What's the best TV I can walk into a store and buy tomorrow for $500?
What's the best TV I can walk into a store and buy tomorrow for $500?
Off yourself.
I want to cum inside Haruhi.
>get $500
>walk into store
>find largest TV buy it
Also "smart" TVs spy on you, try to avoid those.
Just check Sup Forumss consumer review page
Vizio, not even joking
>ejaculating inside of a cartoon
You have a mental disorder. Log off and go seek help.
hi, toney
>mental disorder
More like transdimensional navigation powers.
Why is she so angry? She can just get up and walk away from my lewd gaze if she doesn't like it.
>implying all modern TVs don't spy on you
>implying all modern everything doesn't spy on you
Take me with you.
>fish pussy
I'll tell you if you give me more.
I want to smell Haruhi's butthole.
>not being gay
>still being a slave to the vaginal jew
>not being a girl
>not being heterosexual as a result
Step the fuck up.
How can 3D trash compete?
By taking their damn clothes off, for a start.
Dumb anime poster
>muh consumerism
I want to fondle haruhi's haruhis.
oh shit, it's
Did a tripcuck just post ITT?
put your trip back on
This image is extremely arousing to me and I don't know why. It's tickling a fetish I was not aware I had. Angry women maybe? Please post more scantily clad, angry anime women if you have the means.
it's ok user, i want to have tsundere sex with haruhi too
hey man, I'm just a fan