What do you think about facebook censoring conservatives Sup Forums?

what do you think about facebook censoring conservatives Sup Forums?

Facebook is a private platform, they have the right to remove whatever content they want for whatever reason at any time.

on one hand i'm glad that it's becoming more salient that facebook is a private space and that they can and do enforce whatever they fucking want - so the mental model that people have that Facebook is some neutral space like an open air public park is breaking down.

on the other hand, facebook increasingly *is* becoming this place that people rely upon as a neutral place. the expectation that publicly owned spaces be neutral and not enforce any particular agenda may be formalized *now*, but there was some weird transitional period (maybe thousands of years ago) that people grew accustomed to expecting publicly managed spaces to not be politicized and censored except for more or less universally agreed upon bad things. i'd argue facebook might be somewhere along that transitional process, and at some point in the future we might reasonably demand that virtual places like twitter or facebook or whatever (maybe Sup Forums) not moderate content except to remove illegal content.

fagbook being fagbook, nothing new

haha omg epic lulz!

Why does he have CheezIt dust on his face?

I think a real conservative wouldn't be using facebook.

Conservative Christians use social media to spread their message of faith and family values.

its because of DA joooos and anti white cultural marxist SJWs XDDDD

Real conservative Christians use pamphlets. Facebook is evil.

how about a bakery?

Are they also censoring feminists?
Feminists pretty much share the same anti-sex moralistic mindset with conservative soccer mommies and religious tards. They pretty much are a religious movement.

It's good. More people should put an effort into pushing aside old people. Fuck them.

They've got the right to do whatever they want with their site. They could for example put up a picture of Mark Zuckerberg imitating goatse

Nobody is arguing about whether or not they have the right to do this. Obviously they can do whatever they want, but the point of discussion is if they're morally justified.

They just trust him. Dumb fucks.

shitty when they are also sponsoring the GOP convention.

When people rely on propaganda on a daily basis it's more worrying. I wouldn't mind sites like the hugginton post, bullfeed and such if people didn't take them seriously, but they do. No one bothers to fact check. People are absolutely convinced that these people tell the truth at all times.

Conservative views aren't a protected class. You can kick someone out of a bakery for being a fag, you just can't announce that as being the reason to everyone. Just say they were belligerent.


Thank god, no! That would be sexist and problematic! Don't trigger me with these thoughts!

>have the right to remove whatever content they want for whatever reason at any time.
Do goyim have the right to remove whatever merchant they want for whatever reason at any time?

Being conservative has nothing to do with being Christian.

According to Facebook, there's no bias, which may or may not be bullshit.

Seriously though, you should get the fuck of fb while you still can.

le fuggin normies xDDDD

In Time magazine, it said conservatives see more posts they agree with than liberals. So it looks like the other way around.

That only proves that liberals are a bunch of close-minded, self-hating, cynical contrarians.

Poor Mark, he knows that when Trump gets elected he's going to get stumped.
There is no escape, Mark, if I was in your place I would come out as a Trump supporter.

IMO, a completely privately-owned business of any kind *ought* to have the right to refuse entry or services to anyone for any reason. It ought to be the consumer's job to be aware of, and avoid, such businesses.

Yeah I know, le edgy libertarianism etc

I believe they have a tos stating exactly what said.

I would expect nothing less from the king of kikes.

Doing anything to impede the monetization of personal info or the cheapening of labor and human life will not be tolerated.

>discrimination is okay as long as it's discrimination against the right people

This is one of the foundational pillars of progressivism.

Hence why he said "conservative Christians", not "Christians" with the implication all Christians are conservative

Conservatives: lol businesses have the right to refuse service to gays and people I don't like it's a free country
Conservatives: Lol u can't refuse my service on your website because of free speech lmao

the NWO has no use for the right any more, they want to fill every single country in the world with sandniggers, poo in loos and asians, then implant everyone with an RFID chip and be done with it

More bullcrap from the liberal-controlled media. But not much longer. The people are angry. Revolution is coming. Trump is coming.

Failbook being failbook.

When was that said?


Liberals fell too hard for the cuck meme. When will they learn?

thats actually a neocon super pac dedicated to keeping the exclusivity of their club intact

You're thinking of firing someone for being gay. You can totally kick gays out of your place of business. They may kick and scream and threaten lawsuits, but it's your legal right. Same with blacks too.

Dumb fucks.

Yeah, and Shekelberg can ban conservatives from his place of business as well.

>Facebook is an on-line means for free-speech and self expression!
>We're a private platform we reserve the right to remove problematic content


>As a conservative, I believe in freedom.
>I should be allowed to ban gays from my business, it's my right!


Why are establishment neocons so out of touch with reality?

The issue is that conservatives are *paying* Facebook money for advertising. Facebook then takes the money, and secretly censors their accounts they invested money in.

and Media and society push the message conservative = evangelical Christian

They do not have the right to claim that a feature provides X when it really provides Y, Y having a negative impact on the users who believe they are getting X.

based facebook

>implying I'm Sup Forums

how does that justify censorship?
because their opinions hurt your feelings?

you're right