Would you buy one?
Thinkpad Keyboard
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If it was less than < $20 yes but its prolly like $80 so no
I went with the IBM RT3200 instead because its half the price of what a non chiclet one of those go for. Having the middle mouse for pasting in the terminal is nice at least, and a soft rim 'point works nicely.
Yeah, they're way too expensive
No. I have a decent desk, so I want a full-sized keyboard.
Fuck no, only a retard would want that.
I have one from the pic. It's shit AF. Tracpoint constantly freezes on last made movement and you have to re-attach usb cable to reset it. Otherwise your pointer will keep going in one direction, awfully irritating during webbrowsing.
Moreover distances between keys are off and feel weird. 3/10
Am i actually looking at a standalone keyboard, or is this a gutted laptop keyboard with a USB adapter of some sort?
Unicomp makes a similar version if you can't find an authentic IBM/Lexmark version.
I wanted TKL and trackpoint though.There arent any mechs with that (just 100% and 60%). its rubberdome, but its still a decent keyboard for $30 and a ps/2 adapter. Also the M13 doesnt have middle mouse which kind of ruins it in my eyes.
I wonder if i can get a cheaper chiclet lenovo and put a t420 keyboard in it...
Middle mouse would be a simple enough double button press, though. Honestly I posted more for anyone else who might also be looking for something as equally amazing as what you posted.
What's that red button in the middle?
>Moreover distances between keys are off and feel weird
It's the same as the old one.
Standalone. Renovo wanted to bring that nice keyboard to everyone.
Its the turbo button.
>What's that red button in the middle?
It's how you practice pleasuring women.
It's the ThinkPad Trackpoint ®
Hello unicomp shill, can you give any updates on the tenkeyless keyboard?
Rt3200 fag here.
Would buy if it had a trackpoint.
Not a shill, I just received my Ultra Classic 103 key today and saw that post.
They canceled my protective cover order because I purchased a 103 key and tried to buy a 104 key cover; I even called them Monday morning to confirm it would fit.
They offered USPS for shipping but instead shipped it UPS where it sat in a warehouse for over 24 hours before someone gave it to the USPS.
I probably will not shop there again.
I wouldn't mind one with non chiclet keys
If it was buckling springs
>keyboard is always near a power source
>isn't moved around like a mouse is so that's not an argument for wireless
>still for some reason needs to be wireless
>implying there's anything wrong with PS/2
Like this one?
Nothing wrong with PS/2
You guys are obviously young. I actually had to deal with PS/2 for years and they're shit.
>NOT plug and play, you need to restart
>plugs break easily
>need to be placed in one port specifically if it's mouse or keyboard and in one position specifically and you can be wrong countless times if not looking instead of just 2 because they're round
How can you possibly tell me there was nothing wrong with them
On the other hand, wireless is the way to go for NEETs like me because I need a giant bed for resting my body while shitposting, desks are not an option. But I'll concede that some people are OK with wired keyboards. I do have a laptop but my eyesight is shit too so I need a giant screen as well.
The only actual use I know for ps2 is for pass through to vms while your normal keyboard controls your actual desktop
Enjoy your latency, faggot.
I too have dealt with PS/2 keyboards for years. They're fine.
So they cancelled the order for you and then when you said you wanted it, it took a day longer?
Try proofreading your posts Jesus
Usbfags I have a challenge for you. Hold both shift keys and type "THE QUICK BROWN FOX JUMPS OVER THE LAZY DOG". I typed that with a PS/2 keyboard from 1998.
I would buy one like this
>not going for the original Thinkpad keyboard
where can I buy this?
Did it. Whats so special?
Based Probook laptop :v)
Laptop keyboards are not usb, you silly willy
What is the model number?
I just did it with USB. Whats the point?
Model M13
I think my keyboard might be broken
USB keyboards don't support no key roll over, and fuck up when you try to press a bunch of keys at the same time
RT3200 fag here, im guessing its my adapter. No actual ps/2 ports because thinkpad t420 dock. Doesnt effect me in any actual use though so idgaf.
I'd get one if it was bluetooth to use with my Steam Link
I use a PS/2 keyboard. (Rosewill RK-9000)
>NOT plug and play
False, I can plug it in whenever, and if it comes unplugged I can plug it back in and it works fine.
>you need to restart
See above.
>plugs break easily
No problems here, stop man-handling your shit.
>need to be placed in one-port specifically in one position specifically and you can be wrong blah blah blah...
Pic related. Note the dual color-scheme, and wow, what an issue for about 5 seconds until you plug it in.
Worth it to me for glorious SYSTEM INTERRUPT communication. No more installing 10 separate HID devices just to get NKRO and hoping your driver properly initializes 1000Hz polling. I wish good modern mice had PS/2 options still, my board has 2 PS/2 ports.
What real world example uses both shift keys?
only if they switched that ass backwards FN/CTRL placement.
Based Ducky
non retarded people have already switched caplocks to ctrl
The superior way is to use Alt as Ctrl
None, but is the easiest way to duplicate the problem with USB keyboards.
Faster typists usually have problem with these keyboards.
ducky shine 1 here
God no.
I used to have one of these to use with a Surface. Then I realized the Surface is a piece of shit, and now I use it with my HTPC. It's pretty neat.
still use PS/2 every day and you're fucking retarded
>>NOT plug and play, you need to restart
who fucking cares
>>plugs break easily
how do you even do that? you seriously need to learn to take care of your shit properly
>>need to be placed in one port specifically if it's mouse or keyboard and in one position specifically and you can be wrong countless times if not looking instead of just 2 because they're round
cry me a fucking river, you're just whining for the sake of contrarianism at this point
but all of that is bullshit
they are plug and play
the plugs do not break easy, the pins may bend but thats easy to fix
you cant be wrong, they are labeled shitdick
keyboard is blue, usually has a keyboard icon above it, mouse is green, they have a notch and only fit in one way