Why is Richard Stallman the fucking retard on the stickied post on this board?

It's time to face the facts. Richard Stallman is nothing more than a whining, overly obese autistic manbaby who has not done anything beneficial for the computing OR technology world in the past 20 years. Seriously. Name something that RMS has done after 1995 besides bitching, crying, and moaning about bullshit that does not matter, or making some retarded, incomprehensible speech.

He demands that Linux be called GNU/Linux. That is fucking insane. The only reason GNU, GPL, and FSF are still a THING is because of Linus and the invention of Linux. He saved their sorry asses from being dug into the ground. If anything, it should be Linux/GNU, because without Linus, the GNU, GPL, and FSF would NOT BE A GOD DAMN THING ANYMORE.

Stallman still has the fucking gonads to act like he's superior to everyone else. Saying shit such as "I'm not glad he's dead, but I'm glad he's gone" right after Steve Jobs' death. What a fucking asshole. Stallman has not even programmed a single line of code since 2008, that was AFTER he essentially stopped in 1992.

He should be fucking grateful Linus stepped in to save his ass, and even allowing him to take partial credit for his achievements. If it wasn't for Linus, he would be nothing, he would probably be dead in a Burger King dumpster right now. Not to mention, he's a fucking fraud.

He claims to have written eMacs, but in reality he actually cloned gosmacs (the first eMacs that was made for UNIX). He didn't even write 50% of the code in eMacs.

You might say he wrote GCC and GDB, but the truth is that he initally wrote the C compiler, but now the vast majority for the same compiler is done by contributors.

He's a washed up, morbidly obese man who tries to stay relevant by having these retarded arguments that are similar to those found in the Soviet Union. Face it GNU/Freetards, Richard Stallman is a fat dickhead, and the only reason his name is still in the books is because of Linus. What a fucking faggot.

Because it's what Sup Forums would have wanted at the time the sticky was made.

Now fuck off newfag.

you actually took the time to write this

it's just a meme bro
everybody knows about rms, that's why he's a meme
you don't see any linus around here

Terry Davis is the rightful dude on sticky

are you one of those mudslims invading europe and also demanding sharia law wherever they land?

have a fucking bit of decency and respect the local customs and culture.

>He claims to have written eMacs, but in reality he actually cloned gosmacs (the first eMacs that was made for UNIX). He didn't even write 50% of the code in eMacs.

>implying linus wrote more then 50% of linux

i wonder who takes the time to shill so hard against rms lately

>Linus invented linux
so if i build a paper plane i am the one who invented it?

thats uh, kinda the joke

2 reasons.
You don't like it.
We don't like you.

>He demands that Linux be called GNU/Linux
>If anything, it should be Linux/GNU

tis a sad fate that Sup Forums's mascot is a literal mascot

His speaks only the truth, the only problem is that he's too idealistic to realize people don't want the truth. And he's a fucking mega spaz.

So sure, you can insult the man. And you can even say his ideas don't matter. But all the stuff he bitches about should be bitched about, it's just that he's one of the few who haven't given up when it was time to give up years ago.

Stallman is like those US soldiers who got lost in Viet Nam and kept fighting in the woods way after the conflict ceased. Dude, it's over.

I do not think he is as relevant as he was back in the 1980-1990s but I think he is definitely one of the more valuable contributors to the creation of Linux, Indirectly of course since it would not have existed without GNU.

I think he should chill out for his sake, though. Dude sounds like a fucking maniac. I also think RMS shouldn't see Linus as a prick (and vice versa) since it would most likely have died or be whatever if Linus did not write the Linux kernel.

Both guys are successful and important. Too bad they couldn't work things out, probably at the fault of their huge ass egos.


GCC was pretty fucking great before Linux even arrived. 1987 release date. Even if Linux had not been developed, FreeBSD would still be around and doing well. I remember back in the early to mid 90's, some of the guys with Sun and HP workstations being pretty fucking impressed that GCC could compile all their stuff. Say what you want about Stallman, but he did change the world. For the better in my opinion.

