Laptop for uni?

I'm looking for a laptop for uni and got an offer to buy a mid 2013 Macbook Air for $420. It has 4 GB RAM, Intel HD Graphics 500, 1,3 GHz i5 CPU and 128 GB SSD.

Is this a good offer? Should I go for it or look for something else?

Also, any suggestions for a good laptop for uni?

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You're doing a subject where you just need to write essays, not something where you'll be rendering/editing/compiling right

If he is doing a lot of writing he should stay away from the MacBook air the keyboard is terrible.

MBA keyboard == MBP keyboard?

A laptop keyboard is never quite as good as a proper one, but what's your problem with this one specifically?
>I like it

Anything with a screen that isn't shitty (case in point: MBA). If you're going down the MacBook road then look for used 15-inch models.

If I suck your dick will you give me a MacBook? lol

I will be studying engineering. Is this a problem?

You are mixing macbook air with macbook

The screen on a Macbook Air is so much better than most other laptops. Do you even know what you're talking about?

Literally any piece of shit laptop will do. If you are doing a liberal arts degree then you need nothing more than a machine that will have a text editor and a web browser.

I work with MacBooks on a daily basis, you nigger. The screen on a MacBook Air is fucking garbage. You don't want to write an essay on that shit. Buy a rMBP or don't buy an Apple laptop.

How about engineering? Will I need something more powerful?

How is it garbage, you nigger? It has better colors and sharper image than almost all other laptops I have ever seen. The resolution is fine too. What exactly is the problem with it?

I know fuck all about engineering, but I'll ask this anyway: is this laptop just for taking notes, facebook etc with a desktop of your own/at uni for other stuff? Or do you want one machine for everything? Do you already know software you'll need to use?

Not even meming, you could get a t420 for a fraction of the price and do some minor upgrades like a cheap ssd and 1600x900 display.

I will have my desktop in my dorm that will be able to handle pretty much anything. Laptop is for everything I can't do in my dorm, like taking notes and some programming probably. I know I will be using some CAD and program in C# but that's it.

just fucking kill yourself. you will save thousands

Applel delusion reaching critical levels

Ideapad100s, it's $200 new, comes with warranty, and offers better battery life than an outdated macbook.

Macbook might offer better performance, but it probably has cum in the keyboard.

Relevant to this: try to find out how many battery cycles the macbook's been through, you don't want something that's exhausted

Not even delusion. I don't own a mac but I think I can judge pretty well after seeing literally thousands of laptops.

Oh yeah, she told me this. 150 cycles. Is that good or bad?

Girls probably don't cum on the keyboard.

Pretty good desu. Go for it

Good, they go to 1000 before Apple considers them done (which even then is like 80/90% capacity, they just decrease faster after that point IIRC)

I just paid $300 for 16GB RAM, i7 (2.8GHz), intel hd 5500...

better connectivity, etc... Dell, not Apple.
If brand matters that much to you, go for it

the air doesn't even have a retina screen you retard

if you want a laptop so you can write stuff on it then get a chromebook with a 1080p IPS panel

It's not like HiDPI is the baseline and only factor that determines quality. The colours are good, the resolution is fine for the screen size

Never said it did. It's a good screen nonetheless.

What model was that? I can't find anything that good for a low price. This Macbook is pretty much the best offer I have found so far.


Honestly, for engineering you're going to end up using the universities computers (they're hooked up to the sensors and shit already)

You just need a joe average computer to write your lab reports.

The most you'll do is some matlab simulation, but you wont be coding a 100000 line ultra precise model, so it'll run on an i3-i5

That's good to hear. Some programming is involved, mainly with C#, will a macbook be a problem? I could boot camp it I guess.

Also, do you think it's a good offer?

bootcamp or parallels would resolve that

I'd get it, sure. at worst you dont like it and sell it for $400
Macs keep their value almost too well

>sell it for $400
Fuck, I hadn't even thought about selling it. Thanks.

Other Macbooks seem to be selling at around $450 around here so it seems like a safe investment.

>girls don't cum on the keyboard
Are you sure?

>Girls probably don't cum on the keyboard.

You ever heard of squirting user? They do, and after that entire hand of hers has been in her vag its going right on that keyboard.

That adds value tbqh

Sometimes grool is thick like cum

yes, r u cute

Hey, you stole my (You)
I bet you haven't even got a macbook

You got any proof for that?

>Laptop for uni

There needs to just be a ban filter to catch these threads.

>1366x768 glossy TN garbage is good because it has APPEL LOGO

Appletardism, not even once.

It's not 1366x768 user

>facts are not real because apel

Appletardism, not even once.

As someone who has used a MacBook Air 13, it is a perfectly fine laptop. The specs are great, flash memory is quick, trackpad and keyboard are amazing, runs xcode, iMovie, CS6, Handbrake easily.

A typical day for using the air is safari with more than 20 tabs open per Window, anime playing on second screen, a chat box on first screen with web browser, and transmission running. I don't get any slowdowns, battery lasts for about 5 hours when I use it like that, when I'm doing light browsing, music and word processing, it will get 10 or so. (Had since 2013)

On a side note, the MagSafe port/charger might be one of the single best things on the laptop.

It's also very light, good build quality, the aluminium feels nice in hand.

The throttling meme is either just a meme, and isolated case, or just completely fake.
>inb4 "works ok my machine :^)"

If he's getting the 13 inch it's 1440x900, if it's the 11 inch, then yes you're right, but on an 11 inch display, that's a non issue for non spergs


Appletards are legitimate brain dead gullible morons holy shit.

