Sup Forums is dead and finished
Sup Forums is dead and finished
yep. with shill posters and all the real coders gone and replaced with dickheads, you bet.
you're a dickhead
With desktop threads gone and anime being persecuted I barely have any reason to come here anymore.
One of my biggest fears in life is that I will never have sex with an Asian girl.
You're a penis head
Why? If you're white, banging an Asian girl is quite literally the easiest way to get laid. Not if you just sit there in your basement waiting for it happen though, porky.
Desktop threads are gone?
Good riddance.
Yes Sup Forums is now free to just discuss consumer products and be shilled to by xiaomi bots all day long.
Fuck you faggot go to reddit with the other normalfags.
Is that a boy?
It feels like only traps wear collars.
People actually fall for that meme?
Oukitel is much better.
>ever having sex makes you a normie
Even the fattest, ugliest pieces of shit manage to get laid when they actually put the effort in. Being a lazy piece of shit and expecting women to come to you is the only thing between you and the azn pussy of your dreams.
No, only sluts wear collars. All traps are sluts, but not all sluts are traps.
Post more Asian cuties!
Jesus Christ you sound like a fucking football player frat boy. Leave this place.
He does have a point. I'm a damn dirty loli loving weeabo that grew up watching Anime and reading Manga, but I have a cute girl that looks like OP's pic when I had an office job that forced me to dress in nice shirts and actually be outside the house 9-5.
who's this semen demon?
Okay man. Enjoy dying alone and full of regret.
I have no regret and being alone is preferable to me.
You're just a normalfag
I used to think like that, then I got a gf. Having someone to trust and confide in is fucking amazing.
>all these normalfags
Sup Forums really is dead.
9/10 would bareback
here is some terry oc for fellers
>Sup Forums was ever good
>any 4chin board was good - every