Are they gonna pull it off Sup Forums?
Are they gonna pull it off Sup Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
>car changes lanes
>car is die
Thats actually a neat fucking idea but considering how shit chink drivers are, it won't take long until someone crashes into this thing while driving under it and killing everyone inside.
>want to turn right
>giant death bus slides between you and the next lane
>miss your exit
yeah that doesn't look safe for the other cars at all
in lots of places around the world buses have protected lanes and whatnot. people have generally figured out the principle of not trying to change lanes into/through a bus.
Clearly fake.
No sane person thinks that is a good idea.
>... mm mm ... I ... I'm ... the sushi ... the union ... thus the idea ... what does the image ... in the ... city to the of the leakage ... yet yet to create a valuable ... I ... I ... I ... I ...
Thats some cyberpunk shit right there
This bus seems to be an exclusively middle/left-lane transport, it doesn't need to pull over due to the lift stations. This means you have plenty of time to move to the right lane before taking your turn. In other words, the cars driving under/through will almost certainly only need to drive straight.
Also, if you actually watched the video, you'll see that it has its own traffic lights underneath and a barrier that it can use to stop traffic before taking a turn, the operator can ensure there are no cars.
this is a retarded idea...hopefully will bring rat chink population down
>linking to the wsj
I want normies to fucking leave, you couldn't even be bothered to archive it.
That's a Thunderbird's-tier future vehicle. Nice!
It's going to lower a bar to prevent traffic from going underneath while it's stopped.
What the fuck is the point?
It's literally going to be one giant roadblock hogging ALL THE LANES.
Kek. Fucking lost it at the transcript
>hurdur my sources are superior
>shills on Sup Forums
Linking to a paywalled source on Sup Forums is pretty shit tier though
Sup Forums
>one car is just slightly out of their lane
>gets side of car completely sheared off
Can't wait. My fellow Americans are fucking awful drivers, but the chinks? The only drivers in the world that are worse than the chinks are the Rooskies and Pajeets.
There's going to be so many collisions if this happens.
No, have you see china traffic?
They have no respect for rules.