whats your upgrade history?
i'm looking at getting a poolaris card later on
Whats your upgrade history?
waiting for the gtx670 equivalent for the 1080 generation of cards.
I cant justify wasting my money like that
*like you, actually
Polaris 10
1070 probably your best bet.
Depending on your budget and the performance gap, we'll see in coming weeks which is more bang/buck.
Buying my first gpu because I'm 19 and poor
I'm still waiting for Polaris lel
i made money on the 670, bought it second hand for 250, used it for a week and then flipped it for 300.
What $200 card should one buy in the near future? My HD 5770 broke a month ago. Don't do much gayming but some 3d work.
5200FX => 8800GT => 670GTX
I'm wondering if a new card would make my Adobe Premiere run better.
Nice user.
I'm waiting for Polaris, does any one know what the price points or range will be? I need to stash money from my wife.
why would you stop being a nvidicuck?
FX 5500
7300 GS
9800 GTX+
GTX 260
Waiting for 1080ti and/or the second gen VR systems before upgrading
>first card in 2009
What's your age?
I've owned too many gpus to list. Voodoo, GeForce 1-4, ATI rage, you name it I've probably owned it. Nothing will ever beat the performance gain though of going to an ATi all in wonder 9700. Was the first 256mb vram card and it was amazing
Gtx 760 can't even remember previous, prolly biting the 1070 maybe sli
2009: HD 4870
2013: HD 7850
June 2014: R9 280X
December 2014: GTX 980
July 2015: GTX 980 Ti
October 2015: GTX 780
Will be getting an R9 480X when they arrive.
30. I was a consolebabby into my early 20s.
Not a gaming graphic card. And not Nvidia.
AMD has a lot of render power
fx5500 -> hd4650 agp -> r9 270 -> 960
I'm waiting to see what AMD pulls out with Polaris, but as it stands, probably going to get a GTX 1080 in the mean time. Can always offload it for the next R9 490X or what ever it is.
GeForce4 Ti 4200
Geforce 6600 GT
GTX 550 Ti
GTX 970
Upgrading when i see something that is worth my while. Still playing at 1280x1024 resolution on a 1080p monitor, i miss my CRT.
>He bought a 780 in 2015
>Not waiting for pascal
>got cucked by the 3.5 meme and wants to buy nvidia again
cuck and a retard
>""""upgraded"""" from a 290x to a 980
hows that 0% performance upgrade doing you retard
>December 2014: GTX 980
>July 2015: GTX 980 Ti
>October 2015: GTX 780
the fuck is this shit
these threads are fucking enraging
bought the card a month after release. didint know about the 3.5+0.5.
A great example of why you should have fucking waited like we said
>like we said
Didint ask Sup Forums's opinion because this place is full of cancerous faggots like you.
So are you, faggot
reminder that intense brand loyalty is a sure sign of autism
I see thats why you bought a meme card like that and got cucked. Cant wait for your shit card to get gimped when the 1070 is launched.
>6600GT, first card. Great overall starter card.
>7800GT, first upgrade in my first build. Decent, played a lot of stuff I had issues with on my 6600.
>8800GT, first card in my second build. Lasted a long ass time until the fans gave out on it.
>Radeon HD 6850, first card in my third build. Was OK, but had issues with 1440p when I upgraded my monitor back in 2012.
>GTX 570, second card in my third build. Lasted me a long ass card, and was my longest serving card. Honestly still could have played most of what is coming out today on medium-high.
>GTX 970: First card in my fourth build and replaced quickly, but was a decent card for the time I had it. Originally wanted a 980 Ti, but budget was limited at the time.
>GTX 980 Ti: Second card of my fourth build. Great card, but I sold it the day the 1080 was announced to get the most amount of profit.
Next card is going to be the GTX 1080, and I honestly am done for awhile. I am tired of upgrading cards.
>gets cucked by the 970
>still buys nvidia
get cancer
>your shit card to get gimped when the 1070 is launched
Unlike you, i do not NEED to update my drivers because i dont play modern games since those are for babies anyway. Reflex is the newest game on my pc.
get a tripcode nvidia shill so i can filter you
same desu
>i don't care if nvidia actively gimps my card i don't play modern games anyways
retards like you are why shit companies like nvidia stay in business
>8800 GTX
First time I had money for a real PC. Kept it for a long time then I upgraded to a new PC when I got a real job:
>GTX 460 SLi
>Upgraded to GTX 660
Then I changed job and started getting paid much better so I built a new PC with a GTX 770, giving the older PC to my husband.
