/sqt/ - Stupid questions thread QTDDTOT

QTDDTOT - Questions that don't deserve their own thread

Last one is just about to fall off the board, so let's have a new one.

I'll start with mine
Is there anywhere I can get a nice modern 4:3 aspect ratio monitor that doesn't cost more than $150-$200? I've been trying so hard, but I'm unable to find a good 4:3 monitor around 20 inches in size.

Other urls found in this thread:


What's the tl;dr/how to of getting a job in computer security?

go to school ya 1337 hax0r

m8 respekt me or I will hack your whole family

My mobo only has USB3.0 Can I install windows 7 with USb 2.0 or USb 3.0?

How do I change the archiver in Sup Forums x? On my laptop /fit/ redirects to moe but on my desktop it goes to desustorage

Your case has USB 2.0? got a PS2 keyboard?

So I was researching about what PSU I need for a GTX 960 and r9 380 when I found this video

there it says that both cards have the same system power comsumption, if it is that so why do I need at least 600W for a R9 while the 960 only needs 450W?

I guess I will buy a 960 anyways, just to be safe (I have a 3 years old 500w psu)

Z170. no USb2

At work I can access a shared folder that's on a server (using Windows) by just hitting start and typing in \\servername

What do I need to do to setup a server with a shared folder like this?

Z170 motherboards usually still have 2.0

so, this windows 10 automatic upgrade crap
does it only happen to some people or whatever? I've never gotten the pop-up telling me to upgrade
windows 8 btw

If you have problems with it your motherboard should have a option to fix the installer in the BIOS (Like keyboard/Mouse not responding).

Other than that, you should have no problem.

I'm trying to write a query in oracle SQL but can't get it to work

I have a table like

7 "FRENCH" 8
7 "ENGLISH" 154
7 "CHINESE" 10
8 "CHINESE" 15
8 "FRENCH" 14

And I'd try to do the following : For each ID, get the 3 language with the biggest count, so for the example given above

7 "ENGLISH" 154
7 "CINESE" 10
8 "CHINESE" 15
8 "FRENCH" 14
23 "ITALIAN" 2

Anybody know how to do that ?

Old tower clam dell PC. Can i make anything useful from the parts or should i just chuck it all, save the hard drive

plz dont hack my senpai I love them. Really tho, go to school, there is a lot of stuff you have to learn. The more passionate you are the easier it will be. Dont be afraid to ask questions.

perhaps it means idle power consumption? cuz you can overclock things and then they run way hotter. Not entirely sure though just my two cents.

Never know when you might need another heat sink

Check out raspberry pi for learning how to setup a cheap server.

if you're OK with some morally questionable talking, you can make an easy fifty bucks off it at a flea market
otherwise thrash it (if you really need the storage space that is)

I forgot my snarky image also

I don't think having it on for anything would be worth the energy costs. You may need to pay $15 to get rid of it.

what kind of RAM is it? does the pc still work? you could install gentoo on it and use it as a seedbox or something

I think you need to set up a Windows domain. Home editions of Windows can't do that. You need Pro or higher.

I would just chuck it all. Unless you got some youngens in your family, you can just have it be an MS paint machine lol

I have no clue. Thing wont even turn on.

Ill just save the hink sink.

whats a seedbox? Also there is no ram in that thing currently. Its empty.
>Hink Sink

> get the 3 language with the biggest count
> based on ID

s = select ; sd = select distinct
id, language, count
from ( sd id from main_language_table) a
outer apply
s top 3 *
from main_language_table b1
where b1.id = a.id order by count
) b

I guess ill just post this here, I do not see /lpg/ up.

Hello Sup Forums, I just finished reading an introduction to c++ however i feel it did not dive deep enough into the language. It did not cover vectors, algorithms, etc... it just covered arrays, recursion, objects, and a little bit of pointers. I'm starting to read an introduction to algorithms and an introduction to data structures. Is this the correct next step? should i read the c programming language? Other things the book did not cover that i see being used: typedef, public/private/static, and lists.

Is there a reliable Windows 10 bootloader, or is the current method still "crack Windows 7 and pray the update works correctly"?

>inb4 Linux
This is for a family member that wants Windows 10. I also don't want the Windows 10 upgrade to fail and be like "welp guess we have to return this and buy another one with preloaded shit"

Do you feel like reading that book helped you learn a lot? Did it actually have you apply the concepts learned? Or just make you aware that they existed?

I was under the impressions windows 10 was free? Also, you can get rid of the preloaded shit...

