Gore thread

gore thread


banned in 3..2..1..

this is not Sup Forums

good thread



Is it possible to be on Sup Forums and not be an edgelord ?

what type of technology was used to kill her?

im on hotel wifi and about to leave

What kind of technology was used to kill her?

>what it feels like to install arch



I remember when Sup Forums was Sup Forumsuro

[spoiler]please end me[/spoiler]

haha dude epic lol

Kill yourself

did it have a hemi?

Me too, but we posted anime gore not real life gore. That's what guro is.

im not on or from Sup Forums. im just trying to get banned

>I'm soooo old and cool
>I can't remember basic differences between boards though

Oh man you got us so good

You clearly are if you have all this gore saved

What is going on in this thread?

post some 3d /cake/ instead

Yeah but seeing gore thread somehow reminded me of those days when longcat was long and there was always somesort of a lolithingy that made me laugh.

I dont laugh anymore.


then choose another that actually has mods you stupid fucking moron

Sup Forums is bad enough without edgy retards like yoy

what the fuck is her problem

Fuck did she drink?


I think she has a vibrator in her pussy and it just happened to trigger her right when she drank the water

she's definitively faking it tho

anime gore is sexy

im just copying the links and posting those

but this is still on topic. gore is technology


kill yourself


That moment when someone forgot that this isn't Sup Forums

whats your fucking problem asshole

newfags don't know this board was originally Sup Forums - guru, which is moonspeak for gore.

its like there's no mods on any board right now

forgot image, the internet at this hotel is garbage.

kill yourself.

think of something else to say you crow

I would have been funnier if you said "Gore is technology. Let's have a gore thread".

Kill yourself.. please?

You realize this is fake right?

kill yourself


kill yourself

still no mods?


kill yourself


wew lad


is this going to be another no mod thread that nearly hits the bump limit

kill yourself

how many of you does this turn on?


I think it might be.

I like you.

>thread still up
I really hate you Sup Forums.

please more
hell even you go ahead
mods are too busy fapping to care