Then I got promoted and I'm now paid enough to afford a brand new top of the line PC every month so we got my husband a new PC with a SLi of GTX 980Ti. We sold the PC with the 660.
Replacing the GTX 770 in my PC with a GTX 1080 soon. Maybe a SLi, depending on how a single card performs in 4k. I'm also getting a new gaymen laptop with that fancy thunderbolt 3 thing so we can reuse the GTX 1080 for it when we upgrade to a GTX 1080 Ti.
>nvidia cuck and a faggot
its not like i upgrade every fucking generation. when i see a card that interests me, i'll buy it. doesnt matter what company makes it.
1999 - NeoMagic MagicMedia 256AV
2004 - AX800 Pro
2014 - R9 280
Every single card you had was nvidia so keep living in denial nvidiot
because AMD pukes out rebrands.
triggered autist detected
what is the 700, 500, 9000 series then?
back to Sup Forums nvidia shill
gtx 200 series is full of rebrands too
What is HD 7000, r9 200, r9 300? see the pattern? 3 times in a row? this is why. notice the timegap in my gpus?
the 7000 series were new cards dumbass
9000 and gtx 200 series much?
>b-but its ok when nvidia does it
you're a fucking fanboy/shill just admit it
i didint say it was okay. once again
>GeForce4 Ti 4200
>Geforce 6600 GT
>GTX 550 Ti
>GTX 970
Notice a time gap in the gpus? I picked what was actually the best for ME at the time.
yet r9 390x > 980, 390 > 970, 380 > 960, 370 > 950
ATI Raedeon 9500
Nvidia 6600 GT
Nvidia 8800 GTX
Sapphire 5970 - Custom fans installed. Overclocked the heck out of. Died, put stock cooler on and since it was under warranty got replacements below.
2x HIS 6950 IceQX Turbo
MSI Golden Edition 970
Thats what I remember anyway.
>buying fermi
>buying a cuck card
How are those good for anyone?
Gt 8800
Gtx 590
I still have a radeon 7850 lmao
why the fuck do you guys buy new cards every two years? You guys are just wasting money
it was like 60 euros and i needed a fast upgrade. was the best purchase ever. well if i see amd bringing something good up in the future i might consider them, but for now im sticking to what i got.
Radeon 9200>Nvidia 9800M GT>EVGA 560ti>Gigabyte 970 g1
well most people posting here bought 970s so they are cucks
I still have my first GPU, a gts 450
EVGA 9600GSO 512mb
EVGA 560ti 2GB
EVGA 750ti 2GB
ASUS Ref. 980 4GB
6870 CF
6950 CF w/ 6970 BIOS
GTX 770
why cant you fags just stay on Sup Forums
gtx 480, gtx 590, gtx 680, gtx 780, gtx 780 ti, gtx 980, gtx 980 ti, gtx 980 ti sli.
Grow up crybaby.
>this much nvidia gpus
>starts with the 480 housefire
seriously go back to Sup Forums underage child
Reminder Poolelris will be DOA.
>i like eating shit and fuck you if you criticize me for it
ftfy nvidiacuck
you belong on Sup Forums
Why does AMD have indians working for them? Are AMD's new cards going to be poo in the loo?
Back to Sup Forums where you belong newfag
Woah, what a upgrade history, kiddo!
If you didnt start your computer hobby before PC clones, nobody literally gives a shit what little gadget you bough with your first salary yesterday.
>mfw rebrands still beat Nvidia competition when Gimpworks isn't involved.
Sadly Sup Forums doesnt interest me.
We dont care go back
Maybe you should go.
First GPU was EVGA GTX 650, I accidentally short circuited it like a retard 5 months after getting it.
Second GPU was Sapphire HD 7870 then two years after I got a Palit Reference GTX 970.
Whenever I move to 1440p I may get a used GTX 980ti.
voodoo 3 i think
geforce 2
geforce 4
geforce 6
geforce 8800 ultra *died
hd 4870X2
another 4870x2
heat stroke and hearing loss
geforce 580
geforce 980ti
unintentionally an nvidia shill i guess
>Buying a used nvidia card after what happened to thbe 700 series
The 900 series is going to get gimped to make way for pascal just watch.
