God damn aussie cunt

god damn aussie cunt

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What on Earth is all this?

Boring game anyway

I'm glad I didn't fall for this meme
Rhythm games are retarded anyway

ur retarted

pasty white bitch with no rhythm detected

good, this deserves to happen with how shit he and his team treat the community. The guy is basically a nazi.

What the fuck even is this shit?

Fuck off

What the fuck even is this shit?

Fuck off

Look at this fag in the comments:

ok im scared

ive put in 5k hours into osu and i'm going to remove it but how will he still be able to screenhot my monitor and record every key input?

What is this?

I don't give a fuck. Still gonna click the circles

osu! is a fairly popular rhythm game
The developer admittedly takes screenshots of your whole monitor and sends them to their servers (said by himself)
Some players obviously don't accept it

So then don't play it?

Is that really so difficult?

I'm not OP and I don't play it either, I just stumbled upon this thread

My account got restricted the other week. Since I knew I didn't cheat I was trying to find out what triggered it. Peppy doesn't have the time or resources to develop a proper anti-cheat system so instead he just arbitrarily bans/restricts people for triggering certain things.

In my case the only dubious thing I did was go onto the hack forum (theaquila) and have a look at what the hacks do. I most likely had the window open while I was playing triggering my restriction. I emailed them and told this and I was unrestricted within the hour.

So yeah there's no way this guy is making shit up to slander peppy..

They deserve it. The osu community easily the most autistic community I have ever seen. I like to think they are just children but sadly I know they are manchildren

Man fuck Peppy. Never trust an aussy to do anything good

A game you can watch on twitch (although that might require enabling flash and shit).

>The osu community easily the most autistic community I have ever seen
I can believe that, from the type of game it is and the aesthetic its been given

Sage, hide etc.

Such a drama, please.
I dont care, every anti cheay system out there does that since ever.
Now let me go back to my comfy gameplay.

>not superior open-source OPSU!

You all deserved it desu.
