>not a single good audio editor for phones

Why is this allowed?

Whay aint you coding one rn OP?

>editing audio on a phone

yolandi is my waifu

who the fuck works on mobile

First startup idea I heard on Sup Forums that's not shit, godspeed op

Why the hell are you allowed as a human being?

Give me one good reason to work on sound design on your phone as opposed to working on your computer?

>people still think Die Antwoord is a good band

Phones are toys.

>tfw phone has a better DAC than your laptop or desktop
I don't see a problem it might be neat

Afrikaans is literally niggerdutch
Het antwoord or Een antwoord
not Die

You are not supposed to be editing audio on a fucking cellphone, you idiot.

Max Normal was much better.

>having to walk all the way over to your desktop to make a ringtone.
Sometimes I just want to trim a little audio without having to use Play Store freeware garbage.

That's a retarded need, if you can't code an editor that fits your needs and if it's something that you REALLY HAVE TO do on your cellphone, perhaps you shouldn't post it in this board.

Maybe you could try on the Stupid Questions Thread or something.

There are audio editors. They're not "freeware". Or if you have a iphone, there is at least one good one.

>not multitracking a studio orchestra on your phone

>current year
>still using music as a ringtone

Because Linux barely can play audio

Honestly having a ringtone at all is greentext worthy
My watch just vibrates

>watchfaggot thinks he isn't worse than people with crawling in my skin or joke "WARNING IT'S THE WIFE" ringtones

Kill yourself.

>implying they are not
>implying they don't make their music exactly how they wish it to sound.
>implying I didn't make this thread cause I wanted to use my phone to cut out a piece of audio from one of the songs on their new mixtaoe

I like them because they are a parody of rap that actually is better than the real thing.I would fuck Yolandi senseless,too.

Its better than the real thing because its original and every song sounds different from every other song with few exceptions

>I would Yolandi senseless, too.

Ma nigga

>beatmaker 2

wtf are you talking about, dude?

If all you're doing is ringtones get Zedge, it's free..

Now fuck off.