Commodore Amiga edition
Music made on Commodore Amiga
Commodore Amiga edition
Music made on Commodore Amiga
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>Music made on Commodore Amiga
What do you think about Vampire?
Skip to 9:29 and the guy's fit daughter comes in to bring him some cookies.
Wew lad
Man, fuck retro Amiga fans
If they really wanted Amiga to live they could ported Workbench to RaspberryPi and anyone could use it, but nooo, they are special snowflakes, so you have to use 200€ fpga to do same thing that UAE does.
Amiga is Hardware dude, Amiga fan's don't even care that much about Workbench. My brother is a Amiga nut sicne the 80's, trust me.
it was all shit the entire time
Only good thing about amiga is finding one in a garbage dump and putting it online and making massive bank on some retarded luddite in his early 30s, amigas are hilarious in that there's so very little of the fanbase that doesn't spout "muh original hardware" and amiga emulators are almost a paradox in that the target audience is invariably too autistic to let it into their lives. Enter you, finding one at a dump or thrift store and putting it online, so an amigafag can save up for 4-5 months without eating and pay full price.
That's exactly like every techie, be it an Nvidiot or an Apple fag or Nintendiot. Also, do you better play any game on original hardware or emulator? Unless you have no nostalgic connection to it you always go for the real thing.
I even have some old consoles I never owned as a kid but find great to play on real hardware then playing it on a emulator.
Also you must be from the US, because in EU they are very common and dirt cheap. Only rare things like limited acceleration cards are pricey.
You can emulate the entire thing on a portable laptop or phone and have it anywhere along with not having to worry about physical media or 40 year old hard drive space and have 4,000 games in one bag. Also missing out on any superior graphics the emulator can offer. Every single time we have this discussion it's always
>muh original hardware just "feels" better
with no specific reason why to just act as a cop out.
Few weeks ago some guy on youtube has this new video about how they've "just now" found a super hacky way to get anti-aliasing on an original N64 with a gameshark that you can't find anymore. Meanwhile in 2004 I'm emulating at 2-3 times the "muh original" res of what the 64 did.
Will have to schedule a trip over there and import shiploads of it to sell it back to hipsters here. I don't think the ironic movement has caught on as much in europe or if it does they're not willing to drop this kind of cash on it. Bonus points because it's not just nostalgic bs, it's "imported" nostalgic bs
jesus fuck why are you so bitter
humans aren't machines, sometimes we like nice things for reasons other than pure function, or are interested in old technology to appreciate it or experience it moreso than just run some old shit games we only like because we were kids when they were out
There is an AROS port for the RPi famalam
does anyone here know what a hipster is anymore?
hipsters don't do shit because it's weird, hipsters do shit because it's trendy, and emphasize on weird trends
the only old tech that's even vaguely trendy are shitty consoles, nobody could afford a computer back then
>making up dumb excuses for your irrational behavior
It's like you also buy Apple products and are a god loving christian
No. Hipsters are the exact opposite of what you've just said.
t. hipster
>hip·ster /ˈhipstər/
> 1. a person who follows the latest trends and fashions, especially those regarded as being outside the cultural mainstream.
>needing a forged "dictionary definition" by some cucked shill
How pleb can you be?
A hipster would never call themselves a hipster
t. not a fucking hipster goddammit
the N64 has hardware antialiasing, it's more akin to FXAA though, not true AA
it's why N64 games look so blurry/soft
more effort has been put into avoiding the N64's hardware AA than adding AA
Still in diapers admittedly. Haven't tried either but theres some info about various experimental builds on this facebotnet group www(thisisnotsp@m)facebook(youchinkmootfuck)com
Not calling yourself a hipster is too mainstream already. The hip thing right now is to call yourself a hipster- oops I've exposed my secret, time to find a new patrician niche for myself
>uses the mainstream terveisin meme
>uses the mainstream cuck meme
>uses the mainstream shill meme
>uses the mainstream greentext meme
what kind of shitty hipster are you????
That's intentional use of low language speak so you mortals can even comprehend a god like me
Can I run Linux on one?
>implying me saying I wasn't a hipster wasn't a post meta-ironic hint that I was in fact calling myself a hipster
>implying I wasn't calling myself a hipster as a post-post-ironic metaphor for calling myself a hipster by not calling myself a hipster
>He cant install gnu/linux on a dead badger
>16 hours to install
*ahem* Amiga thread.
