What does Sup Forums like about Windows 10 the most?

What does Sup Forums like about Windows 10 the most?

the fact that is not on my computer

post pape bro?
I found the source but too lazy to scroll through tons of pages on flickr

it's not on my computer

Virtual desktop

New photo viewer works really well and can load RAW files without crashing and shitting the bed like OS X's preview or Windows 7 (unsure if it was added in 8).

The fact that if enough people use it it will satisfy Microsoft's lust for spying and they us non retards alone.




removing it

first post is best post!

>"Win10 is bad" meme

Neck yourself.

fuck off you retarded shill


When will this word be bannable offence or at least filtered? It's lost all meaning here. Just because someone has a different opinion than you, you'll instantly get called a shill.

nobody with a brain thinks Windows 10 is good

It not being installed on my computer

What's wrong with it? Can you do this without using the word "botnet" user or are you too much of a hivemind faggot?

The feature where it sends all my personal information to MS.

Where is that copypasta when I need it...

fire up a sniffer on Win10 if you don't believe it.

The only way I boot up with W10 is if I have unplugged the network cable - There really is no proper foss substitute for Adobe or AutoCAD that can compete, sadly

So long as Halo5 multi-player is great it'll be all worth it

Tried Win10 for an afternoon had a list of features I was looking forward to seeing after checking off 4 it lacked went back to XP. So... where all them Win10 shillers? There are only 2 people that post anything positive to say?

Best reason

You can argue that it doesn't matter to the average user etc. but you can't deny that it pretty much collects everything you do.

At least it's usable now. It was a steaming pile of shit at launch with slow and buggy compositing and glitchy audio drivers that crashed .
>Lack of user control most annoyingly with updates
>Save a screenshot with Snip Tool on Desktop, have to refresh Desktop to see the file.
>Start menu search doesn't work if you disable Cortana
>Start menu is literally less useful than before
>Removes folders I pin as favourites in Explorer

Nothing, I regret upgrading.

I like the look and netflix app. Much better quality than using chrome

- When I first installed practically all my components even my GPU drivers were installed and worked just fine, only needed to get two things off the motherboard manufacturer's website and they were optional
- It lets me play my games.
- Task Manager is better
- The primitive tiling is nice, but could be much much better still.

>I was looking forward to seeing after checking off 4 it lacked went back to XP
Stop being an idiot and at least upgrade to 7.

Someone please find me op's wallpaper I need it

>Start menu search doesn't work if you disable Cortana
>Start menu is literally less useful than before
not true
>Lack of user control most annoyingly with updates
use the enterprise version

i like open software as much as the next Sup Forumsentooman but getting work done on loonigs can be a chore

How it's more like a phone OS than a tablet OS

Upgraded at earliest convenience from 7. Went really smoothly, ripped apart the start menu nonsense and disabled everything that didn't look like win7. I now have OS that looks like Windows 7, but has a cleaner look.

10/10, Microsoft can shit on my dick for all I care, its stable, fast and getting updated. Also new API support is good, considering I'm a faggot that plays video games.

Get a 3rd party oss firewall and block every IP associated with M$ and you're good to go imo

No one asked you to ask our pref. Just use your os and move on.