>To: [email protected]
>From: [email protected] (Linus >Benedict Torvalds)
>Subject: Re: Writing an OS - questions !!
>Date: 5 May 92 07:58:17 GMT
>After that is was plain sailing: hairy coding still, but I had some
devices, and debugging was easier. I started using C at this stage, and
it certainly speeds up developement. This is also when I start to get
serious about my megalomaniac ideas to make "a better minix that minix".
I was hoping I'd be able to recompile gcc under linux some day...

The harddisk driver was more of the same: this time the problems with
bad documentation started to crop up. The PC may be the most used
architecture in the world right now, but that doesn't mean the docs are
any better: in fact I haven't seen /any/ book even mentioning the weird
386-387 coupling in an AT etc (Thanks Bruce).

After that, a small filesystem, and voila, you have a minimal unix. Two
months for basic setups, but then only slightly longer until I had a
disk-driver (seriously buggy, but it happened to work on my machine) and
a small filesystem. That was about when I made 0.01 available (late
august-91? Something like that): it wasn't pretty, it had no floppy
driver, and it couldn't do much anything. I don't think anybody ever
compiled that version. But by then I was hooked, and didn't want to
stop until I could chuck out minix.

3) Would new linkers and loaders have to be written before you get a basic
kernel running?

All versions up to about 0.11 were crosscompiled under minix386 - as
were the user programs. I got bash and gcc eventually working under
0.02, and while a race-condition in the buffer-cache code prevented me
from recompiling gcc with itself, I was able to tackle smaller compiles.
0.03 (October?) was able to recompile gcc under itself, and I think
that's the first version that anybody else actually used. Still no
floppies, but most of the basic things worked.

Man, please do not insult our saint. Jesus or Confucius, They didn't write the bible or analects, but they pointed out how their ideological successor should behave and what they should pursue. We know that the idea of rms isn't acceptable in practice, but also understand that it is most morally right thing. I presume that the reason why Linus who you think the actual worker of the society take GPL as the license of his kernel is that he agree with the idea of rms, the freedom.

The number of lines of code he wrote and the last day when he wrote code are not important matter. There are many men like Linus, who can write decent and high-productive code and who agree with the idea of freedom. But there is very few those who can do like rms. If he want, he can write non-free codes and make lots of money. However, he didn't for his entire life until now. So we call him Saint.

Daily reminded he's also parrot fucker and pedophile and calls himself Dr. while he only has honorable doctorates

Did Stallman fuck your gf?

I need more Stallman pics of him in strange places with his laptop.

He's done 's mother


woah, answered in the first sentence. great job OP




Ether Davis or Torvalds, those two are far better for the sticky, not some manchild pedophile


why do you stay every fucking day of your life on Sup Forums posting the same thread every time?

Please post this shit in a /sqt/ from now. Thanks.

The world


"Dr" Richard Stallman is a con artist.

He took advantage of the mentally ill for over 30 years now. He started out by stealing and cloning actual UNIX tools so he could put his name and restrictive license on them as if he had created them himself.
His entire life has been based on the theft of others work and the lies of what he really has done and can do. He acted maliciously to push licenses which benefit him and rob good honest but naive young university students of their time, money and work and future job prospects.

The GPL can be debunked very easily:
If I take GPL code and add my own work to it to make something else I should not have to give my work away for free or be forced to give away my changes. The original GPL code I forked from still exists and all that is missing are my private contributions to it. Anyone else is free to replicate my functionality and give it away for free if they so wish but I should not have to.
Stallmans entire life is based on greed where he forces people to work for free. Not all surprising since he admits to being of Jewish decent.

I don't know. Same reason Pajeet took over WInodws.

Go to bed Linus, you're drunk

He has a Ph.D in physics
educate yourself about FSF

still, physics has nothing to do with pcs

Programming is not hard, any person trained in reading formal definitions can pick up programming concepts easily.

I want this com artist to fuck off from Sup Forums as well. He neber belonged therr in first place. Meme got out of hand.