with has been OOP, and there's no change or slow down in that.

>There was never a significant difference in OO and procedural code anyway except how you think about the code.

Inheritance, polymorphism, interfaces...things you literally cannot do in procedural programming unless you create a framework that basically gives you OOP.

>Get into FP and learn how to use multi-paradigm languages.

FP is a meme. I haven't seen it used or even suggested in a single project. Probably because it maps very poorly to most real world problems.

True OOP requires specific features that the "OOP is ded" memers on Sup Forums probably don't understand much less use. Hence the confusion about what OOP is.

You could implement those features in assembly (obviously since OOP languages have). But without them the code is not OOP because OOP is not merely a paradigm.

>There was never a significant difference in OO and procedural code anyway
This is the level of functional shills.

You, sir, are a complete tech illiterate. Try reading a book once in your life anytime.

>I'm an angry normalfag on the internet who doesn't know how to use reverse image search
Loud and clear

My fucking face when all OOP languages can be written in FP its just they are more advanced and support fucking objects. Objects are good and make things a fuck ton easier, you hipsters just wanna seem smart for knowing something antiquated...

I don't understand what's so special? Assembly isn't difficult, it's just time-consuming.

>I'm a NEET autist with severe MUH SIKRIT KLUB fantasies
Loud and clear

>He's using visual studio

Objects include methods, so OOP is a superset of functional.

No one on Sup Forums has ever gotten past middle school I presume from the things I read here...

Yes I use an IDE for the back end language that was designed to be written in.

Get triggered user, I prefer to use something that works rather than trying to fix muh arch GNU/linux vim editor.

Apparently you're even too mad to fap

x86 assembly isn't really designed to be written by humans. Older instruction sets like 6502 and Z80 were designed for humans to understand.

It's possible to do OOP in C (calling methods by using pointers to structs instead of the C++ implicit 'this' argument of member functions), so why couldn't you do it in assembly?

Isn't ARM used mainly for mobile devices? Mobile programs aren't easily portable to and from PCs in the first place.

Yes, and? Even if you stripped C to the point that all you could do was call assembly instructions, it would still be a Turing-complete language capable of implementing any algorithm.

It's good because it offers higher performance.

Those features are pretty much just syntactic sugar. They don't increase the expressive power of the language.

You could at least use a FOSS non-botnet IDE.

He did for the remaining 1%.

>windows 10

anyone know how to filter out Directx12 users

>what is kolibri os

My job paid for a VS Professional that is under my name so I prefer to use it over ever other IDE. It has a lot of great features and supports most of the languages that I develop in plus built-in within support is top tier.

>it would still be a Turing-complete language capable of implementing any algorithm.

>he doesn't know that assembly isn't turing complete

My phone corrected github to within...

No, Fucking shit as gaymers need to get the fuck off my board and take their shit game with them. Sup Forums was made for a reason, and you fucking retards don't need to make it my problem. This board is T e c h n o l o g y, get the full fuck off loser.

The end user won't care if you developed the application in a fully libre IDE or in a $3000 proprietary IDE. They just want the app to work properly.
Same thing for the developer. He will prefer an proven IDE that makes him work quickly.

just give up richard. they'll never understood proper Sup Forums board etiquette like you and me.

He probably has no experience programming in any other style. I'm most adept in Java, but that doesn't mean I had trouble with assembly when I started learning. I still had to learn it, though.

Proprietary software is immoral, you shithead. Get that through that thick skull of yours!

>OOP is dead

Do people really do that? Just go on the internet and tell lies?

>Has a job using bloated, but professional IDE being standart in lots of companies.

/g neets shilling.


>my board
Kill yourself immediately you worthless pile of cringe

>Those features are pretty much just syntactic sugar. They don't increase the expressive power of the language.

Spoken by someone who doesn't understand them.