Whats the best peogramming language for a femanon?
Whats the best peogramming language for a femanon?
Other urls found in this thread:
visual basic
I know some C. I'm not OP, but I'm a femanon (: It's actually the only programming language that I kind of know (I gratuated pharmaceutical medicine, so nothing computer related, just a hobby)
Who is that sexy skeleton?
How did you study pharmaceutical medicine? What did you have to do? I want to study that.
There is no best language, if you are seriously and starter then try C and C++
Wew lad, that girl is skin slapped on bones. And look at that gap in her crotch, disgusting
Liberal arts and wimmen studies
MoO moO MoO mOo MOO OOM MMM moO moO
MMM mOo mOo moO MMM mOo MMM moO moO
MOO MOo mOo MoO moO moo mOo mOo moo
I just went to the medicine university..? What do you mean?
Stay mad fatties
Thanks Mr.Skeletal
>tfw thought it was Captain Pizza
Whatever #KodeWithKlossy uses
What's their instagram?
Thank Mrs Skeltal
I do not understand the question, the gender of the person writing software has no significance, thus making this question invalid.
Perhaps you meant to ask whats the best programming language?
In that case it's a very definite "it depends". Every language has pros and cons. The choice of language should depend on the task at hand.
angular.js, the future of all programming
>the gender of the person writing software has no significance
This is what they say they want but obviously not what they want.
>Whats the best peogramming language for a femanon?
Kitchen Markup Language
thanks mr. skeltal
shoo hungry skeletals
I like them skinny but not like that, that's too eagerated.
doot doot
It's good enough for the girl who improved Dolphin's JIT compiler for a few months.
ive seen this on many occasions what is this from?
Post healthy girls
Diabetes isn't healthy
You mean fat girls.
Also we're on fucking g. Go back to v or b with these shitposts.
That's the correct size for a healthy woman
>tfw your wife and her mother are trying to brainwash you into getting a penis reduction
>tfw you are starting to consider it just to stop the bitching
t. american
My freaking sides.
Keeping this btw.
That's obese, m8. Not healthy at all, actually it's better to be skinny than like that.
I would like to know as well, I have no idea.
Be my gf(if you're cute)
>tfw no skeleton gf
>TFW my wife's daughter is forcing me to pay for her college
>TFW i'm actually paying all of it
>tfw she refused to have sex on our wedding night because she felt "betrayed" that I didn't warn her about my "abnormal" genitalia
>tfw I'm just under 7" and I think pretty average thickness.
>tfw the few times we have had sex I was only allowed to put the head in while she kind of twisted on it for 10 seconds, then made me go jerk off in the garage
her mother lives with us, so of course my wife blabbed to her and basically the ultimatum is get the surgery or no sex & the mother will sue my family for mental cruelty
her mom told me flat out that i'm not allowed to get a divorce
>That's the correct size for a healthy woman
no, she's morbidly obese. that's the correct size for a healthy woman:
>tfw no skinny athletic Asian slut gf
>Married before sex
You made your own bed
Damn son.
>tfw your house has shitty plumping and your little sister got pregnant after you flushed your used tissues down the toilet while she was taking a shower
I never said anything, but I know it was my fault. I have a son, but I can never be the father he needs.
you mught have better luck there
Fat fuck, chubby chaser
>losing virginity makes you go after landwhales
>tfw my wife's son got my ex wife's daughter pregnant and I have to pay for the child support.
>tfw you find the Talkboy cassette player you got for Christmas 1993 in your wardrobe, made famous in the blockbuster film "Home Alone 2, Lost in New York", and you use the double speed/half speed function to record your manly voice and play it back at twice the speed so you sound like a girl, and you record yourself having an orgasm and pretending to be a girl getting molested, then use the double speed playback as masturbation material so it sounds like an actual girl getting molested, and you cum over yourself while listening to your female version of yourself masturbating, and then 15 years later your mother calls you up while you're in college and says she found an old cassette under your bed and she played it and has questions to ask for when you get back home
Top jerk
Asians have shit body. Zero curves whatsoever.
>tfw no qt asian gf
If only there were more pictures of her exposing herself in public.
>Skeleton thread
>Complains about no curves
>Skeleton thread
Please teach me where you find pictures of Asian girls in revealing bikinis, senpai. It is one of my favorite things.
Just Google 'a wicked weasel'
would molest/10
Skeleton thread
>Asians have shit body. Zero curves whatsoever.
look at her hips, she's just fat.