Ask a guy who lied about having a computer science degree in order to get a job programming anything

Ask a guy who lied about having a computer science degree in order to get a job programming anything

Do you have a sister and do you like her?

Yes and not really.

any normal company that does any sort of background check would immediately see that you never had a degree.

nice try though

Venture funded startup in a major US city.

Not true at all.

Was in the same situation as him, lied to get my foot in the door at a startup, ended up working there for two years, now I just don't put any education info on my resume and the experience speaks for itself.

Sounds about right, Americans aren't much smarter than monkeys after all.

>i was just pretending to be retarded

>i can't read the IP count

>any normal company that DOES ANY SORT OF background check

maybe you should have gone to school so you could fucking read a sentence correctly. but making shit up on Sup Forums is fine i guess

How did you do this man? Please elaborate on what you put on your resume, what you said on the interview, how you proved to them that you knew how to program, etc.

Well, I can program, so that makes it a lot simpler. I've been making websites as an amateur since I was like 16 so I'm familiar with the whole web ecosystem.

My resume just had my degree, the technologies that I'm familiar with, and for experience I put a company that I worked with building their website and said that I managed/built the whole IT infrastructure which is more or less true.

The interview was easy, I got asked some shit about sorting/flattening arrays and Big O notation. I was then tasked with building a simple web app to pull data from a DB, manipulate it, log some shit, and push some calculations to an external web service.

I taught myself Java and didn't even up needing it. I went through Coursera's algo class and skimmed 'Head First Java'. I'm sure I'd fail a test at Google, but none of the questions I received were that hard.

op you know lying on your resume is a crime
do you really think any company will not verify your degree either immediately after starting or a few months down the line

>op you know lying on your resume is a crime
I doubt it. I'm not lying to the government.
>do you really think any company will not verify your degree either immediately after starting or a few months down the line
That doesn't make sense. They would have done it before hiring.

Lying is bad, you shouldn't lie.

this only a matter of time before they find out. see you in jail and on the news.

You gonna get raped OP, prepare your asshole.

I wouldn't worry too much user. I know a dude that completely fabricated his resume and was never caught. It was a top tier job and he even lied about his age.

How much do you get paid?

This makes me want to lie about having a gender studies degree so i can get a nice cushy HR job.


Where at?

>op you know lying on your resume is a crime
What the fuck? Seriously?

holy shit America really is completely owned by corporations isn't it

Dind't they ask you for your diploma ?

Please give me your honest advice.

Have you ever heard your sister moan in the other room while she's getting fucked?

It's not a crime, all that will happen is they will terminate you if they find out.

That's why you work there for a couple years, then use that experience on your resume to get another programming job, and never list your fake diploma again.



>this fucking guy


So you're not actually a programmer, you're a hipster monkey.

You seem angry.

you're going to get fired faggot

Wow hilarious

this. OP will probably be fine 9 times out of 10.

The other time, the owners are assholes and tweet
>user lied about having a degree and we hired him

Assuming user isn't a retard and doesn't give anyone any reason to start looking, he'll be alright.