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Stallman BTFO

Terry down this sticky

Face it. He's a try-hard. He calls himself Dr. Stallman despite only having honorary degrees. That would be like Kanye West calling himself Dr Kanye West. But he doesn't because even he knows that's pretentious.

If Kanye West is less pretentious than you, you're doing something wrong.

Stallman is a gargantuan faggot who calls himself a 'doctor' without having gained a PhD, destroys any credibility he has by acting like an ass "I'm not glad he's dead but I'm glad he's gone" and his only real claim to fame is contributing to the creation of Linux.

Without Linus and Linux the GPL and FSF would have faded into obscurity. They only reason anyone pays them any heed now is because of the (negligible) help it gave Linus back in the early days of Linux.

If anything the FSF should rename itself Linux/FSF, simply because the Linux project and Linus are the only reason anyone would pay them any attention now.

Stallman's work is just a footnote in the history of Linus's achievements. He should be grateful for that, otherwise he would be nothing.

Demanding people call Linux GNU/Linux is audacious.

>wrote emacs
Contributed to guy steele's TECO macros, later cloned gosmacs, the actual first emacs for UNIX. If stallman wrote emacs, apple is the sole creator of webkit.
>wrote gcc and gdb
He wrote the C compiler initially, but the vast majority of development for other compilers and the C compiler has came from non-stallman sources.

And he hasn't programmed in years. Stallman is washed up, and his justifications for copyleft are horribly invalid nonsense that would make more sense if they were actual thinly veiled communism instead of selfish ramblings and a desire for a world that catered to his specific social class.

First for let the schizo be our new king

More tech related than anyone

Have a bump OP.

Dude, that's not stallman.

It's some psycho called "larry" or "terry" or something.


This deserves to be the new sticky.
What about the same thread with Linus Sebastian in OP's pic?

This should be the new sticky desu

This to be honest famaladingdong

Mods, please sticky this.

Just stop. Stallman is the wiki because he's a meme.




The OP is Linus.

We need to embrace change and accept Terry as our mascot.


Bumping for sticky


This deserves to be sticky
where are the hot pockets when you need them

Fuck off stallman, we need this to be sticky


>Post the embodiment of Sup Forums on Sup Forums just cause he also does some programing he is more Sup Forumsthan Sup Forums