what's the best way to organize your folders?
do you have a master folder for all your memes, or do you have specific meme subfolders? etc etc
what's the best way to organize your folders?
do you have a master folder for all your memes, or do you have specific meme subfolders? etc etc
Other urls found in this thread:
Well its not so hard , don't touch anything , all is already well organized
>inb4 windows
i just dump them all on ~/Downloads/
The Desktop, with recursive folders.
someone should make a neural based meme tagger
I have just saved every reaction image (bout 3.4GB to my desktop. cbf to make folders for shit I'm a busy man.
pure anarchy.
1000 pictures in 3 folders
>1000 pictures
Meh, that's manageable. Once you get to 5000-10000 you need some form of organization or else you're going to be completely fucked. The best way to do it is to start early so it becomes habit to make and label folders.
I may be autistic but at least I'm not a slouch about it.
>Hitting the right arrow key until you find what you need.
It just werks.
you people make me sick.
Media (E:)
Everything within sorted with tags only.
I don't save images from here, never really did.
how big is your folder and can I have it?
You can look for them in the archive desu.
using everything and not organize anything
Nude, Non-nude.
this is my main folder
okay is everything from Sup Forums with subfolders
Per pornstar name, ofcourse
Make your names consistent, either capitalize the first letter or use small caps
no im intentionally doing that
how much GB?
Around 400, is only solo stuff
>how much GB?
very many GB
i have 1.17 tb
I just put everything into a single folder with the intent to organize it later, which I never do and just create a new one when it gets too big
Well, most of my stuff is images and they're archived. Also not all those folders are filled, for instance I have 15GB on Eufrat and around 7 for Riley, but only like 2 for Capri Cavanni :^)
it feels like im showing off my pokemon cards
gifs go to ~/Downloads/images/gif/
pngs and jpgs go to ~/Downloads/images/
webms go to ~/Downloads/webm/
I don't save porn because I'd rather not be a pleb and waste precious drive space for something that can always be found on the net. I'll worry about porn when my internet gets cut or the inevitable nuclear winter comes.
The people with porn stashes are going to be the new kings in the apocalypse
Just kidding it's going to be people with useful skills or some reason to not kill them and take their stuff. In short, be a doctor or dentist if you want to survive. People will let you live and even feed you if you fix them.
>Just kidding it's going to be people with useful skills
nah, just be a slut
oh look its the classic "ERYTHING IS ON THE WEB ON THE GET AND GO"
no it isnt
Actually i think you might be right. both on the porn stashes and the doctor thing. problem is electricity in the apocalypse? is that gonna happen?
Sluts will be property. And god help you if you're ugly.
But a dentist will always be left alive.
>no amy reid
>no ashlynn brooke
>no jenna presley
what are you doing?
>tfw deleted 300gb porn stash. feels good desu. at least if I die the worst thing people will find on my pc is my Sup Forums folder. which isn't bad really. you don't have to worry about always thinking 'what if someone finds it'
>no amy reid
>tfw dropped out of premed to fall for the computer scientist meme
>starting to realize that I don't stand a chance against cheap Indian labor unless I do something managerial or executive or so fucking arcane that Indians don't waste time rote learning it
>gonna be completely useless in the apocalypse unless I learn how to hunt or use a gun
Everything in this folder. So far only 108 images so I can still recognize what is what through thumbnails
>no jenna presley
In separate folder. I forgot to move her folder there.
>deleted 300gb porn stash
>don't have to worry about always thinking 'what if someone finds it'
are you into bestiality or something?
>are you into bestiality or something?
>300gb of porn is normal
Organized poorly. I've tried making folders for my favorite things that worked out better than expected. Even gave a folder it's own custom icon. The annoying part of having folders for things is having to go to that folder all the time when saving. That will probably get easier as I get my shit together.
Using TMSU or Tagsistant obviously, fuckboy.
but everyone knows that every man with a computer watches porn. 300gb is nothing if all your porn isn't like 240p
Just a fraction of the available storage for a normal person.
I have 32GB of it and I feel like it's too much.
Why do your folders look so cute and how do I get this in windows?
you need windows 10
You can customize icons in any Windows
then customize them
Oh I do.
>FL Studio
i dump all of them in one folder but assign keywords
so i type in finder (for example because i don't have autism and don't store reaction pictures)
wojak AND angry OR smug
and filetype = png
and tag = red
and here's my pic
/audio/ - mp3s and such place into folder by first letter of artist name then artist (e.g. /audio/D/Dr. Dre/)
/video/ - folders sorted by tv series, movies at folder base
/software/hardware/ (firmware and drivers)
/software/maintenance/ (anti-virus, cclean, etc.)
/software/media/ (vlc, photoshop, etc)
/software/os/ (OS ISOs)
/software/utilities/ (misc utilities that does not fit any other category)
/backup/ (personal backup)
/temp/ (failing hard drive turned into a temp folder)
>this upset over what someone else uses.
the religious zealots of operating systems.
>Being this assblasted
wew lad
Don't mind me, just posting my folders
C:\Program Files\
C:\Program Files (x86)\
Buttblusted street shitter detected
Time to take the poo to the loo, rajesh
look at me im either using
windows nt (with ntfs)
os x
classic mac os AFAIK
"ls" нe являeтcя внyтpeннeй или внeшнeй
кoмaндoй, иcпoлняeмoй пpoгpaммoй или пaкeтным фaйлoм.
