Why do people buy HP products? Is it because they're mainstream? Is it because they're poor? (Although, their products are usually overpriced)
Why do people buy HP products? Is it because they're mainstream? Is it because they're poor? (Although...
Probably don't know enough about computers to know better options.
HP business hardware is pretty based.
Because Elitebooks are bretty gud
Pretty much this.
Most HP Laptops aren't too bad, as long as you avoid the few infamous models. Their desktops are overpriced but then again all prebuilts are.
This. A thousand times this.
this. their higher end stuff is good.
hell their lower end stuff is a good value. typically amd A8 or A10 apu's in the 400 dollar range on sale every other week.
if i needed a pc today i'd buy one of these and next paycheck i'd buy a nice gpu on craigslist like the 200 dollar 970 i saw today, along with a cheap hi power psu and bam, you're poorfag gaming buying steam games on the cheap like a boss.
They have a pretty big distribution and well developed scale economy to build their consumer stuff pretty cheaply so most outlets get their stuff.
Hey i got a 6yo HP cheap craptop that works flawlessly even though i'd prefer to have a thinkpad, yeah some really cheap ass models are total shit, elite books and HP servers are pretty good though
hp consumer shit has always been kind of shit
hp business/enterprise shit has always been decent
there's no point buying prebuilt shitboxes unless you're getting a good deal like this
i deploy probooks because they have low maintenance overhead compared to their piece of shit dell counterparts.
I got one.
A10 7800 APU. 8g ram. Itb hd.
399 canuck bucks.
Werks gud.
still 1100 dollars and 980ti prices are plummeting.
i can see how someone would jump on this though.
my point is if i needed something i could work with that i could go get within the next half hour, that hp would be my choice.
actually the dell inspiron's with i5's often sell for 450 which would be an even better choice if cpu mattered that much.
look at the date, this was back in december
oh, well shit then, nevermind. great deal then.
I bought an HP calculator because they're the only calculators on the market with RPN entry mode.
Everything else they make is utter shit tho.
>muh RPN
Are you the autistic faggot who keeps going on about your special snowflake RPN and HP-50G?
They are good for corporate products
I'm not the only one, but yes.
>hp laptops are so bad
>they overheat all the time
>consumer grade
Walmart sell the shit out of HP
people are cheap.
>business grade
Great printers
Server's are not bad...
Probooks and Elitebooks are eh tier.
the desktops are actually bretty good
Support is fair for price point
Reliable brand/Trustworthy years of service/other marketing bullshit that CFOs love.