Working help desk

>working help desk
>really don't like it for obvious reasons
>sometimes tech calls in with ticket or problem with user
>say in my mind "please help me escape this hell please please please help me get a job in your role.

I just want to scream "help," but my calls are being recorded.

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AT least you didnt deal with obamacare calls I am thankful that my contract ended with that company.

You got an easy job with minimal responsibility. I would like to have your job. I'm looking for a job that's relatively easy with decent pay.

its easy but fucking busy like I'm happy if I get thirty five calls a day. Most days I get 40-50 calls and they're fucking boring and mostly password resets

password resets are the best calls in obamacare try telling someone you cant help them with their diabetes because they don't make enough or they make too much to get help. Then having a very confused person on the phone cry because they are seriously out of options.

C'mon, don't be a dick.

Fuck you if you are OP you've got an easy job is it mundane? yes but I would trade it for the bullshit I had to deal with.

This is an excellent example of why socialized medicine is a bad idea.

that wasn't me but I'm OP, and great you've out misery'd me congrats you made this thread all about you. This thread is about me and my misery not your's fuck boy

You know what? Socialised medicine is a great idea, but america implements it terribly because all the politicians are cucked by the insurance industry. In the UK if you get sick then you get treated, and nobody can tell you that you aren't being treated.

Just because your shitty country can't work out how to untangle capitol hill from lobbies and corporations doesn't mean the idea is bad, you dumb cunt

sorry, this is land of the free, not land of the commie cucks. How are the muslims going for ya, brit.

>Said the country who's made zero advances to the medical field in the past 50 years

see this answer here makes sense this answer here is just retarded pol logic alt right bullshit


Nice retort, but since I'm not a knucklehead I don't give a shit what religion someone follows, and I don't believe stupid far right propaganda on Facebook either. In fact, I live in an area where there is less than 1 percent ethnic minorities, which is probably less than you, fatty.

Ironic that you would call it the land of the free when you go bankrupt for breaking your leg. My sister got a rare form of blood cancer, spent two weeks in intensive care, two years in an airlocked wing of the hospital, had chemotherapy and radiotherapy, and made a full recovery. How much would that cost in the land of the "free"?

>I am afraid of brown people

And you call us pussies

How hard is your wife being raped by Muhammad?

It's funny because you can't make an argument so you resort to boring, stupid, unfunny remarks. Must suck hard knowing that a car crash could see you lose your house, you fat cunt.

The leftist media in sweden and germany are scared of reporting the news because they don't want the right to be right about the muslim invasion.

>infowars as a source

Hahahahahahaha confirmed retard

>your source is not a site I approve of so I'll just disregard it completely
Nice ad homium attack fagtron. If you want another source, I'll be happy to provide

>infowars and breitbart

You're really bringing the big guns here user. A lunatic and a neonazi? Nice job.

Now, addressing the argument. Implying that there's no issues with immigration in the UK is clearly wrong, but actually the UK on the whole is a friendly multicultural society, and no amount of vitriol from the extreme right will change that. There are, of course, a small number of extremists in our midst, but the same is true everywhere, and was true before Muslims were the demonized group. In the 70s and 80s it was the Irish (who were funded by the USA, by the way... Nice).

Face it, you're an idiot, the UK is pretty nice, we do socialised healthcare properly, and your government is so totally cucked by lobbyists and corporations that nobody can implement proper reforms.


kek you're just digging yourself into a deeper and deeper hole you plebian