Because you've been given the rare, rare chance to take your old game and make it about 30-40 times better with all the power your computer that you already have, all for free, and you can have it on whatever hardware platform and whatever OS you want and you're doing a massive amount of mental gymnastics to avoid the last 10-15 years of emulator progress. Emulators aren't "accurate" to the original hardware because the original hardware is and was shit. Same thing for original controllers, but you can always find a way to get one to work if you want the "feel". Honestly I think what "feel" means is "it has to be shit"
You're doing all this work now to get, what, 1 or 2x anti-aliasing off or on, on a 320x200 CRT. And you have to have a gameshark, lucky if you had one the whole time but they're price inflated now. Versus, for free, having 8x AA on 1920x1080 or whatever res you want, the power requirement is so low you can easily do 4K or 5760 x 1080. It's also legal if you own the cartridge, if you're going to bring that up.
A hipster is anyone who doesn't do or use something popular just on the basis that it's popular. The reason why people do this for video games is because they hang on too deeply to their nostalgia, and can't ever actually let themselves have the game again and re-experience it to finally see how shit it was, as this would mean they would have to admit their nostalgia was a lie. If you're looking why relatively smart people are anti-emulator, that's why.
did you grow up on steam or something?
Junglist Massive!
>newfags don't know shit
>m-muh big numbers
who cares, play a game for the game, not how shiny it is
messing with the hardware and exploring new tech is way more fun than squandering modern hardware on some shit kiddo platformer anyway
>A hipster is anyone who doesn't do or use something popular just on the basis that it's popular.
why do you bitter whiners always act like people who enjoy playing with old tech only have and use old tech and are irrationally averted to new technology on the basis of popularity
I'm starting to feel you're projecting your whiny hipsterism on us, not the other way around, Justin.
there used to be a ported version of OctaMED, called med sound studio but the dude who was running the project is in poor health and took it down for good. RIP octamed. I wish I bought it while i could. Do you know any other amiga tracker ports that can be used with minimal work?
I crossed upon this today
What is it? Blog about it.
Looks like one of those cute little diskless meme machines some companies seemed to have been trying to push around that era.
Actuallty is a functional 80286 from 1989 with little to no info on the net about it, Carry-I is the brand and I guess they where clones
1 X1.44M FDD
I love tracker music. I run Renoise now and always love to see this amiga stuff (am 20)
pic is renoise, a modern tracker
Pretty nice little box, weird that it supports MCGA, I thought nobody ever bothered with that other than IBM themselves.
That seems a little big (and the box a little small) for those kinds of specs in 1989, if you ever open it up, check the date codes on the chips, they're usually four-letter year/week or week/year strings like "8923" (for week 23 1989)
nostalgia retroactively lies to you and makes you think that your old games looked this good - Emulators can actually make it happen. Was at a friend's house who is occasionally old/shitty tech horny and he had his old N64 out, on an old crt type monitor that /vr/ and these sorts of threads furiously circlejerk over. Took me few moments of focusing to see what game he was playing and if I hadn't specifically played through it many times, I would have thought it was some secret part of the game I somehow never found out about. It was just that shitty with the scanlines and absurdly low QVGA res and no texture filtering, it was all so morbidly bad that I couldn't even recognize it.
so you're blind AND butthurt? cool
who gives a shit about graphics
Over the past 13 years or so I've always been curious as to why smart people are anti-emulator and the pattern has always repeated itself: "feelings", then "fuck you".
Non-smart answers include things like
>It's illegal
>It costs money
just sort of made up stuff, means they usually haven't even tried it at all.
Relatively smart answers are always something along the line of meaning they have at least tried both, like
>It just doesn't *feel* the same
Every single time I have aways asked what the "feel" is. Anything, even the most pointless answer or detail will do. There is never an answer given and at that point the conversation is over because I'm called an asshole of some sort for generic cop outs like "you aren't letting anyone else like anything differently", ie not letting them like the "feel", even though nobody in history has ever explained what this "feel" is.
The true answer and reason is what I said back here
anti-emulator people are a dime a dozen. Pattern is always
>Why not use an emulator, for (1001 features here)
>No, Original hardware is better
>muh feelings
>fuck you asshole
if it makes you feel any better I'm basically permanently banned from /vr/
Why the hell does anybody have to explain themselves to you?
If you prefer Emulators then good for you, go use them. I personally like having the hardware around.
Did the anti-emulator crowd gang up on you and force you to eat bowls upon bowls of your favorite cereal that they pissed and shit in this morning, or is there another reason why you just came to this thread to bitch about them? Also, a couple friends and I still pull out various old hardware that we have around from when we were younger to play multiplayer games because it's easier than setting up a machine dedicated to do so that can take the original controllers when we don't do it that often.
I collect old hardware, what do you collect? Emulators?
I play emulators on CRT, are you stupid?
They ain't anti emulator, people like to use original hardware over emulators when it's possible.
Did you code a proprietary port of an emulator and nobody bought it and now you're pissy?
don't you run gem on that?
I used to.