Thanks, but Oracle SQL doesn't seem to understand half those commands

lookup online tutorials that will show you code and get you to compile / write your own at the same time

just reading is rarely useful.

DFO is cool, does it still only let you play X amount of time a day though? That shift drove me insanneeeee

Doing a \\Name\Servershare can be done with any other computer on a network, as long as permissions and sharing settings are right. But generally, to set up a home server, you would need a couple good hard drives installed in a tower with a RAID card, go for hardware virtualization, if you want to run something like ESXI for instance. At that point, put your server OS on your flash drive, and RAID the hard drives however. For a home server check out freenas

Windows 10 will automatically update on machines that have updates automatically set to install, they count it as a recommended update. When your computer does the upgrade, it also gets a "digital entitlement", effectively meaning that motherboard gets Windows 10 for free, even after July 29th

I don't use oracle sql, I use MySQL / MsSQL / Firebird SQL.

Generally speaking you're going to want to do a select with the main table (FROM) being a subselect of just the ID's
(or create a temp table @tbl or #tbl and shove select distinct ID from language_table inside).

Then you're going to want to do an outer apply (or cte using row_number functionality). The outer apply will apply similarly to a left join, but you can write the subselect using TOP.

In the apply, since you're selecting top 3 and ordering by count, it will give you the results you want.

select [wanted items]
from [wanted id's]
outer apply [select top 3 order by count]

Which means you can run the upgrade, then downgrade, essentially future proofing your machine from having to pay for it in the future, however it is risky to upgrade, I have had countless, countless computers at work because of it.

Oh, yes i'm aware, i did not do the examples listed in the book, i applied what i learned to a a project i wanted to do. create a program to create an array of random integers using rand() and srand() with the seed being time from the ctime library. Then passing that array to functions using pointers and array size by reference depending on the function to have the array change size. The program can sort the array using quicksort (recursion) and then can export or import the array to a file. I guess i could learn to work with strings more. This is without using vectors, so i do not think its the optimal way of doing it, and i don't know if the data is safe because of the use of pointers. I'm still learning.

generally speaking, avoid recursion.

not many shops like it, and not everyone likes the headache of reading that vs loops

AMD or Nvidia for a budget PC?

I got 700 buckerinos to build a PC, but I'm honestly clueless on who has the better budget cards.

Make a image of their computer or just back it up, and reload with USB made with "Windows 10 Media Creation Tool", comes genuine from Microsoft. And now they made it so you can activate it directly with a Windows 7/8 key

Depends how much you will put on the videocard, but mostly NVIDIA will be always a better choice.

Read Logicalincrements.

AMD processor, NVIDIA graphics

R9 380 is the best deal for a new card right now. You can always try your luck for something used though.

Whats the best way to encrypt my hard drive? I'm running fedora 23 on a T420. I don't want any thieves accessing my data if they ever steal my laptop.

I want to remove things I don't use in Firefox (sync, webrtc, pocket etc.) from the actual source code instead of just disabling it, since I compile it myself anyway. Is there any relatively easy way to achieve this?

Nice to hear, it was giving me a headache myself. Still important to know though, i guess.

Sup Forums X Settings (the wrench icon at top) -> Advanced.


I can, but it takes time and I want to start from scratch rather than hunt down all the bloat.

>And now they made it so you can activate it directly with a Windows 7/8 key

What do you mean? I don't have a key, I want to pirate it with something like the Daz loader.

Can you mix em together?

It's this babby's first time making a godmachine.

Is a 350 watt pc psu good enough to sell for 10 bucks for a student looking for a psu?

Yes, it would be suicide sales-wise if they did not.

Is it possible to force madVR to use nvidia optimus gpu?

What do you mean by good enough?

I mean is the present standard more than 350? Its from the clam pc

Can I sell modems that people abandoned? A tech just told me that a missing modem is going for $600.

Where can I sell them and what do I need to know?

AMD is announcing their new line of GPUs in 1 week. We'll know then.

I'd keep it around for electronics projects. The 5v and 3.3v are very handy.

idk, but mine cost a hundred new.

There is no standard. It depends on how power hungry their PC is. 350w is pretty normal though unless they have a gaming PC.

>fuck computers
>get certificates

>??? learn how to owasp and metasploit
>PROTIP: don't be an arrogant cunt or you'll get 1337ed by someone near to you that you'd be surprised know more than you. The key is to acknowledge that IT security is pretty much "pointless" and it's all about knowing your attack surface and managing the risk accordingly

What's the best "safe" search engine? Duckduckgo and Startpage sometimes lacks pertinent results.
Qwant doesn't have a function to search by period (right ?)
Any other options?

