Well Sup Forums, I've finally uncucked myself from Firefox and Australius forever, thank god. It's a wonderful feeling...

Well Sup Forums, I've finally uncucked myself from Firefox and Australius forever, thank god. It's a wonderful feeling, I'm sorry I didn't do it earlier.

Other urls found in this thread:


it's indeed great

Enjoy your 720p Youtube.

>no MSE

>720p youtube
wow, that's a clear sign of a shit browser right there. why did i even click this thread? fucking kill yourself op for wasting my time

The next major version is going to be a partial rebase on Firefox, which will give Pale Moon full MSE support.

wow, that sounds fucking awful

You could just have installed Classic Theme Restorer. And it's not that PaleMoon isn't FireFox, it's just an old, unmaintained version of it.

Whatever makes you happy. At least it's not Chrome.

the autism over australis was tremendous

microsoft security essentials is shit

>download pale moon
>onee-chan doesn't work


This is true, but I'd rather be on a path that aligns with what I want out of the browser than to have to actively fight every update It wasn't just Australis that got me to switch, it was a lot of compounding things.

I'll be honest, I might be a unique case, but because I spend so much time in my browser, UX and look and feel actually trump featureset for me (to a point, obviously). So I'm ok with 720p Youtube streaming, for example.

Heard about mpv/youtube-dl?

The fuck son? Why does anybody bother using anything except Chrome? I've been trying a different browser every day this week, and they're all worse in every way.

>muh botnet
>muh privacy entitlement
Just grow up.

>The fuck son?
>Just grow up.

You sound like a nigger.

You sound like someone who took the bait.

It was not. This was the point where Mozilla decided that simple fags and Chrome users are of more value than users who love features and choice.

So did Opera. Both companies became followers of other trends instead of being leaders.

This is a disgrace!

>Using a furry browser

>He is not using a true browser that respect your freedoms

Get icecat or go home

And as answer Mozilla's market share was dropping in a dangerous way, and they are still not done bleeding, as they are still removing features and streamlining the browser to make Chrome users switch to Firefox.

This is Mozillas new user group, the people who wanted to skin and rice are of no interest anymore for them.

Even Classic Theme restorer is not able to undo that level of betrayal. We power users do not forget and we will not forgive.

Enjoy your DRM you idiot!

People who support MSE and DRM are to blame that we lose everything what is free - This will affect also Firefox, it will be sued for not being one of the giants - This will happen in your wonderful DRM world.

No new browser will be around as they got destroyed to stop competition already in the beginning.

This is the goal of W3C and Microsoft, Google and Apple and the music/movie industry.

And you guys are so stupid to support the goals of the enemies! What kind of retarded butt-monkeys without brain are most users today?

am I taking crazy pills? I use pale moon and clearly recall streaming in 1080p/4k

it receives updates constantly, and the updates ADD, not remove, functionality

Media Source Extensions (MSE) is part of the HTML5 specification that Youtube and some other HTML5 players use for streaming. Flash can still stream in 1080p and above on Pale Moon just fine.

And considering it's getting MSE (but without support for DRM features) in the next major version release, it's a really small, petty complaint.

what are you even tyring to say with this

ITT: Twilight fans / furries in denial

Once a cuck, always a cuck

>that sounds fucking awful
Well, there will certainly be even less reason to use Pale Meme over Firefox after the fact.

why, op? why?

>uses jewtube

I like it. Good for you OP. Baby steps to reclaim freedom and privacy goes a long way.

i though it was funny as hell. people literately lost their shit and went full metal retard over australis.

Not baiting or trolling. Honest question. Why isn't that available in gentoo's portage?

dows Sup Forums x have a memory leak for anyone else?

The word cuck is so misused today. Almost as if it doesn't carry its original meaning anymore. Like nigger. everyone and their white cousin uses the word nigger, and variations of it. It is the new dude

>memory leak

Pale Moon is trash. Half the sites on the web break on it now because it's so out of sync with Firefox, which itself only holds ~10% marketshare so even less people are focused on it.

Feels good doesn't it senpai.

Good thing I open with mpv.

>not using IceCat
You fucked up again, OP.

>he thinks he needs to stop using Firefox to stop using Australius

t. someone who has never touched PM

cuck went from 0 to -100 in less than a year
never saw it used until last summer and now it's used more than lil wayne uses nigga

meme is the same on /g
meme is synonymous with 'noun' here anymore


Somewhat related, why does Sup Forums x cause Firefox to freeze for up to 30 seconds when I load a Sup Forums page? This doesn't happen in chrome

congratulations on being the second furrymeme user on the planet

you realize nobody actually uses that slow, dated, broken garbage right?

Works on my machine.


What language? I'm going to guess Indonesian as a shot in the dark without looking anything up.


Ah, damn I was way off. I should've guessed since the negation "nu" is an "n-word" and thus probably has its roots in an Indo-European language.

And it is called AUSTRALIS!

Get at least that right you moron! If you show your non-approval over something, get at least a clue how it is written, or your whole post is a farce.

It has Latin origins and resembles other Romance languages like Italian (no), Spanish (no), French (non) and so on.

Kill yourself, retard.

I'd use it if it weren't for
>no extensions

It's called Austria faggot

Kek you forgot to update faggot!

it supports everything firefox does.

Found the mosjwilla employee

Jewtube switched to MSE-only videos for 1080p+ and 60fps so that they could insert unblockable ads and drm measures down the line a few years ago.

I always just call it australia, because like australia it's a huge failure

The last time I tried it, it didn't support Greasemonkey. This was about 6 months ago.

the reason it doesn't support errythin is cause mozilla requires all addons to have a version check to screw over forkers,

That is not how you spell Australopithecus.

It just werks for me and always has, though you have to get the link directly since the mozilla add-on site will say the version is not compatible (it's a hard-check based on version-string, and palemoon does not use mozilla versioning)


That's why you need to extract the link manually, inbred.

Trips for best human browser

So is Pale Moon really the best Firefox alternative?

and you do that how?

Been using it for awhile now and have zero problems. I don't use a lot of add-ons so I can't comment on support if you use a lot.

If anything, it runs smoother than FF on both of my machines here. Just remember, you friends from Sup Forums will call you a furfag and you're set.

I'm on your side, inbro. I was just showing that you could obtain the plugin by ignoring Mozilla's incompatibility warning and clicking "Install Anyway".

What browser should I use if I don't want to be called a furfag?

Just compiled seamonkey from hg master

>has newest gecko
>not a shitty fork unlike palemoon
>has an addon converter unlike palemoon
>has a up to date greasemonkey fork, although the official one converted works as well
>still ricable
>still none of firefox's bullshit
>interface literally never changes so your rice stays intact

ignore the dark tab colors btw, too lazy to fix that rn


does anyone have the link to chrome without google?

yeah but I don't need browser that also has a traditional mail client built in, hell if I was gonna use a firefox that's also something else, it'd be songbird

You can disable the mail thingy, also seamonkey binary size is now equally as big as firefox, even WITH a whole mail client build in.

Tell me when palemoon's javascript performance becomes toleratable.

I have an userscript here that's keeping me on firefox.

>unblockable ads
The day they manage to implement that is the day youtube goes the way of google videos

What's wrong with firefox?

Hello from the year 2008.

With MSE and html5 it's not "when they manage to implement it" but "when they finally roll it out".

Literally using it right now

Exactly, Protected Video Path and Intel SGX are already there they're just waiting for more people to buy the new hardware

>browser fedora

the user

Everything from the bugs to the spying to the proprietary blobs.

TFW (You) have FIREFUX.EXE installed

TFW (You) have CHROME.exe Still Installed