Text Editors

What text editor do you use, Sup Forums?

A magnet with a mutlimeter

Vim. Putting aside any fanboyisms, it's a good skill to learn since it's found pre-installed on pretty much every half decent OS.


Sublime Text 3

GNU Emacs.
The only text editor that is worth using.
It runs pretty much on anything, I even run it on my android tablet using termux.


Emacs, mg for quick edits


FYI it isn't installed in any os, and it's a complete waste of time.

Vim or at least Vi is installed on basically every OS that is not Windows.

Sublime Text with itg.flat theme

I run Emacs as a daemon, I can get a frame instantly whenever I want, and my buffers stay oppened even when I close the frame.
I have a keyboard shortcut that pulls up a Emacs frame for me. Mg only makes sense to use from CLI as root, I had to do this once when I broke my /etc/fstab.


Best of the BEST!?

I stop by the Namdhari to grab some loose leaf paper to write my code for Java script before handing it in to the professor for him to grade

For small notes I use Notepad/TextEdit. For non-IDE coding I use Atom/Sublime Text.

Nano. I used to use Vim. I should really get back into that. It might save me some time when school starts.

>using editor
it's not 1976

this using anything but Windows as desktop is waste of time (or meaningless luxury as in Mac)
and Notepad++ is the only sane option on Windows as editor

>that backpedaling
yeah vi can be occasionally found in the wild, as opposed to vim, still unless you're lowest tier pajeet IT support you'll probably never run into it

Vim for programming.
It's just so damn comfy because you can use tabs or splitscreens, launch shell commands. Also noobs can't into Vim, so you can feel superior to them.

Notepad++ (on Windows) or Geany (on Linux) for short tasks. Notepad++ is also great because you can handle really big files..