Why can't freetards into a proper UI for non-autists?

Why can't freetards into a proper UI for non-autists?

What's wrong with MATE?
Or Unity?


Both Unity and Gnome are better than windblows for non-autists. For autists like me, i3wm is the choice.

>install matebuntu for gramps
>he's been stuck with XP for years with themes turned off
>set UI layout to redmond and appearance to Win9X style to match it
>set menu to advanced mode
>entire menu is just a black blotch and you have to hover over individual items to see the text/icon

Cause they lack empathy and social skills.


I love gnome. Everything is so simple, easy to use and clean looking compared to windows. Best part? It's fully customisable.

UI is for losers that can't handle the POWER OF TERMINALS



It's a shameful thing to create inefficient workflows for people who don't know they can invest some time in having an efficient workflow.

You don't let your worst enemy click GUI buttons.

UI is not limited to GUI though. A software with its command line arguments composes a UI too.

well, yea, but op's implication was that 'autist ui' is cli
but you are correct, I should have said gui

I thought that the implication was the poor, non-descriptive CLI program names. Command line arguments are often inconsistent too.

Too late now

caption this image with C programmers, etc., and the guy in the back is the Haskell programmer


>That level 60 warlock in the back


Are there people who don't alias that to just 'l'? And 'ls -a' to 'la'?



because they hold nothing but contempt for anyone with schooling or experience in graphics

# L
Unrecognized command "L"
# S
Unrecognized command "S"

# L
Unrecognized command "L"
# S
Unrecognized command "S"

# L
Unrecognized command "L"
# S
Unrecognized command "S"

>using root to ls

alias l="ls -lpAh"

Good UI/UX designers don't work for free.

source: I am one

They can. Gnome Simple Scan is the pinnacle of simple scanning software.

I don't like minimalism, but in that case it just werks.

I don't see what's wrong with it.

That's some cancerous font rendering you have there.

you think ? it never bothered me that much.

yé, yé, yé
venez travailler
ici, partout
travaillez avec nous

soft, sweaty, swedish and smug.

this is why it's GNU + Linux.

He's Finnish. And they're in New York

>He's Finnish.
The Swedish part of Finland.
His children spoke Swedish.

Look, you said something incorrect. Someone was considerate enough to point out your error. Don't try to weasel. Either be silent or admit you were wrong.

What are you, a liberal? Lord knows they weasel and lie every day.

I'm not that user.
He came from Finland, but ethnically speaking he was a Swede.

You are more Swedish being a Swedish Finn than a Québécois is French, for example.

its to keep the normies out, otherwise they will turn linux into a shithole rootkit botnet NSA spyware proprietary hellscape

fuck me, his face looks pretty aesthetic in this pic