
It's time we had a conversation about

They follow the principle of "worse is better" to the deepest i've ever seen and seems the next natural autistic step for all Sup Forumsentoomen and archfags

You might've heard of or even use a couple of their projects, namely dmenu, dwm and surf, aswell as a few only proper muppets would use, such as ii, which is an ultra-autismo FIFO based irc client written in just 500 lines of code, or sed which is the same in under 250.

They've recently released a statically linked distribution of linux called stali ( that is impossible to install

Has anyone managed to install it yet? I challenge anyone to get it running

Other urls found in this thread:

I don't like their code style at all but dwm is a nice WM, dmenu works well enough

pretentious fucks tho

There needs to be a balance between "Minimalist as fuck" and "Keep adding shit even though it's not needed for whatever reason". It's called

>pretentious fucks tho

I enjoyed dmenu greatly, having first used it while living the TidOS life, and surf and dwm are great programs for a lite system.

The rest of their stuff I have never found a need for. I will try to install this Stali in a second.

that site is confirmed cancer

idk why you seem so booty bothered by them op, is a make & make install too big of a mental challenge for you or? dwm, dmenu, tabbed, and st are amazing apps

> calling OP mentally challenged
> suggesting make intsall for Stali

>make install

show me

>sees mentions to 5 suckless apps
>hurr it must be a mention about stali

also wtf is the default user:pw? there's no mention of it anywhere on

show you what? you first

did you try root and

> see OP brag about not being able to install Stali
> call him mentally challenged and suggest installing dwm, dmenu, tabbed, and st with make install

>see title "lets talk about suckless"
>still focusing on stali and individual products
yeah just did, this thing didn't start until I allocated it 512M memory on qemu, such low memory footprint kek

I use ii. It's the best irc client.

Also dwm is the best window manager. Other tiled window managers are bloated crap.

>make & make install

I really like dmenu and surf, and st is a huge improvement over something like xterm.

I really like their minimalist style, they adhere to the idea that a program should do something and do it well, without needing it to do a bunch of other stuff.

Dwm in particular is fantastic, it's incredibly lean and simple. After all, do you actually need anything else? I'm dual booting Debian which has all the bells and whistles with a second much more cut down Debian and I'm currently learning about patching and such while I'm installing and modifying dwm.

nice blog faget


-grabs ass-

*inhales sharply

>not having make
You know that minimalism entails that the final result remains a functional system, right? There is a point where you need to stop. That point is most likely somewhere /before/ cat -v, not /after/

hehe, your cheeks are all red, you must be liking this, whore! -runs finger on anons lips-


Never go full retard.

dwb is abandoned.

qutebrowser is the latest and greatest

*moans whoreishly*
*pulls user closer to my trembling body*
i l-love you

-grins and gives user a hungry look of lust then wraps arms around- i love you too babe -starts with pecking lips sofly and repeatedly-

*hungrily opens mouth and accepts your tongue into my mouth, massages it with mine

*Pulls your shirt off frantically

*Grabs your belt

I want you to be my first, user

*moans into our lewd passionate kiss and slips your dress down so I can view your delicious body* you've been torturing my balls with this ass and your attitude, take responsibility and prepare my cock for your tight little pussy *strokes it in your face*

stali requires you to git clone their toolchain i believe.
nonetheless it's a piece of shit if you unironically use it, just get gentoo.


>not enjoying consensual love between an anonymous mesopotamian goat herder and an anonymous underwater basket weaver

stali ships without ssl certs too so you cant even git clone without disabling ssl in git --config

>anonymous mesopotamian goat herder and an anonymous underwater basket weaver
10/10 kek'd heartily

I hope you mean boipussy

*Stares in awe at your amazing pork sword

*Trembles in anticipation

*Hesitantly brings it closer to my mouth

*And ever so gently... just touches the tip with my tongue, feeling it get harder in my soft grip

*More boldly now

*Licks your cock from its base, all the way up it's impressive length to the tip

Do you like that senpai?

You bait. is literally impossible to install at the moment. I urge you to attempt it and fail.

>that entire fucking article
Somebody kill it with fire.

>all that talk about a big penis

confirmed for two guys on the internet

*keeps stroking my now throbbing hard cock and squeezing a large hot drop of precum on the tip of your tongue* Unh....that feels so good, you're such a dirty little cocksucker baby, wrap your lips around my pork sword and make love to it you hot little whore *puts hand behind your head and pushes your head deeper on my cock* mmmmh

Doesn't alpine linux use musl too? This distro seems like something I would (and Sup Forums in general) find interesting. I question how secure it is, as git has some things I take issue with (eg. being able to upload with someone else's name). I'm not really experienced with git, but does this sound like a secure OS?


*Struggles to take your quivering member into my mouth

*It hits the back of my throat

*And slides, millimetre by millimetre down my throat, until I can't take any more



It's too big user!

*But you push my head down on your big caulk again, I try to stop it filling my throat again but you are too strong, and it slides down my throat, and you push harder as you moan, until my lips have reached the base finally

What the fuck is going on in here

Apple users invaded the thread

Alpine is getting some support in the Docker community. People are starting to use it as the base install due to how lean it is rather than running Ubuntu in every container.

you're a sweet little succubus but I have to go now, leave me a way to contact you

Sorry love, I'm a filthy cheap whore, and we are just ships passing in the night, maybe we'll pass each other again sometime

Yeah, I'm glad that Alpine is gaining traction, it's honestly a great idea. I'm thinking about replacing my debian home file server with alpine as well.

Can't turn a hoe into a housewife I guess, I'll just look for the most flamboyant flirty person in threads. I'll call myself the trap loving roach, see you around my little cumdump -kisses-

>I hope you mean boipussy

Why should I use st over rxvt-unicode?

to be unique and special

their code style is more than you how you format function definitions

i've not seen any pretentious fuckery in the mailing list. if you are refering to calling idiocy fora shuvel, i don't think thats anything but a natural evolution of social interaction and progression. so eat shit, mister

If you don't need to right click and paste

because its a fucking pleasure to make and make install shit and have it work with no bullshit. compiling any other software feels like raping my eyes with hot glue

is your keyboard not working? who needs to clickety shittybity?

So why use rxvt over st then?

im sorry. what i meant was "agreed. rodents are not for the terminal. i also use st"

if more software was written like they write, the world would be slightly more pleasurable

Protip: Is not. The developer is just not answering bullshit.

dwb is the best that could happen to minimalists, because it has a purpose and not just for the sake of looking minimal.

Do you even know how many dependencies qutebrowser use?

dwb just crashes constantly on Fedora 23.

And since it is abandoned the crashes will never be fixed.

git version works decently lad

No it doesn't. It crashes all the time.

Qutebrowser actually works.

what if i need to scrollback to check something?

## How do I scroll back up?

Using a terminal multiplexer.

* `st -e tmux` using C-b [
* `st -e screen` using C-a ESC

Actually the crashes are mostly related to webkit-gtk and gstreamer. Fedora is a beta test meme distro so none of the webkit-gtk browsers work well on it.

What the fuck?