Toм в ycтpoйcтвe C нe имeeт мeтки.
Cepийный нoмep тoмa: 5AB7-2B39
Coдepжимoe пaпки C:\
16.05.2016 00:46 adb
01.05.2016 08:58 AeroGlass
15.05.2016 01:13 BasiliskII
11.05.2016 20:00 1925968 iCab_Pre2.99b_English_68k.sit
22.08.2013 18:22 PerfLogs
24.05.2016 22:26 Program Files
26.05.2016 21:42 Program Files (x86)
11.05.2016 19:59 824704 stuffit_expander_55.bin
29.04.2016 00:25 Users
26.05.2016 21:46 Windows
2 фaйлoв 2750672 бaйт
8 пaпoк 79601041408 бaйт cвoбoднo
wew lad
├── Desktop
│ └── MISC
│ ├── 17.jpg
│ └── w10-update.jpg
├── Documents
├── Downloads
│ ├── VMware-Player-12.1.1-3770994.x86_64.bundle
│ ├── wps-office_10.1.0.5503~a20p2_amd64.deb
│ └── wps-office-fonts_1.0_all.deb
├── Music
├── Pictures
│ ├── 1464099196234.png
│ ├── Screenshot_2016-05-24_11-39-20.png
│ ├── Screenshot_2016-05-24_13-26-33.png
│ ├── screenshot-en wikipedia org 2016-05-24 21-40-47.png
│ └── screenshot-en wikipedia org 2016-05-24 21-43-08.png
├── Public
├── Templates
├── Videos
│ ├── Kazam_screencast_00000.webm
│ └── Kazam_screencast_00001.webm
├── VM_Shared
│ ├── Microsoft Office ProPlus 2013 VL 32 Bit + MS Toolkit Activator 2.4.7
│ │ ├── Instructions.txt
│ │ ├── Microsoft Toolkit copy.exe
│ │ └── Office_ProPlus_2013_VL_32Bit_En-US-Aug2013 copy.iso
│ ├── Minitab.v17.1.0.Cracked
│ │ ├── f4-minitab17-setup.exe
│ └── PowerISO6.exe
└── vmware
└── Windows 7
├── vmware-0.log
├── vmware-1.log
├── vmware.log
├── Windows 7-9d58c14d.vmem
├── Windows 7-9d58c14d.vmss
├── Windows 7.nvram
├── Windows 7-s001.vmdk
├── Windows 7-s002.vmdk
├── Windows 7-s003.vmdk
├── Windows 7-s004.vmdk
├── Windows 7-s005.vmdk
├── Windows 7-s006.vmdk
├── Windows 7.vmdk
├── Windows 7.vmsd
├── Windows 7.vmx
└── Windows 7.vmxf
14 directories, 46 files
How is your NEETbux?
im not a neet. what criteria must one fulfill to be assumed to be neet?
Being miserable
i think most humans are miserable
I just put everything on my desktop
Something like this.
r8 me Sup Forums
>forward slash in file name
I'm triggered. Never tried this in *nix, but it shouldn't be possible, right?
such vanilla pornstars :(
why no hotkinkyjo, raisaxxx, samantha starfish, santara scat, pretty lisa, proxy paige, roxy raye, alisha gapes, sensi pearl, kitkat club, device bondage, torture galaxy, louise hunter, skye blue, honeybee, american tiger, realscatgirls, pissmops, etc?
In the terminal the forward slashes become colons.
If you make a directory with colons in the name in the terminal it seems to make them show up as forward slashes in finder as well.
You can create filenames with colons in them on OS X it seems.
>roxy raye
>device bondage
>torture galaxy
I have videos from these, in a separate folder. TG is some intense shit!
>But a dentist will always be left alive.
lelnope. People in a state of anarchy are too short-sighted to value a dentist.
nah TG isnt all that intense. nosafewordporn, triggerme, unsafebondage, hurtmee, are intense. then you have neverthesame which goes to another level of pain and abuse. 48 hours of non-stop abuse with hammers, fisting, burning, even when passed out they keep going and going and going. the women have no idea how long is left as they have a blindfold on constantly and are woken up with electric shocks if they fall asleep. so good.
Oh, noice :^) Will do some research on those
just a warning, once you start wanking to it you will find it hard to cum watching regular porn again. it gets to the point where if the woman/girl isnt in total agony and truly begging for it to stop you just cant get hard. while i do love true abuse porn it has made wanking more of a challenge. thankfully there is always new and more extreme content. it is also great when they interview the girls a day or two after the session and you see all the bruises and damage.
A fully clothed Rachel Roxxx still does the job for me, even after TG-tier stuff :^) I think I'll be fine
you havent seen a women pass out from having her cervix and peehole stretched with a speculum while her nipples are being hammered onto a rough piece of wood and a toilet brush is stuffed up her ass so hard she is bleeding.
Not really, but I want to see that :^) Light stuff would still work for me. A no-go however is the normie hardcore shit (b/g), that never did and never will work.
Here's my directories listing at the root. I think to have names where typing 2 characters at best would bring me the relevant folder. "apps" was previously "programs" but that interefered with "projects" so I had to rename the former. "docs" and "downloads" is an exception, I don't know how what other names to use.
>using the smiley with a carat nose
Is there a JAV organizer of some sort? Like the one that takes metadata from javlibrary and makes folders automatically and shit by actor/year and tags it properly?
>using the smiley with a carat nose
lol stfu
no u :^)
>using the smiley with a carat nose