Pic related, Doom, ultra settings, FXAA, 1080p.
Why is the gtx 960 a bad card?
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yes, Sup Forums is only for discussing how this is the year of the linux desktop.
graphics cards are not technology, only ageing thinkpads are technology.
please, Sup Forumsirgin.
if you have interest in gay men, you should stay on
Because you are playing a fucking HORRIBLE game that nudoom is so bad
don't you have an EDC thread to post in?
>79 FPS
>not 120 FPS
That's why.
>calling others Sup Forumsirgin
>Is a virgin linux fag himself
FXAA is trash
I wanna one
Its not. The 900 series was never bad, except for the 970, and that circlejerk has long passed. I always considered the 960 for a more of a budget build, and a 980ti for a enthusiast build. I'm rocking the 980, and probs wont switch until cuckvidia bricks it, or next gen arrives.
Is this 2011?
Damn if only i still had my folder of laughing gifs.
Of course you're going to get decent FPS using a modern mid-range card when you are using outdated tech with it.
>not having a 1080p 120fps monitor
I'm perfectly happy with my ancient 1080p 60Hz display as 144Hz and 4K would exponentially fuck my shit up, and life is too short to masturbate to benchmark results of overpriced meme cards.
Fucking come at me.
neckbeard pls go
970 is literally the best price performance card you can get for 1080p maxing
>he buys overpriced useless tech
Anything above 1080p is just a waste at this point. Wait until the monitors and video cards become more mature at 1440p then it might actually be worth it.
I would argue that the 390 would be better. But the 970 is always on sale for much cheaper.
But it is worth it. Like, right now. Stop being poor.
I like my 960 4gb.
Hasn't let me down.
>1080p maxing
Maybe for people satisfied with 40fps.
GTX 960 is a good card since you can regularly find it for $150.
It's the "slightly better than the consoles" card. And for the price that ain't bad at all.
The thing with the new generation of GPUs is they all provide the same graphical fidelity. A game will look exactly the same on a 960 as it does on a 980 ti. The only difference will be frame rates.
If you can live with 30 fps (but usually you can get better than this with the 960) there's no reason to spend more.
Mmm...she looks good enough to rape.
>attempting to rape Lara Croft
what could go wrong?
Found your problem. >60 FPS is only an acceptable standard on 4k+. >144 is for 1080p and >90 for 1440p.
>life is too short to masturbate to benchmark results
Yeah, because masturbating to trap porn is worth it, get back to Sup Forums faggit.
Looks shit tho
hello me ol chum it seem like you slipped out of your EDC/mkg/dekstop threads please take care in finding your way back!
Fuck off, faggot. People like you are what killed Sup Forums.
Because you can get up to 30% more performance with 280x for the same price.
This desu senpai
its not
its just a midrange card based on the 780/980 nothing wrong with that
Shadowplay squeezed the video horizontally. I fixed it but I'm not going to go back and take another screenshot. The important thing is the 960 will run that game on ultra at 60 fps.
Fuck off kiddo, this isn't Sup Forums.
I've found my (2 GB) 960 to be a good everything-on-high-at-an-almost-stable-60-FPS card.
GTA 5, DOOM, and lots of other demanding games sometimes dip below 60 FPS (to the low 50s), but it's rare. Otherwise it's very stable and I'm happy with it. SSD vs HDD made a huge difference in DOOM, though.
I still plan to upgrade to an R9 390 or something similar soon so I can get a stable 60 on ultra, but we'll see when I get my NEETbux. :^)
>for the same price meme
That shit is never true.
GTX 1060
>assmad replies to a 9 hour old post
Stay butthurt, kids.
I can't be bothered with this anymore. I still gayme pretty regularly, but I just bit the bullet and bought a PS4. Really can't be bothered to chase new cards every other year, it made me feel so empty inside. I'm still rocking my 260 six years on and idgaf
I'd defend the OP. The times when CS was playable on 40fps 800x640 and still was fun is dead now. Why? The consumerism. I really enjoy my 960 on most games maxed out with 100+ fps 1080p but gimped to 72fps anyway (tfw you dont overclock your LCD to multiple of 24fps) and I am satisfied. Only no lifers neckbeards can spend thousands of bazingollars each year for that 10% improvement
Not in yurope
Just nostalgia'd hard. I still remember my first epic headshot like it was yesterday.
