Sqtddtot Stupid questions that dont deserve their own thread

Is it bad to leave your phone in the charger all day?

Stupid questions general I guess.

Other urls found in this thread:


Might be




Ask again later.


Depend on which type of battery your phone are using, most shouldn't matter

i don't know

In win 8.1, from the metro panel's network tab, I am no loonger able to configure VPN detaiil by right clicking like I was able to in Win 8.0.

Also, the third party input method I am using have a very slow responnse in this Win8.1 despite working correctly in WIn 8.0

So, how can I downgrade from Win8.1 to 8.0? New installation?

Can I sell modems that people abandoned? A tech just told me that a missing modem is going for $600.

Where can I sell them and what do I need to know?

sleep tight porker


if my laptop is on say 40% and i'm using it while charging it up; while this damage the battery?

VMware or Virtualbox?


Is barebone labtop a good choice?

Let's say the PSU calculator says that I need around 700W, should I get a platinum-rated 750W PSU or a gold-rated 850W PSU?


why the fuck does mpc keybindings never work for me in bspwm?

Trying to setup iptables.
Executing iptables -L results in the following
iptables v1.6.0: can't initialize iptables table `filter': Table does not exist

NETFILTER is hard enabled in the kernel.

use the default in input.conf
or make your own

Help some retard handed me a laptop stuck in the Windows 8.1 repair loop.

The SSD isn't on the boot menu anymore just the fucking wangblows boot manager. How do I get it back on there? What would the path for the boot option be?

So I need some help. For some reason, I am blacklisted by 9 different spam checkers like BARRACUDA or UCEPROTECTL1, and I have no idea why. I only use my PC for games, shitposting, news and learning programming, rarely sending mail or files. I scanned for viruses already with Malware Antibytes and with Windows Defender, but nothing was found. I have a Dynamic IP and I live in a student flat, so maybe I share my IP with others? (I have my own cable and router though). How can I remove myself from blacklists?

How do I pirate Minecraft for GNU/Linux?
Pls don't make me watch 10 min youtube videos with dubstep and some fat asthmatic kid's voice.

i have a slightly older version of skype, the one right before the visual update (6.21 i think)
they keep pushing me to update but i don't want to, and now they've gone and disabled skype home. how do i get it back without updating?

also how do i get rid of those update popups? every solution i've found is only temporary and the longest one lasted only a week.

What's the best free password manager?

I'm thinking of moving from Skype, and I looked into a little bit, and I found four different alternatives.

First is Telegram. This looked quite good until I learned that you need a phone number to use it.

Second is Discord. This looks good but i'm skeptical because it seems like it's too group chat centric.

Then LINE. I dunno much about it other than i have a skype friend that uses it also and says it's better than Skype.

Lastly wire.com . This is apparently made by the co-founder of Skype or something. Looks really promising.

Can't decide.

What is by far THE best software for creating a norton ghost-like system image of a HDD fully encrypted with truecrypt? Do keep in mind i want/need to transfer the system image from one encrypted PC to another for storage reasons.

The reason i'm asking is because my system HDD is getting too hot and although i plan on putting in the hdd fan quite soon it also makes these grinding noises occasionally now which has me quite worried and i just want to be on the safe side on this, having a full system image at hand would at least give me the knowledge that i have most of my shit backed up properly (right now i've basically just thrown files that i think are important on an external HDD, but what i want is a system image that i can copy onto a new hdd so that i can just continue where i left off in case my current setup fails for some reason)

there's an option in the settings to disable automatic updates.


sleep tight, porker.

Oh yeah and also, does it backup the system image in unencrypted form? So when i get a new unencrypted HDD and then install the image recovery software to put the old image on it, it needs to be re-encrypted again even though truecrypt is already installed on said system image, right?

>I have a Dynamic IP

change your IP, you just happened to get an IP that is banned.

Already tried with ipconfig release/renew, disconnecting the router, releasing the router connection, but nothing works though. Any other way? (on windows or linux)

Current PC is shit asrock mobile with an fx4100 and a 260x. I'm going to start college in the fall after working for a year. I'll probably major in computer science. Would I benefit from a better computer?

*mobo, not mobile

brain.exe doesn't work anymore so I'm looking for something that can reliably recall passwords.

Not really, you would be better getting a good laptop.

Your computer is still shitty, build a good one anyway.


that doesn't stop the popup, and once it didn't do anything and tried downloading an update anyway.

How do I fix slow Internet speeds on Windows 10? Internet speeds are about 20mb/s on Ubuntu but on Windows 10 I'm getting maybe 1mb/s with regular drops. Have tried updating network drivers and installing and reinstalling with no luck

any reason you don't want it?

yes skype is shit, but i think every version since microsoft got it is anyway

Ethernet drivers problems probably.
Try use 3DPN to install them or return to W7 or W8.1.

Why not TeamSpeak?

i hate the new ui and the new way of sending pictures is pointless to me, and there's ads everywhere

mmm i figured it was mostly for calls during games. does it have chat, file sharing, and voice+video calling so it can be used instead of skype?

the answer is obvious, don't give windows network access, this way it is more secure. shitposting is better on GNU/Linux anyway.
other than that it is very hard to help you if you don't post which networking chip your mobo uses.

you can block all the ads iirc

oh, nice
but that still doesn't fix the mobileshit ui

maybe consider other software? discord is really good. it has everything here discord.gg

seems it isn't a bad thing on newer stuff, I still don't do it. Avoid fast charge shit and don't drain the battery completely because it will charge less the next full cycle. Also avoid overheating the battery during charge or use (that's why fast chargers are shit because they end up killing the battery with the over voltage).