Will the Nvidia GTX 1080 Founders Edition be the only card available to order on the 27th, or can you get the cheaper one as well?

If I have two 120GB drives in RAID 0. One drive is a solid state, the other is rotating storage. How effective will that be?

Do you guys think the gear vr is worth it? I can get one without a box for like 60 bucks

The former. Cheaper AIB cards will be announced starting May 30th, coming out some time in June.

Founders Editions only, from EVGA, PNY, Gigabyte, Asus, MSI, and Zotac. You can see them on Newegg now.

Baby VR for baby price; assuming you already have the phone of course. Friend of mine has it, says the display is a hell of a lot worse than his Oculus Rift DK2, but that's to be expected.


Or your own YaCy node proxied by your own Searx instance.

>PROTIP: Use this userscript github.com/JeremyRand/YaCyIndexerGreasemonkey to have "personalised results" in your YaCy node according to your browsing habits.

Tits up. I need a GPU right now. R9 390 it is.

Or if you buy an EVGA nvidia card you can step up to one of the 1080s next month, if you want (they give you 90 days from purchase to do it).

Wait... what? Could you rephrase that as though you were talking to a total retard?

What is the best way to convert hundreds of audio files (ogg) to mp3?

Don't ask to be spoonfed. That's low class.

Those are both lossy formats so you should not do that.

Yeah I understand the display is gonna be worse but I really have zero intention of getting an oculus or anything for the pc for years.

They will announce next week, but when we will be able to buy it?

Which generals have the highest concentration of homosexuals, erp, and off topic shitposting?

Now desktop threads are gone I don't have a clique of boys to swoon over me and I'd like that back.

You mean can you sell modems you steal?

start a steam friends thread on Sup Forums

I get the most pleasure from working my way inside an existing community and dividing it though, do steam friend threads have regulars that will allow me to do this?

I need a non meme browser for windows now that opera has been gook'd

i don't know, i've only seen them from the outside. but there might be, considering everyone ignores the "no gay shit" rule

i have a slightly older version of skype, the one right before the visual update (6.21 i think)
they keep pushing me to update but i don't want to, and now they've gone and disabled skype home. how do i get it back without updating?

also how do i get rid of those update popups? every solution i've found is only temporary and the longest one lasted only a week.

can I swap guts of two slightly different sized monitors from the same series with no ill effects? Ive got an acer x223w that is very hot and going black in one corner, and the circuit board behind there looks dark and heat damaged. also have an x193w that works just fine.

I'm trying dm-crypt with LUKS as the fedora wiki recommends it, but when I type "cryptsetup luksFormat" and then my drive I want to encrypt in terminal, I type YES and no passphrase field comes up. I tried loading an aes kernel module but it gives
ERROR: could not insert 'padlock_aes': No such device
googling for solutions has been fruitless so far.


You dont need that.

cryptsetup -v --cipher aes-xts-plain64 --key-size 256 --hash sha256 --iter-time 2000 --use-urandom --verify-passphrase luksFormat

>no option to add it
I guess I gotta contact the dev so he can do it

Update Sup Forums X.
Archive.moe closed, desustorage is one of the ones archiving /fit/.

I'm looking into buying a new laptop. I've been eyeballing the x260 think pad but I'm not sure yet. Can someone recommend something that is more powerful than an AMD A-10 7400p laptop? Preferably under $700

Ah, that worked, thanks

Some kind user in helped me with the regex expression I needed for my php script. Basically, I need to convert Sup Forums quoted post numbers to urls.

I think I've done everything correctly but obviously I didn't, or else my code would work. Can anyone point out why it's not working for me? There aren't any error messages.

/* $chan_reply contains a Sup Forums reply with a quoted post "" */

$pattern = '/[>][>]([0-9]*)/';
$replacement = 'no .'#$0" target="_blank">$0';
$chan_reply = preg_replace($pattern, $replacement, $chan_reply);

echo $chan_reply;

oh now it's there
thanks nigga

iirc the padlock is an extra bios/device that i think asus or msi offered in the past,
the basic set of ciphers are included by default in the kernel



How bad is it lads?

You dont need 2 ssds.
You dont need an ssd larger then 256gb for your os drive.
No putting your games on an ssd does not increase its performance.
Get a 3/4tb drive