>twitch burst to face from stupid distance
>soggy underwear
I still occasionally fire up CS:S but t'ain't the same.
Im curious to know what program is giving you fps ?
How do you feel about the PS4 Neo then?
Kids these days Just dont remember it. I bought 960 and thoughtit might be low tier (Sup Forums memed) to realise that I get 300fps plus on cs16 flatout stronghold and csgo sometimes.
>for source
That memory was 1.6, the one and only. I just meant I play source occasionally and hate it, I don't think 1.6 still even runs for me but I haven't tried.
Its not about the graphics its about the people and game itself. Such games are not made these days...
Indeed. Lately I just sit playing OpenRA and cry myself to sleep.
>can't read
>for shit
Because we told you 1000 times that the 380x is far better
Is it?
Isn't the 770 supposed to be better than the 960?
Why am I getting like 25fps less than you?
Dam son
2gb of ram
>using a broken game for comparison
bring up doom when the vulkan patch comes out
My buddy has dual 770's and my 960 still out performs it.
Typical AMD fag, wait for drivers. Always waiting for drivers.
opengl is shit and vulkan is better
>nvidia doesnt have async
He never mentioned drivers you retarded nvidia cuck
>970 for 1080p maxing
>mfw my 390 is for 1440p maxing
Kepler gimping
lol no
I agree with this post.
What's wrong with FXAA? What other option does OP have?
It's not a bad card.
When my waterblock leaked on my 7970 and killed it, I got a 950 to top me over until the next gen cards are out and even that card is more than sufficient for 1080p gaming.
Now post your cherrypicked screenshot from Rise of the Tomb Raider. See if you can find a spot where a 960 hits 60fps. :^)
You don't need to wait for anything. AMD already fixed Doom. Those old benchmarks will no doubt be reposted endlessly by Nvidiots to try and make themselves feel better though.
Maxing 30 fps maybe
>tfw used to surf with 20~ fps and 100+ ping all the time
No it's not. Monitors and video cards that are able to give good quality at 60fps above 1080p are just shit at this point. The technology is immature and the prices are ridiculous. The monitors are especially bad at this point.
>using the smiley with a carat nose
>he doesn't play games
>mfw my 390 is for 1440p maxing
Were talking games here, not powerpoints
I really hope you're joking.
aaw, too poor to afford a real resolution?
1920x1080 in 2016 is the 1366x768 of desktop PCs
I like doom
Don't ever use gamernexus again. Get real benchmarks
i get the point behind having more space on a screen with maybe 1200p or 1444p but i can still fit every page i use on half of a 1080p screen and can use virtual desktops for when i need to organize shit i cant fit on my screen.
I mean buying resolution for space is ok but 4k scaling for nice fonts and blurry images is sensless if you have the same space with possible scaling problems.
there must be a better way to achieve nice fonts on a pc screen than to upscale shit in gimp and blur a little.
Why overclock in multiples of 24 if I may ask? Got mine running at 75, can't go higher.
nobody gives two shits if you want to waste your life with gay men. but you already have three boards for that crap
just fuck off from Sup Forums
it's fairly consistently outperformed by the 380 for the same price or less
thats ironic considering this board is full of trap fags and anime
>Tomb Raider (2013)
kill yourself
Haven't been able to find a 380 for $150.
It's a great card for 1080p
I'd go with no AA at all. I like to see the details, and a little jaggy never bothered me.
I didn't notice the 960 thread was still up.
I finally took the risk of new drivers with my 960 and got a pretty significant performance increase. About 14%.
Previously I was only getting 47-50 fps in some sections of Dark Souls 3. Now I get a pretty consistent 55-60. (some places still drop)
please stop being homophobic dude
This chart is an outright lie. Using a 670 frames have never dropped anywhere near 19fps, 16fps is a joke. 670 max gfx runs 60fps+ at 99% of the time.