I fucked up

I fucked up.
What to do?

Return one or both, buy a pack or use your brain in the future.

whats the fuck up?

>8 Gigs

You funny man! Where's the rest?

Go donate it to your local charity shop.

Give me one

why does it say adolf on the declaration


from the model number one seems to be 4gb 1600 and the other 4gb 1866


lol, no dual channel for OP

That isn't how it works, you goddamn retard. The faster stick will simply run at the speed of the slower one. It doesn't stop you having dual channel memory. There's also pretty much zero chance that the 1600MHz stick won't do 1866MHz anyway, meaning he could just adjust them both to 1866MHz manually in the BIOS and it'd make no fucking difference.

Go back to Sup Forums, you tech-illiterate scum.

thx for explaining it bro. I have 3 1600.. should I buy 1 1866 and overclock the other ones?

>falling for the 8 GB meme


there is no problem the 1866 one will slow down to 1600MHz nothing will happen.

Or if you mobo supports OC of memory you could OC the 1600mhz ram to the 1866MHz

there you go.

Rip op

>2x4 GB
>not 2x8 GB
damn right you fucked up

I bought 2x8GB HyperX Fury Black for $70 only a few days ago.

No, just buy another 1600


>mfw no available 4gb 2133mhz here in flip land, only 8gb

Im about to fall for the 16gb meme

I bought 2x4 GB for $75 dollars last year
