Why aren't you using madvr?

Why aren't you using madvr?

Other urls found in this thread:


b/c i don't know what it is

Because I'm not autistic.

Because mpv is much better and fully opensource.

I'm using it ....

Because it's a windows only crapware.
Seriously why did/do you use this?

I don't want to run a delphi botnet again.

already am, apparently - it's ok but a shitty source is a shit source.

Because I can't see any differences between madvr and kodi HQ scalers.

I use it. It's superior to anything I tried before

Because that shit in your picture only improves illustrations and I don't watch chinese cartoons

madvr/LAV/mpc-hc/icaros MASTERRACE!!!!!!!!!

All these directshits malware...

because it's the superior option...

It's placebo junk and I don't use mpc anymore

I don't think so... mpv is developed by pro and ethical developers.
Madshi is just a crying baby.

how is that relevant? Who the heck cares if composer was chronic alcoholic?

Bah I prefer a software powered by talented people than a selfish delphi/directshow programmer who cried because mpv is better.

>closed-source botnet
>trusting the A/V jew

how is mpv actually any better though

>those artifacts
jesus fucking christ just nuke it from orbit with fire

- better color management
- better scalers
- better shader system for complex filters (super-res, cross-bilateral)
- amazing lua scripting system to create addons
- ...

it's not actually better though

how is it better? it uses same algorithms as mpv but in a user friendly form

Also, 65% of the music you listen is made by degenerates, and at least 45% of software. So good luck with finding any talented people without a sin.

much better so...

similar algorithms but much saner backend

MPV is to madVR is what gimp is to photoshop

not really

Damn do you think madvr is a paid/subscription crapware?

That's because you've been eating shit for so long you've grown fond of the taste of shit, now anything that isn't shit doesn't taste right to you.

hmm, if that were true then id have no trouble using mpv though


Again and again a silly madvr vs mpv thread.

No, it's true user. You're also using Chrome and Windows. The world of technology has put a heaping pile of shit on your plate and you've gobbled it up and asked for more.


lol fuck that IE masterrace. sounds like you're just easily swayed by memes

Topical winfag with no brain and fat belly.

But I use it... Why?
Only because I can run smoothmotion smoothly but not the mpv's interpolation with my netbook. Even with angle backend and bilinear scalers.

don't forget madVR also has:
>smooth motion playback without 3:2 pulldown judder even at 60Hz

so whats MPV's equivalent?


doesn't have crossbilateral (better than Reconstruction)
broken SuperRes
broken and slow adaptive-sharpen

Oh I just make a win10 install to check and you're right.

The madVR's Bilateral scaler is not based on CrossBilateral and AdaptiveSharpen is incredibly slow.

I can't use SuperRes so what's the problem with madVR one?

>what's the problem with madVR one?
produces ringing artifacts

>32 bit only

it's not though

I use it, because it´s the best program to improve the quality.

proof that I am wrong /g
(would be happy to know if there is something better)

youre just repeating things doom9 says in the madvr thread. all these functions from both programs pull from the same sources. there just isnt an mpv thread for you to pull crap from, so you think its better.

>5 year old image of mostly deprecated renderers
Funny thing is EVR comes with MPC-HC and I don't need to install anything extra.
MadVR only made sense before that was the case.

doom9 says it doesn't ring, show me where they say that SuperRes fails with ringing artifacts.
mpv's SuperRes was fixed, it's much better

mpv doesn't have SuperRes

>thinking any sane person would trust your personal opinions over the doom9 collectives opinion

Because I download 4K shit for my 1080p display anyway.
As soon as nips move to 8K fully, I'll get a 4K screen and download 8K rips.

>some other idiot in this thread posting huh why download 4K for 1080p
Kill yourself poster who probably isn't OP.

yeah, seems like you don't know what you are talking about

whatever, you can compare them, but you are probably too retarded for that

>he bought jewrises again

kill yourself

>yeah, seems like you don't know what you are talking about
I'm on the mpv contributor list, are you?

>on a contributor list and doesn't know about user shaders
what are you contributing, some lua shit?

>what are you contributing, some lua shit?
I maintain vo_opengl

so, what else mpv doesn't have?

(Cross)Bilateral, FineSharp, AdaptiveSharpen or LumaSharpen

and good antiringing, why btw?

Unnecessary bloat

you sound like a useless contributor

Honestly, people who use anything beyond bicubic filtering are retarded.


Because I'm not watching 240x352 resolution videos that would benefit from such extremely slow upscaling.

when will it have those or something better?

Never. I added the user hook system so people would shut about their stupid meme filters

wrong thread pal

but i am using it...

That's 7 years old nowadays

because its buggy at best, sometimes subs will not work, sometimes they do... this shit has ruined installs of the programs i use for no real tangible benefit. when im a comfortable distance away.

My shitty laptop can't handle it

>the most obvious samefagging OP move

I also prefer mpv. Not because it's FOSS, I don't actually give a shit about that- but because it works fantastically and I don't need to fuck around with installing 426 different "filters" and other antique bullshit.

Because it's obsolete and because its author has no time for it anymore.
He thought he could make money with it but he was wrong so he gave up.

All its filters are messing all my videos, even its jinc implementation is broken. Sometimes antiring works and mess a little bit but sometimes it mess everything and produces ringing...

because i don't watch my vids at 5000% crop

Because it's a directshow video renderer, it's maybe the most useless thing of the world. It's like a calculator or a notepad coded in COBOL.