Microsoft has actively been trying to defame other companies

Until recently I believed all these microsoft shills are just some troll wannabe Sup Forums kiddies but I was completely Wrong.

Microsoft has been deploying Evangelists to support developers[1] since a long time.

Although a leaked document explicitly mentions that they are not here to support developers, they are here to shill microsoft[2] and undermine [3] other companies.

These are not just trolls. These are professional shills.

Ditch Microsoft products

Don't be fooled my Microshills. They never cared for the users. Their latest strategy is to compete with google for mass surveillance with built in spyware. Data is the most valuable good in the next century and Microsoft is trying really hard to become the monarch.


[2] (page 4,9)

[3] (page 5, 30, 35)

I actually enjoy make mad Linux fags shit posting in their threads AboUT windows, who could imagine I could be making a living from that

Ed bot may very well be a paid shill to defend spyware 10

>these are professional shills
Then they wouldn't have been discovered.

The difference between amateur and professional is a matter of getting paid or not. Paid for your work? Pro. You don't get paid? Amateur.

Do you think there's any successful company in the world that doesn't do this? At the very least Microsoft has actually been pretty decent about it. They refused to hire any congressional lobbies until 2006.. when apple started dominating. Despite stockholders insistence. If youre so anti establishment turn off your internet, unlatch from your mother's teet and live in the woods like a man

>Then they wouldn't have been discovered.
The leaked confidential pdf begs to differ

>anti establishment
What's stopping you from living in N korea? Pretty sure the concept of democracy is absent there

I really wish they would quit following in apple's footsteps.

It's not like a full time job. 500 USD/month extra for shitposting ain't bad though.


You mean 5 rupees

Is that simple? doesn't feel that way.

desu I use Linux exclusively but post tons of threads like that just to watch you guys get angry. I wish I was paid for it, but I guess enjoying your paranoia will have to be enough

>code tag abuse

>new indian ceo
>abandon all pretense of user privacy
>force win10 "upgrade"
>remove any option to cancel from win10 upgrade window
>shill products on forums
>shit on other people's products on forums
>microsoft is now literally a company that shits in the streets of IT

>I actually enjoy make mad Linux fags shit posting in their threads AboUT windows
Prajeet, you need to slow down. Your grasp on the English language is pretty good, but you still need to remember to communicate in complete sentences.


>>microsoft is now literally a company that shits in the streets of IT
And there's nothing designated about their shit.

>Implying that wasnt a obvious false flag

... what if it was a false false flag?

>... what if it was a false false flag?
According to my calculations, it MAY good even DEEPER.


Hi Tom.

>500 USD/month

You either shill for free because you're mad Windows is garbage, or you are ashamed to admit it's actually 500 INR/month.

Check any dictionary

Why are poos so annoying?

LOOOL f'cking hilarouse man this REEtard left his first name in the image xD

The job is a cross between mechanical turk type of data entry and telemarketing, both of which pay like shit and by achieved results.

What kind of "professionals" would you expect people forced to do this demeaning work to be? I mean Pajeets are typical telemarketing and data entry people... If shilling is not all outsourced to Indians, some of it are probably NEETs happy to earn a few bucks so they can relieve their parents a little.

They are "professional" shills because they're paid, as said. They are no "shill ninjas" and it requires no skills to follow instructions and spread copy-pasta.

>that pic
The famous Wolf from Poo Street.

>What if it's aflag?
What if it's a false flag?

Any way I can escape this and keep muh gaymes?


congrats, you're a script kiddie!

hi tom, suck my dick

How is this news
Microsoft's ads have always been about shitting on the competition.

>Sup Forums mods were caught in bed with EVOLVE developers to put up paid threads and stay up for days
>Sup Forums anons left the board in overwhelming marketing efforts by marvel studios where at a point 70 threads were about the same topic and mods were not deleting threads
>Sup Forums has evidence that Microsoft s doing the same
>people still call bs
Even if Jesus came down to earth and showed you that most of the spam threads are paid advertising you guys sill will deny it.
So you are eternal contrarian neckbard,mentally challenged user or teenager if you cant seem to grasp simple reasoning.

>Being this desperate to get dick sucked

>Being triggered