It's over, Samsung won

It's over, Samsung won.

Kinda do want

>tfw the botnet wants to know what I'm eating
>tfw the botnet really wants me to starve this time

>botnet wants to know if I keep my victims in commercial cold storage units

The IoT is here!

if it was $1500 or less I'd buy that fridge.
But no, it's closer to $5000.

oh right the thing also uses a shitty TN panel for the screen. no buy without IPS at the least. VA is better.

Welcome to a month ago.

>paying 6000 USD for a "smart" fridge

>being too poor to afford a fridge

Couldn't you just put a Web cam in your fridge for like 50 sheckels?

>he can't afford a fridge

>not just opening the fucking door to see what you have

people that buy this shit are the worst type of yuppie faggots.

Problem would be antenna and power.

I imagine it might be possible to attach some kind of splitter to the light bulb socket to get power, but I think the door switch is a physical cut off switch.


Can you say meme?

Now that's just fucking stupid and gimmicky as fuck.

>hurrr lets pay more money because we can't be bothered to open the fridge

>standing in front of the door and letting all the cold air out

Kill yourselves troglodytes.

That's not all it does you fucking morons.

Because opening the door for less than 5 seconds is so detrimental to your food, right?

>make fridge
>put massive heat generating LCD inside the door that ruins the cold insulating purpose of the door


Didn't the Bluths have a smart fridge back in 2004?

I saw it in store the other day, it looked like a amoled screen

Now you'll know.

>fridge supposed to keep things cold
>uses heat generating compressor

>pizza rolls
>not hot pockets

>being too mentally retarded to not shitpost

Why don't they make a device that takes the heat energy in the fridge, and stores it in a battery, rather than blowing it out into my fucking house?

Because fucking entropy you dumb nigger

Because this:
In other words, it would take even more energy to pack the energy into a battery, and you'd need to vent that energy into your house, which would be even larger than if you'd done nothing.

>power -> computer -> heat

>power -> fridge -> heat&cold


Vapor chambers my man

You must not live with a family of people who are constantly eating things out of the fridge. There have been so many times I wish I could of known if there was milk in the fridge before I got home.

You'll be surprised but fridges are heating your room.

I think the point is you can see what's in your fridge while being in a shop.

>being too poor to afford more milk

>you will never be rich or stupid enough to blow money on gimmicks such as this

>$1500 samsung fridge
>+$200 touchscreen
>+$100 SoC at most
>+6x $20 cold/water proof cameras
>ask for $5000

Save even more by using a non-Samsung fridge.

First problem would be condensation. Unless you can ensure your webcam has no moist air inside it.

I live alone. At any one time, I know pretty much exactly what's in my fridge.

how about i instead buy a $100 fridge, and just, y'know, open the fridge door and look with my eyes before leaving to go to the shops?

>introducing the revolutionary Apple™ iCool™
>all the same features as the samsung fridge but with fixed shelves and available in rose gold

And people would still defend it.

>In a fridge
Every time you open the fridge the air that rushes in condenses on the surfaces of the fridge.
So if there's a camera lens inside it would get condensation on it.
If it's on the door it could easily get blocked by something.

Who the hell even asked for this, and who is naive enough to think that Samsung can make decent software?

>posting your food pictures directly from the inside of your "smart" fridge on instagram

what a time to be alive

Nice gimmick, but does it have any practical use other then showing off?

Who asked for this? Advertisers. With recognition software, and the ability to scan inside your refrigerator, ads can be pushed to your phone, or right onto the screen of the refrigerator. Awesome! More ads! And more spying!

Welcome to the BoT, the botnet of things.

what Is thermodynamics?

>So if there's a camera lens inside it would get condensation on it.
>If it's on the door it could easily get blocked by something.
Gee, I wonder if they considered these things.

> >uses heat generating compressor
Being to stupid to understsnd how a fridge works! If it gets cold in the onside, it gets warm on the outside! (Thermal energy gets pumped out of the fridge)

That's how heat pumps work.

Great now I can check the fridge every half hour and find nothing good all without leaving my chair

It's an expensive as fuck fridge for a very niche audience.
There will certainly be more ad-sponsored tech in the future.

I don't trust Samsung to do things right

*too stupid

Shit barely sells and their fridges are notorious for leaking.

may as well get a Viking/Thermador for that much.

Samsung isn't new to fridges. Samsung isn't new to a lot of electronics.

Which makes it all the more baffling, how can they have been around for so long yet be so mediocre/bad at everything they do

goatse on every fridge

samsung fridges are shit tier