Why is the person who invented this not on death row?

Why is the person who invented this not on death row?

same reason the comic sans guy isn't

knowing they did what they did and living with it is punishment enough

>everything that starts with java- is cancer


how does Java work? Does it need HTML to operate in it's own class?

He got fired from CEO at Firefox for donating to anti-gays. He has been through enough.


>People here not liking Java
>not liking JSON

but es6 is very comfy.
its a great language in general.
we dont speak about pre es5.
everyone knows those were dark times.

to be fair. actionscript was a very solid language.
it was really just the flashplayer.
nowadays you can compile as3 into javascript.

people give silverlight a lot of shit, but it was pretty solid IMO

>people give silverlight a lot of shit
I wonder why.

yeah but initially it was windows only. in a world that moved towards mobile first web browsing that was a death sentence.
moonlight also was less then optimal

Prolly the same reason Hillary Clinton is not in a Federal jail.

>start learning new language
>g starts shitting on it

fuck off autists

>took the bait

I like the syntax though, it's a nice balance of modern and classic.

don't worry it's just a meme
JS is actually good

>JS is actually good

Then why do you need to load 10 JS libraries (such as jQuery) to make it even remotely usable?

Because you're a fucking retard. Kill yourself, you brain dead shit stain.

I know its really fashionable these days to be mean. Its how some people try to stand out in a crowd - see who can say the meanest, nastiest put down. It used to just be the schoolyard bully but the internet has taken it to a whole other level and people can be even meaner from the comfort of their keyboard in bed.

Before you are tempted to make that next nasty comment you think is so funny, think about this. Being mean might improve your status with a bunch of strangers on the internet. The truth is though, nice is sexy. Those looking for boyfriends/girlfriends are attracted to nice and turned off by mean. Being mean is also very career limiting, mean people get put into the "doesn't play well with others" box and get passed over for promotions.

You cant have a dual personality and compartmentalize your "mean". If you are mean and nasty all night long on your keyboard at Sup Forums and then try to turn on the fake sweet when you are around those you want to date, its not going to work. Mean is a cancer that you can't get rid of or control. Once you get comfortable in a social situation or at work, those mean comments will just slip out and you won't even notice .. but your boss will and that girl you had your eye on will notice too.

Turn mean off before its too late. If you use put-downs to make you feel better, give this a try for a day - try being genuinely nice for 24 hours and see how it makes you feel. Every person you come in contact, give them one honest, genuine compliment. Not some lame "you look nice today". See how their face lights up with a good, honest, and heartfelt compliment. It can be as simple as complimenting them on some article of clothing they are wearing that you *truly* love, some skill they have, or whatever. Be patient, it can take a bit of practice to go from mean to giving true compliments. One thing that you will find is that being nice will get you a lot more mileage than being mean, especially in the long run.

>why do i have to add libaries to a language to use it?
so you dont reimplement it dumbass

unfortunately there's no alternative in sight. Dart tried but failed.

If everyone has to use it (and almost every site does use it), it means that the language is missing some important features.

>...why do you need to load 10...to make it even remotely useful

Honestly the current incarnation of ecmascript is decently versatile. They've gotta let their anal retention about associative arrays go though. It's not like 'objects' aren't used as such a good chunk of the time anyway.

Also, pretending to code lisp in it is fun for programming shitposting.

You can't just execute the criminally insane.

>comic sand sucks lol xD
Watch vsauce's video on it

Even up to now, HTML and CSS are declarative markup/style languages. JS is the best language to suit it due to its functional aspects, as well as procedural aspects when it's needed. It is also easily versatile and extensible due to dynamic typing.

For quick production of webpages where a ton of money is, you'd be crazy not to use JS at least for front-end. imo, I prefer python for back-end because it's even more expressive and thus easier to deploy, even before you consider Django and how much easier that makes things


If you're loading that many libraries in Javascript, then you're the reason why people hate Javascript.

Every fucking website these days has bloaty js that makes any kind of scrolling or navigating choppy and ruins the entire usability of the site.

I hate Brendan Eich not because of the gay shit but because js

>comic sans sux!! XDD
Hey retard, did you ever consider that maybe it's the people who use it wrong that's the problem?
It's meant for comics, as the name suggests, which it's acceptable for.

>HAH! Science? Go the fuck back to plebbit, faggot!
You're so fucking stupid.

>our system thinks you're a spam bot
Oh my apologies, I forgot your system has Down's Syndrome and gets triggered when I say R3dd1t

>hurr durr i can't understand something
>"why doesn't the inventor die?"

Why can't Pajeets poo in the loo?

I don't see why you niggers hate JavaScript.

underage detected

Because it has no standards, just like your mom.

>why do you need to load 10 JS libraries
>names only one

Come on, man. At least make an effort here.

Personally, I always though JS was shit. I absolutely despised the fact that you could just create a new variable with no declaration. Bug-fucking-city right there, man. One typo and you have no fucking clue where it is.

Needing 'var' to make it a local variable? WTF? Optional semicolons making for easy logic errors? What the motherfuck?

Eventually, though, I realized that my long-time language, C++, is a steaming pile of shit, too, but for completely different reasons.

And now I have to admit that JS is probably the single most powerful language on the planet, in terms of both language power AND diversity of application.

All those things you listed are either optional or based on typos. As long as you don't type like a retard and do shit like mixing types together and not checking what you're passing around (like giving html element innertext to math functions, la di da you get weird coercion shit), there's literally nothing wrong.

>or based on typos. As long as you don't type like a retard

You're a smug fool.

Typos happen. Often.

"use strict" is your friend

Why do people shit on Javascript? I spent 3 months learning this shit at a coding bootcamp and make 6 figures in SoCal. Someone please enlighten me!

And look who wasted more time. You, or him?

Yeah and faggots get paid a lot for gay porn shoots

>no io

It's not that bad, Sup Forums just loves to overreact and hate things when they're popular. If you've written Scheme before, you can write JavaScript.

i kinda miss flash/flex/as3 desu... now we're stuck with webshit for interactive graphics in the browser and it's 10x as slow

You seem a bit disgruntled there, kid.


>JS is the best language due to its functional aspects