Fell for your goddam meme, needed a shitpad for work and faggots suggest me the shitpad 420

Fell for your goddam meme, needed a shitpad for work and faggots suggest me the shitpad 420.

Fuck you, shit can't run jack shit with that piece of putdated hardware it fucking has.

No fucking ssd or ram wont make this shit stop blinking when Inopem adobe bridge or the shitty color calibration this piece of shit has.

Email me if you want this piece of crap, i5, 6gb ram, ill leave the shit hd and keep the ssd. Joshmorrists147@outlook

Also a thread to warn you fags, dont buy this shit the x220 is even worse

I don't want the piece of shit either.

>Please spam this email

Livestream yourself putting it in the oven


Thanks josh

Fucking fags, always bringing fucking piss retarded ideas like the shit I saw im the adblock thread.

Don't email me them, you can even comtact me in my fucking twitch account if that makes you feel better.

Its in the fuckikg picture.
Dont need this shit in my life and mobody in this fucking state is merdy enough to buy this piece of trash.

No, livestream yourself putting yourself in the oven

>can't do his own research
>doesn't know how to use a computer
>has an iPhone
>irrationality angry and blames Sup Forums
>swears like an edgy teenager


>omg i boght $200 laptop and i cant run gta5 wtf?!/!/!

Kill yourself moron.

People in g are like a friend of mine that goes to goodwill amd looks for tech stuff.

He for some reason enjoys it and tells me stories about havimg shitty pentium laptops that he installed puppy loonix on or some shot.

Its the same thing as people who upgrade computers and hoarde their old parts, just autistic behavior that should be taken by a grain of sand.

You fell for the autism, sorry man.

>Mommy, they gave me bad advice on the internet!
Just kill yourself.

No one seems to want the shitpad, I'll check later if I get anything in my mail or twitch, while I sleep you autist can feel better trying to validate yourself using shit hardware from a century ago.

>i have a job that requires adobe and accurate colors
>so i bought a used $150 laptop with a 1366x768 TN screen
>owns iShit

Sounds to me like you're just a clueless gullible moron and buy whatever, believe whatever, and do whatever people tell you to do. So what you should do right now is kill yourself.

This is exactly what i was scared off, i almost bought a x230 but luckily i bought a Yoga instead with a proper IPS display and battery life

where do you live?

Let me guess, you tried to play your manchild games on it and you couldn't get a decent frame rate?

Kill yourself.

kys OP

I want one SOOO BAD and i have a ssd and ram.
Are you sure you send it to me?

>has a job
This is just some faggot kid who wants to play vidya games and make dank memes with adobe. This nigga doesn't have a job.


> he can't plays his gaymes or watch his jews
Kill yourself

OP is a fuckbag.

>he fell for thinkpad meme

What a spoiled little brat you are. I didn't have such luxuries like laptops when I was growing up. You should be happy with the things you have. Why not do something productive instead of playing video games? I have a feeling that your "job" is streaming on twitch.