Fuck, you're right :O
And that's it
>tfw despite being an AMDrone, will always consider the nVidia 8800 series to be the GOAT video card generation
Too many memories of 2006/07.
History starts 2009 for OP? Oh gosh.
Let's see..
Prior to 97 it was mostly integrated cards, Cirrus Logic and the likes. Maybe a Matrox or two thrown in there, possibly some ATI Mach / Rage cards.
After that:
- Intel 3D Express
- GeForce 256 (SDR memory version, couldn't afford the DDR version back then)
- GeForce 2 something
- GeForce 4 series (I believe it was either a 4400 or a 4600)
- GeForce 6600
- GeForce 8800 GT
- Then onto the ATI camp, either an X700 or X800, not sure
- ATI HD4850
- HD6850
- HD6970
And my current card, the GTX 960.
>geforce 9800 gt 512mb
>msi 7850 2gb TwinFrozr
>Sapphire 390 nitro 8GB
fuckin exponential upgrades.
Isn't Pascal a die shrink?
>tfw GTX 770, no new AAA titles I really want to play, thus no motivation to upgrade
Feels alright man
>you should have fucking waited like we said
Don't make me laugh, faggot. When the 9[78]0 first came out, Sup Forums jumped on that shit like crazy. It was all like "why haven't you ordered your 970 yet??". The 3.5GB issue was only discovered 4 months after release. Why the fuck would anyone say to wait?
>GeForce2 MX 200
>a few ATI cards I pulled out of old servers in the garage
>Quadro FX 560
First GPU I ever bought
>Radeon 9600 Pro
>Radeon HD 2600 Pro
sounds healthy
I have my reasons
If poolaris is good I'll upgrade to it or Vega.
>EVGA 9600GSO 512mb
Noob at the time
>EVGA 560ti 2GB
560ti was marginally better than the 5770
>EVGA 750ti 2GB
Needed a sort, cheap card for my move to itx
>ASUS Ref. 980 4GB
I just wanted a 980 and came into exactly enough money for one
2004: Nvidia FX5200
2007: Nvidia 7800GS
2009: Nvidia GTX 275
2013: Nvidia GTX 760
2016: AMD R9 390
Don't remember, some card with 16MB vram in a pentium 2 pc.
GeForce 2
GeForce 6600 GT
GeForce 9600 GT
GeForce GTX 260
GeForce GTX 660 Ti
1080 coming soon
Nvidia FX 5200
GTX 275
Gonna buy something new when I feel like it. I barely play games nowadays.
my upgrade history:
I don't browse this board so please don't shit on me but I figured this thread would be decent
Was gonna upgrade my pc this summer. What's a good card ~350?
2015-intel HD 4600
2015-Nvidia GTX 650(borrowed)
2015-r9 390
The 650 is in my lower end Linux pc now
New from retailer?
$200s :R9 380/380x,gtx 960 4g,r9 290/290x(if you can find them),
$300s r9 390/390x,gtx 970
check your psu to see if you can even power theme btw
some prehistoric ATI card > it was called x3000 or something > 8800GT > 7870 > ??? I really need an upgrade but i'm still unsure on what to get
I've been holding out for 2 months without a graphics card while waiting for Polaris, and then this happens.
What do you think Sup Forums, worth it? Or should I tough it out and wait a little longer?
Tough it out, if it was 5 months ago I'd say go for it.
S3 Trio 64
Nvidia Riva TNT2
Nvidia Geforce 3 Ti 200
Ati Radeon 9600 Pro
Ati Radeon X800 XT
Nvidia Geforce 8800 GTS
AMD Radeon HD5850
AMD Radeon HD7970
Next one probably gonna be a GTX1070 or HD480/480X
how much longer untill polaris?
I basicly have nothing now so I'm looking to get a 390.
October :/
I think I have a 750 watt psu
Should I wait for the 1080 to drop until I snag a 970/980? Was also wondering how these specific cards work on 1440 resolution, I have 2 1080p monitors but was thinking about upgrading to a 1440
I'll get the 390 now and see whats on offer next year
Release date will probably be revealed on the 31st of May or the 1st of June. Possibly a late June release for reference cards.