I have an MBA. It's incredibly portable and the keyboard is okay.
It will get extremely hot if it's doing anything at all, and there is nothing you can do about that. This is the one thing that will be more important than the others.
The screen isn't terribly impressive (it is impressively bright), but it'll be better than most shitbox screens I've seen.
The battery will last forever (9-12 hours) when doing nothing but using Pages and Safari and idling a lot, but will die in like 4 hours if doing anything actually intensive. Windows in Bootcamp has miserable battery life, like 2-5 hours.
Magsafe kind of sucks -- it's nice that tripping on the machine won't pull it down, but the cable likes to fall out when you move your machine after a while

Otherwise, it's light as fuck and does the job. CPU's decent enough to do minor heavy lifting but don't use it as like a main 3D render station or anything. You will probably want more space.
at $420, it's not terrible at all

although when it comes down to it, a laptop for college generally just needs to go on the internet and take notes and you could probably get a $250 chromebook or whatever
and quite frankly, other than a literal netbook tier machine with 2GB RAM and a 1GHz Atom, power isn't much of an issue with anything you get made in the last 5 years unless you're going to be compiling gigantic projects or major video editing or raytracing or anything

Not the one you replied to but show me ONE pc laptop with equal build quality and trackpad etc in the same price range and I will believe you.

certified troll you are

>Windows in Bootcamp has miserable battery life, like 2-5 hours.

Fuck, is this true? I was kinda planning on doing that. Any way around it?

What do you need windows for?

>build quality

Nice meme.

>trackpad impossible to click near upper edge
>extremely loose near bottom edge
>overall flimsy diving board piece of shit
>even applel themselves has admitted it's utter shit now and has trashed the design to go back to copying 90's era laptops with solid non-click touchpads
>still has no real buttons
>relies on pressure sensitive gimmick bullshit
>if you press too lightly or too hard it does something completely different than what you intended
>ultra shit tier zero travel chiclet keyboard
>OSX is a steaming pile of shit with horrendous battery management
>applel's solution is to cram in a massive heavy 95WHr battery to make up for it
>even XXXTREME GAMER cancer like razer blade with 4X the CPU/GPU power and 70WHr battery matches it in battery life in same tasks
>gets BTFO by 55WHr Yoga 2 in battery life in same tasks
>the battery takes up the space where a cooling system would've been in a laptop not designed by the world's thinnest and lightest gay hipsters
>overheats at the slightest task because abysmal crippled cooling system
>throttles to 800mhz because of chronic overheating problems
>retina meme supposedly for "pros" have have blurry as shit retina meme scaling

>macshit is good
Can we finally put an end to this meme?

Might need it for C# coding and maybe something more.

You have never used one of the new touch pads, or have some kind of disability. You can even adjust how hard you have to push if you're unhappy. We're truly living in the future.

Is there not a cross platform IDE you use? Ask /dpg/ they might be able to point a better one to you. What else would you need?

I've ran win 7 in virtualbox and it's worked pretty well, I give it two cores and 2gb of ram. Not sure if that helps but I never used bootcamp


I could use Mono, I believe, but I don'y know until I start. Might need some CAD programs but I think I could run them on OSX.

What's /dpg/? Google is not telling me.

Virtualbox could be a good idea.

definitely cop


That didn't really help. What is it?

Shit it's I forgot they dropped the general and switched to thread a while back

Ah, thanks. I'll ask there. Funny I've been here a while and I'm into programming but I've never seen one of those threads.

>17 hours actual usage

Is there any reason to buy anything else?

A new laptop with an i5-6200U ( decent processor ) and 8 gb of ram and other goodies would cost you around 600 usd, and that laptop would be enough.
You also get Intel hd 520 with i5-6200U, but usually from what I've seen 80% of laptops in that price range include dedicated gpu so it's even better.


Surface. Super portable, decent battery life and pretty decent performance. The pen is ok, a bit of a gimmick but still useful. It does get toasty under load though.

Either the cheap one, or the Pro. You can get a used Pro 3 with the keyboard for cheap if you get lucky. People are selling them because they either get work laptop, or they switch to macs. Or cus they're stupid.

If you're a student, you might be able to take advantage of any student deals MS may be having on their store front. I did this, and I managed to get an i5 SP3 with the keyboard for around AU$1100, which is about a $500 saving.

>ideapad 100s
>every review commends it on having a good keyboard
>specs great for web browsing and typing up documents
>costs one tenth the amount of the macbook air
>even more portable than a macbook

Based Lenovo.

I have the lenovo y580 and I must say it's a piece of shit. Keyboard doesn't work, replaced it and it stopped working again.

>apple shills at it again

JUMP ON THAT SHIT OP. you will get 12h+ battery life on that thing. not to mention it still runs OSX like a champ. great build quality and awesome trackpad as well

even if the battery was diminished replacing the battery on a MBA is trivial and you can get OEM batteries from Amazon for like $70

>retarded rear battery butt
>heavy as fuck with the added battery
>doesn't have a PCIe SSD
>installs persistent chinese malware through the bios

Lenovo, even once

You're retarded. It's a sub HD the panel. It's shit.

Toshiba Chromebook 2

But that comes with a 1080p ips display

If you don't buy that, forward the seller information on to me.

*Tn panel

the fat battery itself is almost as heavy as the fucking macbook air

Depending on what kind of engineering (electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, constructional engineering, etc), you're going to spend a lot of time in either simulation software, various cad programs or stuff like Matlab. Either way, you want something with some actual processing power. I have a 15" acer which is quite powerful (but heavy) as well as a 11" macbook air. The Mac isn't all bad but I definitely don't prefer it for uni work. Compiling or simulating anything takes literally 4 times as long and it's annoying as fuck. I'm in applied math, not engineering, but I don't imagine it to be that different of a use case.
If you just want to use Facebook and look cool, get the Mac though.

Yeah but that's better than having the battery inside so there's no airflow and lots of throttling