Thinking about upgrading to Windows 10 from 7 but I have a couple questions:

Thinking about upgrading to Windows 10 from 7 but I have a couple questions:

Is there actual proof that W10 sends data from your machine to MS? If so, exactly what does it send?

Does it really have ads? I know from some months ago there was a bit of controversy because they had a Tomb Raider promo displayed on lock screens. Have they gone any further with pushing advertising?

Do I need to make an MS account if I'm going the upgrade route?

Other urls found in this thread:

>60 billion cum downloads

They're a company that knows its audience.

Serious answer time:
1) Yes. There are several articles on it, there are a couple ways to try to stop it, but it's ultimately benign. It sends 'telemetry', basically search info, location info, version info, crash dump data, system logs, info about installed programs.

2) Yes, kinda. It promotes other Microsoft products (mostly bugging you to try the new version of office). You can turn off adds and suggestions in the start menu and notifications settings. I've never seen adds on the lock screen, but again, the settings are straight forward and seem to do the trick.

3) I would recommend it. The MS account gets you One Drive and its a neat, free, online storage that is very well integrated into the operating system and other MS programs. It also helps if you forget your password you can just reset it from another computer by doing the 'forgot my password' thing on the MS website.

Well it looks like I'll make the change to iOS or Linux soon. (Not OP btw).

All services that are tied to your microsoft account (including windows 10) are subject to their end user license agreement which states, in pretty clear language, that they record everything you do.
Or at least have the legal right to record, store and keep forever anything that touches your windows PC.

Meant for

>Is there actual proof that W10 sends data from your machine to MS?
Yes, somebody examined it with wireshark and confirmed the Microsoft servers on the receiving end. Not to mention you are told upfront that it will be sending data back.

I'm using the last windows PC I'll ever own because of Microsoft's shit OS. Fuck'em.

>Is there actual proof that W10 sends data from your machine to MS?
Read the fucking EULA and terms.

What, you don't want DOS on your phone? Maybe you can uninstall it and install Doom instead.

\r\ that Windows botnet NSA collaboration pasta

>shilling this hard
"Finally, we will access, disclose and preserve personal data, including your content (such as the content of your emails in, or files in private folders on OneDrive), when we have a good faith belief that doing so is necessary to: "

I have a good faith belief that doing so is necessary because I just woke up this morning and I needed someone to laugh at

>it's ultimately benign

stop shaming yourself, dumb linuxshill and do

1. Diagtrack service is responsible for all data being sent to MS. You can disable it.
2. This also can be disabled.


Who are you talking about? I use Windows 10

yea sure m8

That obese gaymer on Youtube called "Nerdgasm" actually has some useful videos on how to block MS from spying on you in Windows 10. He used to be a Microsoft engineer after all.

but I am why won't you believe me

did it take long to shoop that image?

Microsoft is part of NSA's mass surveillance program "PRISM":

Microsoft informs the NSA about bugs before fixing them:

Microsoft openly offeres cloud data to support PRISM:

Microsoft has backdoored its disk encryption:

Windows snoops on the users' files, text input, voice input,
location, contacts, calendar records and web browsing history,
even after related settings are turned off:

Micrcrosoft automatically downloads Windows 10 on PCs running
Windows 7 or Windows 8.1 (between 3.5GB and 6GB), even if
users have not opted-in:

Windows 10 scans for illegal/pirated software:

Microsoft proudly presents surveillance statistics:

> Over 82 billion photos viewed.
> Gamers spent over 4 billion hours playing PC games.
> 44.5 billion minutes/month spent in Microsoft Edge.
> Over 2.5 billion questions asked of Cortana since launch.
> Windows 10 now active on over 200 million devices.

How can you ever trust these people again?

if you use onedrive with encryption, it saves the bitlocker key in onedrive.

i'm not very much into this topic, but read agreement thingie. it literally says "we, microsoft, have right to browse your hard drive and remove evil shit" at one point, and many other lines in similar fashion.

and yeah, you probably need microsoft account. when i tried to use my MSDN AA free windows, i had to "upgrade it" to different version through windows store, and it needed some kind of account. Later i just installed pirated win8.1, works way better and isn't annoying me with pop-ups about upgrades and shit
>haven't used my old laptop in a while
>win8.1 from msdn aa
>turned it on
oh fuck this shit

For anyone that is fed up enough to try something else and has few hours to spare, check out

POO, in the loo

desu dude i think most of the os send data

look at the ads that come in on nearly all systems

i mean i click on google and it tells me i have facebook notifications

take a for instance, i go on different sites and get adverts with similar things to what i've been looking at

you can't get away from the fact that literally everyone is being spied on, that's why i'm always careful about clicking links from this place

no i'm not wearing a tin-foil hat

Meanwhile on gentoo

Might as well ask here. Is it true that the Enterprise edition of Win10 doesn't send data off to Microsoft/Force updates?
If so, can I just crack a copy?

If you turn it off in enterprise i think it is actually off, but at this point, why not dual boot and use windows as a dedicated gaming OS?

Dropbox does the job just as well as One Drive, it's not a defining feature of Windows 10 by any means.

That was the plan essentially, but I may also need windows-only programs down the track with work.

I do this actually. There is a german video on youtube by sempervideo on how to get the whole selection of OS on microsofts website. If you download enterprise lstb n that way and activate it with mstoolkit and then put some gnu/linux distro on another partition you should be set for a few years.

>60 billion cum downloads

that's not what telemetry is...

Thanks Sherlock

>encrypting your cloud drive

its like, why?

It saves the encryption keys of all the stuff you encrypt with bitlocker and sends them to onedrive.

Built-in ad store

How many times has someone given you something good for free? If Windows 10 was any good they wouldn't be trying to install it in you computer no matter whether you want it or not.

isn't bitlocker backdoored though

>Is there actual proof that W10 sends data from your machine to MS?
>Does it really have ads? I know from some months ago there was a bit of controversy because they had a Tomb Raider promo displayed on lock screens. Have they gone any further with pushing advertising?
Yes, they now even preinstall shit like candy crush
>Do I need to make an MS account if I'm going the upgrade route?
No, but they make you think that you do

Is Windows 10 LTSB any better compared to the normal versions?

this is what i am trying to tell you. Other backdoors are hard to find or prove since it is proprietary.

It is the long term support version, so it can be better for most people. It is still shit though.

Just read the damn EULA. They spell it all out in surprising detail. No need to take anyone's word for it at all.