ITT: 16 year old talk about retro tech
>I've always been curious as to why smart people are anti-emulator
where are you even getting this from, I never said I was anti-emulator ever
what's even wrong with this, are you saying humans can't have emotions, sentiment, interests in something beyond its sheer utility to accomplish what is ultimately a very trivial goal? they must only use the biggest numbers because bigger numbers = better?
if you're trying to be ultra-rational here, neither emulators or hardware are a good choice because in the end having a computer in your home is an expensive, wasteful luxury that accomplishes nothing you can't already do by hand
>Every single time I have aways asked what the "feel" is. Anything, even the most pointless answer or detail will do. There is never an answer given
people define it to you all the time but you never listen to it because the only reason you post this shit is to get attention
>The true answer and reason is what I said back here
you just said you don't know the answer in the previous quote
hence why you're asking us
>if it makes you feel any better I'm basically permanently banned from /vr/
that explains why you get so butthurt when vaguely related threads appear on Sup Forums
it should make you feel better to know that there are no mods here and you're actually more likely to be permabanned for not shitposting
I think he's the stupid tripshit from the old /retro/ generals that shitposted a little too hard and got blown the fuck out for it, now he cries every time he sees someone participating in this "circlejerk" (he feels really excluded and sad for some reason even though the only reason he gets shit on his because his posts are bitter, whiny garbage)
have you ever gone into a "what was your first computer?" thread
even people on Sup Forums who were alive when these machines were new don't know shit about them
Great pic dude.
Yeah people who didn't use them.
I can tell you all about my hardware I used for the past 20 years. I can't tell you about things I didn't.
talking about the ones that did
Well, those people also don't belong in a retro thread?
It's like going fishing because you eat fish and when you're there you only annoy the other fisherman.
the fuck are you even on about
either way, it doesn't really matter how old you are, old pieces of tech are just objects like anything else, they don't lose their magical ability to be used and learned from just because they're old, and there's plenty of documentation out there for you to learn how it works and how to use it, and plenty of archived articles and people out there to pass on the context and anecdotal component
>the fuck are you even on about
I'm saying, people who don't care about old tech don't belong in a retro thread, is that too hard to understand?
oh, I thought you were shitting on the actual discussion ITT for some reason, carry on
It will be an awesome piece on my wall in 20 years.
>amicuck needs a separate module for midi i/o
atari 1 - ami 0
>amicucks have superior graphics and chipset
atari 1 - ami 1
FS-UAE is all you need
2 hour video made in 1982 on how to use the Commodore 64
>they're both still shit compared to a real 68k workstation
atari 0 - ami 0
>tfw amigas where used well into the late 90's as graphic and video editing stations.
atari 0 - ami 99999999
>pic related, the face
>tfw they were still pieces of gimped shit for small businesses and Europeans that couldn't afford an SGI or a Mac
atari 0 - ami (-999999999)
>Implying Mac's and SGCS did video editing in the late 80's and early 90's.
You done goofed
SGIs were built for that shit you mong, especially in the early '90s, that was practically their golden age.
Far after Amigas had been used for editing and CGI (They where the first computers used for that). Look that shit up, SGI just came and took the market with special high price hardware targeted at businesses, while the Amiga could do the same being a home computer. You can't deny that.
is that homer simpson?
Google "z rider"
No way. Amiga graphics were very impressive in the amateur/small business arena but they were never the best, professionals who could afford it were using custom or very niche solutions usually based on high-end workstation platforms from the likes of Sun, Apollo, and later SGI and Macintosh systems for editing work (or they just did it by hand), and those same types of systems also usually handled CGI while the final rendering was handled on big iron, not some weak-ass home computer with a six year old processor.
Macintosh never did CGI dude
they used toasters and amiga just was one of many platforms with toasters
A little penantic, but no, mostly just editing and anything else 2D, they were pretty lackluster for 3D beyond basic CAD.
Pedantic, phone keyboards are trash.
>they don't lose their magical ability to be used
Sure they do! When the hardware dies.
you can still take pictures of it and jerk off in these threads though
You call them excuses, but in reality it's just human behavior that you find objectionable because your autistic brain insists on robotic rationality. That trait may work to your advantage in many ways, but most humans like their irrational shit because it's primarily the irrational that produces meaning and joy in their life.
I pity the fool that doesn't derive pleasure from utility and rationality.
In fairness; emulators are shitty for anything with 3D graphics. The N64 emulators still have graphical errors and/or run like shit as do the Gamecube/Wii emulators.
The 'feel' doesn't really have anything to do with it; but anyone who has played an original copy of the game on official hardware will notice these errors and be put off.
my first own computer, I bought it back in 1991, sits in a box in the attic ever since I got my first 486 second hand... I think the last time I set it up was 14 years ago when I used it for retro gaming with some friends.
good times though, it was a very comfortable and affordable system for its time. too bad I mostly used it for gaming and writing essays for school. I guess the thing I got out of it was that it taught me rudimentary sysadmin skills.