What the fuck I did an Ip scan on my school network and found one leading to a live feed of a camera which I can...

What the fuck I did an Ip scan on my school network and found one leading to a live feed of a camera which I can control and now I'm trying to figure out how to find more and if I can if its through changing the url or what

Url is here but without domain because I don't want to alert IT

basically just wanna find all the network cameras I can

Pic is the homeless guy I'm currently checking out

Other urls found in this thread:



gg op

gee look at him talk he's so smooth


fuck guy pan left

someone please post this to Sup Forums

lol yeah not really that big a deal Ive found camera on this network before but whenever I shared it online it got so much traffic the IT guys set up password protection and I just didn't want that to happen but whatevs if you guys can help me find more network cameras

this is a hell of a good camera holy shit.
and kek and whoever zoomed in at where people were going to walk and got the ass shots

Gold thread xD

We're messing with real science now


who else just saw the guy drink alcohol

>electrical fence
>old guy with hat

We jurassic park now

You can do better than that, OP.


persistent one

move the camera

I wonder if there will be any night escapades.

Homeless with a cellphone? So first world

Holy shit that bird scared me

he had a scorpion tattoo

>queue contains entries with higher priority than yours


Hope you realize that you're committing a class A misdemeanor by accessing that camera.

>implying a school with this easy level of access can track down a student



While we're on the subject, what is the legality of ip scanning? I want to try this. I live in UK.

Nah man even the starving niggers in Africa have cell phones these days. They would rather put money on there phones than food in there bellies.


semper games

It's legal unless it isn't


oooh Eugene School District

That user is UK. Its probably illegal there because Nanny state.

In the US, it's legal.

Hes in oregon

Oh, good point.

In that case it's illegal, but everything else is as well so it's not like this'll put you over the edge.

Too many homeless and druggies passing by


I'm not fucking surprised