5 cute facts about maki:

5 cute facts about maki:

- She's a girl!
- She's a tomato!
- I love her!!!!!
- Maki!!!!!!!!!!!

kys cuck

Fucking hate that picture.

I fucked Maki she has been fucked by me.


dumb makiposter

this is my favorite post in the entire history of Sup Forums
i hope I can be that good at posting someday

That's only 4 facts you queer.

1 of them isn't even a fact

One of the facts are missing too (and I love it for that).

they're all facts

>tfw you know the person who originally posted it

please give him my regards & tell him I look forward to more posts like it

I definitely will.

>1 of them isn't even a fact
>She's a girl!

Was it the same guy as the >the botnet wants me to starve poster?

that guy also makes the daisuki threads

そう だ ね

are you the guy who always posts the exact same もちろん line


I wish, I'll never be as ebin a memer as all the cute anime posters on Sup Forums

they really are the best posters in my imo

and these


this thread is shit