What's your excuse?

what's your excuse?

Documentation gives idiots just enough courage and confidence to go in and break something. I like "security through obscurity's" hotter sister, security through intimidation.

Because it's hard :^(

>using the smiley with a carat nose

>acknowledging the use of the smiley with a caret nose

Code should be as hard to understand as possible so only enlightened euphoric geniuses like myself can understand it.

Because my documentation's more rambling and incoherent than the code itself

Everyone wants documentation, just not enough to actually allocate time to write and maintain it.

No time for documentation, I'm shitposting on Sup Forums

>meme arrow response to a meme arrow about smiley with a caret nose

Job security

also, I'm a lazy fuck

Doesn't matter anyway, I could write a goddamn encyclopedia and childrens cartoon series on the architecture of the integrations that I build and the pajeets still wouldn't be able to understand it so its pointless anyway

My company has a full time documentation writer.

Literally job security. I use constructs that only a top memer like myself could possibly comprehend

Job security.

I don't write anything that needs to be documented.


Good code is obvious and easy to understand no matter what it does.

If your code requires documentation beyond quirks like how particular values are handled, your code is shit.

That's what I do. I used to document Java APIs, now it is just user guides. It's weird being an English major working in IT

Documentation takes longer to write than the code.
I could be writing more code and making more money in that same time.

Bingo. Anyone who can't write comprehensible code can't write comprehensible documentation.

Huh, that's pretty cool. Have you read any CS or CE before becoming English major and documenting code? Do you have to understand the code at all?

I have autism.

I'm a terrible writer.

I write small functions with descriptive names that don't need documentation.

If you want to keep your job.
Heard about a rusian guy that dident follow standards or write documention so the company he worked for dident fire him

but OP, my code is literally 30-40% comments, and always comes with detailed instructions on how to install and use it, normally with examples, and sometimes even with diagrams showing the program structure

>not just commenting your code when you do something that isn't obvious to anyone with common sense

If you need documentation, you shouldn't be fucking with it. If it's a proprietary program and doesn't have a help command that tells you everything you need to know, or if it doesn't display proper command usage when you fuck up syntax, use something else that isn't written by a mongoloid.

I put a lot of comments in the code.

It's best practice to use as little documentation as necessary (say: a tutorial) and keep all technical stuff within your programm.

First of all you can generate docs, also that way it's always up to date.

I minored in CS because my college required a minor. They had a shitty program though, and didn't offer a CS major. Closest they had was math.
Java is pretty easy to read, and I've taken community college programming classes.

>acknowledging the acknowledgement of the use of the smiley with a caret nose


I'd rather gouge my eyes out than see someone with your spelling and grammar write... anything really.