Be me, hired with IT placement agency. Agency says hey have a job but must talk to second recruiter...

>be me, hired with IT placement agency. Agency says hey have a job but must talk to second recruiter. Finish phone interview with secondary recruiter. First recruiter says second recruiter said I need to be more upbeat and show more energy.

Anyone get this?

All the time m8, life is hard if you're not chad

>more energy
what does that mean?

Exactly. I still have to confirm with him tomorrow that I'm interested So basically have to talk louder and be a happier douchebag. So tired of this shit. Had a job with an asshole supervisor who actually called me in the office says "I have no get up and go but I do my job well and get my numbers". Then what's the problem? I don't smile and walk fast enough? Wtf.

No, my employer felt I was going to be a great fit in the first interview and i got the job. Im just an above average looking guy with some "charisma", employers eat that shit up.

i told you to shoot up a bit of meth to be more enthusiastic.

Nope, stop stuttering when you talk and keep your head up. Look at their nose, it's close enough to eye contact but without the awkwardness of looking someone directly in the eyes.

Next time I go on an interview I will show up drunk as fuck

I'm not a fucking mumbling insecure idiot. I do all of that. I also try to smile a bit as well. Also like I said it was a phone interview so I guess it was the tone of my voice. The actual interview will be a panel of 4 and just me. What is it with society ?

It's just people skills guys... people are not robots are computer programs.

If you can't help but think of life as a program, at least take a class or something on how to be more charming.

* or computer programs

And I realize this is not the answer Sup Forums wants to hear, but no man is an island, you have to interact with people no matter what career you're in... being "ok" at interacting with people goes a long long way to making your life easier anyway.

Honestly might help.

If someone would stare at my nose while speaking I would think he's having mental problems.

fucking normie get the fuck out re~

Congratulations, you've ended up in the vicious circle of depression. Did you know that people saying you're not happy enough is one of the most depressing things? You have to break out of this chain by thinking "fuck all this shit", stop taking reality serious, laugh about everything, because everything is lost anyway, enjoy this or pretend to enjoy this, eventually, after pretending long enough, you will feel actual happiness and you will be in the never ending positive circle of successful life.

more expression, more smiles, wider eyes, faster reactions, louder more pronounced voice, correct posture.

"more energy" can just mean appearing as having more structure and control.

>not being indian
You dun goofed.

Don't listen to these fucking retards unless you want to be some pedo sounding cunt that everyone hates. Everyone is different. Find your place in the world or die looking.

Kinda difficult when you don't have enough money to get drunk. That would've helped me a lot.

I know this feel

>be me
>been searching 6 months for a job
>rent getting expensive, desperate
>get a call from a recruiter
>try my best to sound very interested
>at the end of the call she says I don't sound very interested
>like wtf, seriously?
Guess I just lost interest in life.

IT employees Aren't exactly known for being the life of the party. Thought this was my place.

I used to have that problem too. My trick was to think used car salesman. Everyone in the planet is your best friend, cheesy smile, small compliments, act as if helping them is actually doing you a favour. All of a sudden I'm "great with customers" and "should consider a more social oriented job because you obviously like people"

Oh, and the two best one liners are "I've heard great things about you/your group, I'm really looking forward to working with you" or "I'm not supposed to tell you this but you're really important to us so we really prioritise you"

>Find your place in the world or die looking.
nice advice there

>be me

Who else would you be?

Just leave.

>be me
>reply "no"

So go across all the threads and heckle everyone who started a thread " be me " you fucking scumbag.

>Tripfriend was click
Also, shitty greentext maymay general?

So even if I get the qualifications for a decent job, my personality won't be "good" enough to get it.
I should really just kill myself but I'm scared I'll miss out on something.

That's bullshit. They have another reason but won't say it.

In my own experience, the jobs where they tell you to be upbeat are the soul crushing despairing jobs in Hell. Try another agency if this one can't work for you.

I'm a scumbag for pointing out your reddit tier intro?

Lel you should consider be an actual used car salesman. You got the stuff, kid. (Don't tell anyone I told you that. That's between you and me :D)

You may laugh but it works. Last annual performance meeting I had with the boss I was told that the secretary described me as the centre for all positive attitude in the office, the one person who can turn the day around. I've heard others say similar things directly but it somehow feels more authentic when you hear it through the grapevine.

It's call center/help desk.


I suggest you don't bother with agencies. Apply directly to companies you want to work for.

I've been doing both.

May I point out your cancerous trip tumour dangling off the head of your ego. You might h8 reddit but you're a perfect fit for the place

Oh, you're fucked. As a previous tech for web hosting company X, your job is mostly about calming the client/customer while finding the solution.

It's most likely a living hell on the floor, so I wouldn't go into any position like this unless you had to.

Sorry for your situation, OP.

I'm currently working on s ransom ware hack in a hospital. No call center just approaching nurses and doctors and asking to have a moment with their system to check for software but it's temporary. Seems call center is the necessary evil.