13.3 inch E-ink monitor

The chinks keep innovating where shit actually matters. If this is cheap enough, I can see this being very usable even for normies as a second monitor. Resolution is 1600x1200 and refresh rate is user programmable.


>inb4 CEO is "Dong Gong"

Other urls found in this thread:


Trips making nice threads tonight.

4:3 master race.

>Dong Gong

what a great fucking name

To be honest this is the sort of product that Sup Forums would make. Extremely niche yet extremely functional.

>satan shilling for chinks

still, the idea is neat
the real big issue has to be the generally appalling refresh rate
I don't expect to watch Youtube on the thing, but even for editing text, you're going to type faster than the screen.

if it's pretty cheap, it'd be ace

The video actually shows him editing text. It seems usable enough. I wouldn't mind sacrificing some of the image quality/resolution for speed. Hope it has at least a Kindle Voyage tier backlight though.

>Sup Forums
Now I know you're memeing, if it was made by Sup Forums it would have a case made of duplo blocks, 1" of glass in front of the e-ink and would only accept images over rs232 serial.

>Paperlike monitor at $699. Save nearly $300 off the $995 retail price
well, that was expected.

You could probably market this as a productivity device to yuppies with procrastination issues. Only good for text, so you have to focus on your coding/writing. Though personally most of my timewasting is on forums so it wouldn't work for me.

gook shit

I'd buy it for work.

>have to look at two word docs all day long
>at least it's nice like paper.

I can see this being useful in many enterprises where employers only need to type and read all day

This is the biggest meme I've seen yet, wow.

And code. I can imagine using this plugged to either a laptop or workstation and use this for the text input, main monitor (LED preferably) for viewing the output.

Here's how fast it refreshes when typing.

E-ink has actual, real world applications. I imagine paper newspapers will be replaced by updating e-ink slabs in the future.
Go back to your smartphone threads.

>1600x1200 13" monocrome screen
>Literally like 5 frames per second max, with heavy image persistence
>Using e-ink indoors where it's basically the least useful

I'd buy a small (5-6 inch or similar) for my server.

I'm sure a terminal window would look nice on it.

Elaborate on "the refresh raye is programable" what's the max.

Go pick up an old monochrome monitor. It will look better than e-Ink and cost basically nothing.

Have you ever seen a monochrome oled display. I've only seen small ones on portable electronics, but a full size monitor would look gorgeous.

Only green/yellow and black, which looked disgusting. Monochrome CRTs don't have subpixels, so text looks really nice on them. I used one for IRC for a few months before it died.

>USB connection, non-standard
>needs proprietary tools just to set resolution
>not even color e-ink

>scrolling through text
>have to wait seconds until screen refreshes

this name inspires me to buy a little gong and slap it with my dong.

zoz, I know this pain. This is what happened when I flashed gingerbread to my ereader and tried to use it as a tablet

my tablet's 10.5" 2560x1600 OLED screen is better with white text on black background.

newspapers are already being replaced by smartphones with common LCD screens.

I use an ebook reader and like the e-ink display a lot but I don't think it's practical for these kind of things unless they can drastically improve the refresh rates.
I'd be more interested in better color e-ink displays.

This video talks about how displays give people eye strain, but the only thing thats fucking with my eyes are the shitty white-on-white subtitles.

Fucking hell.

This is nothing F.lux, lowering your brightness, turning on a light behind your monitor, etc couldn't fix

$900 so not for a while, no.

No, it's not. You're retarded and should feel bad.

>1/5 of a second


Why the fuck cant people just make high res monochrome lcd's w/o backlight. My first laptop had a screen not unlike the 'new' one op is shilling using lcd technology.

>Why the fuck cant people just make high res monochrome lcd's w/o backlight. My first laptop had a screen not unlike the 'new' one op is shilling using lcd technology.
because if you take off the rose tinted glasses for a moment you'll remember that they're fucking trash

In the 90s? Sure. Major ghosting issues and low visibility outside of direct light.
but you could reasonably build a high-contrast low persistence unlit LCD now that would provide many of the advantages of e-ink (readability, power consumption) with the advantages of traditional displays (refresh rate)

>refresh rate
>it's e-Ink
>implying that a god damned paperback novel has a 'refresh rate'
>stupid fucking people will be the death of us all


Still not fast enough for video, but these ain't you grandad's e-ink displays.

>hur dur chinks can't innovate
>all these innovations to make an eink display usable
Thanks for the thread, Satan.

Satanic ones at that, kudos.

I can't see myself using this monitor, but I'm pumped that eInk is getting pushed forward. It felt like the refresh rate was getting stuck, but these guys are changing the game.

I'm just waiting to be able to buy a $500 note taking tablet that updates fast enough. The Sony one is not quite there yet.

Also I want to be able to read PDFs (academic papers) more easily and without printing. Please save me eInk

I would be incredibly interested in a color e-ink display of a much larger size and resolution. Can you even imagine programming with syntax highlighting on e-ink?


E-Ink laptops where?


These guys already made colored /flexible/ eink screens years ago, but they haven't made it to production.

I'd replace my irc monitor with that in a heartbeat. Hell, I'd want that for reading comics too. Why are all the available electronic paper tablets so tiny? I want more space for more words and better sized comics. Have you ever tried reading textbooks on a kindle or a nook? Shit's too tiny.

>Why are all the available electronic paper tablets so tiny?
Because anything bigger cost more and have more flaws.

this is good if you are prone to dry eyes

what are the power requirements like on eink compared to tft or lcd?
Going to be living off batteries and solar soon, this could be pretty useful to me.

Amazingly low, eink readers with the wifi off can be used for a month with a few hours of use daily

>we will never have 120hz 30bit color e-ink monitors

only for the military spec ones

43 seconds in - "retino-pussy"


Not using PG up and PG down

>eink readers with the wifi off can be used for a month with a few hours of use daily

Last I checked, the ereaders that advertise as rated to last a month on full charge assume only a half-hour of reading per day, which is bullshit because nobody reads for only a half-hour a day then stops. Don't fall for the month-long battery meme, it's misleading.

I'm not the guy you were responding to, BTW.

I'd get this if it was a laptop

and with crippling refresh rate and screen artifacts

good job, Sup Forums

Put this on a lap top and do terminal text editor work the battery will last forever.

Also if you want web go full stallman and only look at stuff your rss script scraped for you.

Those Sharp Memory TFT LCDs seem to be only available in sizes under 4", used mostly by Pebble for their smartwatches.

This is really good

Of course the tech is meh now, but I'm glad they're working on improving on it. Anyone who thinks e-ink is a meme is a goddamned retard.

Nice but 800 is pricey.

You could setup a raspberry pi or something and use it as a mobile computer for work. Assuming you dont work in pictures or video.

They only use power when something on the screen changes

The new Kindle Oasis has a behemoth of a battery in the battery cover, literally lasts a month even with 2-3 hours of use a day.

Same here man, this shit is godsend.

>USB connection, non-standard
>needs proprietary tools just to set resolution
Yeah, what the fuck is this shit?
Can you even use this monitor when you're installing an OS?

I'll be interested when it's with a DisplayPort connector - and maybe $150.
A separate power adapter brick might be alright, but I'd prefer to just have a power cable instead of USB.

Bigger than people claiming javascript isnt good?

Underrated post.

The new generation of meme tech is coming get yours now! 1-800MEME