How do i downgrade a W10 device to W8.1 for free?

W10 should give the option if you "upgraded" trough automatic updates.
Otherwise just download the W8.1 ISO and reinstall.


I got 3 of these sata power cables but i cant hook up all of them to the drives with one cable. How do i do this? Can you just leave the rest of the cable hanging?

Forgot pic

all of my friends and family use skype and no one i know uses anything else.

>convince friends to switch to discord
>only use skype when family wants to talk

how the fuck do I translate logic gate expressions to an actual circuit??? I don't know what to look for, any term I can think of just wants to teach me how to translate boolean expressions to logic gate representations.

please point me in the right direction

Get some more redundancy if your PSU calculator had not account for that.. a 750W Platinum would not be enough for 700W power requirement, and a 850W Gold would only have ~40W extra...

You are pretty much forced to use Skype user, i know your problem.

You cant disable Skype Auto Upates, and if you block the ads some stuff will stop working.

no. skype is fine and i'm fine with it. none of this is helping my initial problem.

>skype is fine
>im fine with it
>how do i fix skype, which i am not fine with
kill self


Can someone help me out here? With one of these cables i can only reach 1 drive, which makes the other 2 headers useless.

Like this? en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XOR_gate#/media/File:CMOS_XOR_Gate.svg

And you only will connect one drive? you can leave the others alone.

>how do i fix this one problem in a program i am otherwise fine with

match the boolean "and" "or" with the circuits?

I'm going to be a dick here and reccomend minecraft's redstone to learn about real life circuits

>one problem
>entire ui
>program forces you to do things you don't want to do

why continue using it? masochism is weird, perv

So its ok to only connect the last header and just leave the other 2 headers on the cable hanging?


I'm not trying to build the circuit of a logic gate, I'm trying to build a circuit that implements logic gates inside of it. I have the breadboard and the Integrated Circuits, I also have the logical design but I have zero clue as to how to actually design a working circuit out of it. I know all the logical aspects of the problem, I have the truth table and the k map but it's the implementation that I have no idea about.

You don't need to have all of the plugs in a cable plugged into something. Its going to pull only as much power as it needs.
I would only be worried about pulling too much power from a single cord, not too little.

Can you play VNs on GNU/Linux? If yes, how?

did you read my original post? i'm not using it at all.

I think you can simply buy those AND/OR/NOT gate chip on market?

i know youre not using it, but the fact that the software is making you do something is a good flag that you shouldnt be using it.


Also you can make any logic with nand or nor gates exclusively

it's trying to make me update by taking away features from the previous version and i asked how to get them back. suggesting i switch to something else no one uses is not helping.

I just installed Gnome 3 and removed unity but now word connections done work. What do?

I'm unable to use IRC and Bitmask. I don't know why.
I travelled from my house, to another yesterday. When I tried to connect these services here, I can't!
Help, please?

Don't use Skype, it spies on you!

This is by far the most annoying thing I've experienced with my computer:

Recently, my CPU and mothetboard have been running hot, to the point where it just shuts off obviously from overheating. How the fuck do I manage to keep these temps under control while I wait for a new cooler? I tried to put new thermal paste on but it has barely made a difference. What if the cooler doesn't decrease the temperatures?


is it dusty?

does it have a good airflow?

avg temperatures of the place you live or room?

If the HSF fan is kill you cant pretty do anything about it, you cant passively cool a CPU.

If your cooler is fucked, replacing thermal paste is really useless. But, which problem your cooler has?


How do I get foobar to display album art with weird filenames like "All At Once Part 5 Cover.png"
Or even, just /any/ picture in that album's folder?

I cleaned out the tower and the airflow is good. It's in an open area that is mostly cold, about room temp.
I guess it's not running at the full capacity it should.

>I cleaned out the tower
You need to clean the cooler itself, not the tower externally. More than 6 months have passed since the last cleansing?

I meant I did that as well, sorry to be vague. I cleaned the heatsink and all the tower but it's so rising and decreasing like crazy.

Are you sure the metal cooler is properly attached? Are you sure the fan isn't being blocked by a loose cable? Is there any strange sound?

Can ICs burn? Do they need to use resistors like LEDs?

Yes, I made sure. It's securely in place, I think the fan is just shit. It started going bad a couple days ago and it's a stock one, too. Just purchased a new cooler to try to solve the problem.

Anybody have any Linux essential applications list images?

>Test this media & start Korora 23 x86_64 GNOME
>black screen with small white underline in top right
What do?

Skype and Chrome.

What do you think the percentage is of people in here that play computer games?

Im not a gamer, I do more small business support. The last game i played was the original half life when it came out, and good lord video tech has come a long way. I see screenshots on here sometimes of game graphics on a machine where people actually pay $600 for a video card and it just looks amazing.

I don't have anything against people who do, to each their own, I've dumped stupid money into cars and hobbies and I completely understand.

What I guess I'm trying to say is that shit come a long way since 2002, and when I sit back and think about it, it blows me away.

Pic related posted in a thread

Running foobar in wine. How do I fix the album preview?