Does anyone still use this?

Does anyone still use this?

my car is newer.

My work still uses xp with aero extensions disabled

My highschool literaly still runs on XP and the worst part is

I live in a dense town in New Jersey

I use it in a VM for EROTIC GAMES


>using XP
>no security patches for over three years now
asking for it


all it needed was good native search

I would but for drivers. :(

A bunch of retards sure do. Those are the only demographic left to use XP.

Maybe in the next 10 ~ 20 years will Japan discover some better frameworks to do the hgames. Since then this boots in 2 seconds and it works best for all my h needs :-)

I haven't used this in like 5+ years. Last week I had to help somebody install drivers and format a Sd card I was Fucking lost

XP doesn't have aero, you fucknugget.

Yesterday i installed XP on one of my computers. I have 5 PCs running with it and they are all connected to the Internet.

>still runs XP
>dense town
Most people from New Jersey are indeed dense

Work for NHS in the uk, we have to keep it for the next few years, most of our webapps run on IE9

thats not saying much


Not broken Linux, Kek amiriteguis?

>not literally
Underage b&


As long as they aren't using IE 6-8, I'm happy. Same with IE 9 on vista and IE less than 11 on 7 and 8.1

My dad just about stopped using it. For old media creation tools

Now I'm buying him a miniPC that can do his shit and putting windows 7 on it because fuck you

I use it in a VM because some tools for the 3DS and my GBA flashcart only work on Windows.

My car is older than XP

Me too

yes but not regularly, I usually run/prefer 2K or NT4 on legacy gear, but I have a couple aesthetic Sony P4 shitboxes running MC 2k5 I keep around as file archivers, music players and conversation pieces

Windows Vista lmao

I use it in a VM for security research. ( hobby/learning not professionally)


For all you 'hurr no updates' morons:

- What is the #1 malware vector, BY FAR, on a stand-alone desktop PC [*]? The web browser.

- Are there many browser-based remote root exploits that only target an XP host? No (not cost effective, most privilege escalation exploits are common across most Windows versions).

- Can I run an up-to-date web browser, with NoScript and uBlock? Yes.


[*] No untrusted devices on LAN, no wifi, not using pirated software, not using untrusted third party software in general.

>Some current PC that can run things like FO4 pretty decently on max settings
>Use Windows 10 on a regular basis
>Kinda sluggish at times, it takes some just to do a few unimportant tasks

>Go to my parents house
>Kinda old PC with XP SP3 and some random shit on it
>Takes a while to boot
>Everything opens up quickly, menus are fast


This user gets it. This user has a fucking clue. Right on!

Yes, sadly
But at leat I can shitpost and even play the occasional vidya (the xp partition is there only for HL1 and Civ4 actually)

windows 7?

only in a vm

My parents computer still has it, luckily they barely use it now, thanks smartphones

Is there any legit source to get an untouched, original .iso for windows XP? Also, is the 64 bit version usable at all?

Only POSReady2009.

i live in rural mississippi. almost everyone i know here is still on dial up using this shit. it's like a fucking 3rd world country down here

XP is still solid. I use it on my old Vostro 200, it is a extra machine that I have laying around.

Sort of. I use the version that still receives updates.

>that fucking taskbar

Man, XP HiDPI looks really strange

Nice, I didn't even know about this, thanks

Make sure to select custom install while installing, and select everything you need, including "additional drivers". Otherwise nothing will work.

I installed it with a real CD on my old computer, runing a 999mhz duron. Didn't really feel that special. I'm still using 7, thinking of migrating to Arch full time.

not surprising since most schools in nj are dogshit awful and falling apart

I really want to get the fuck out of this terrible state

I have it on a vm and use it to play my japanese ecchi games.


POSReady 2009 is XP with updates until 2019

I still use it on my desktop. I never connect it to the internet and wouldn't want to since I use it for image and video editing, it's still fast since none of the parts are failing.