So this faggot is working for Google right now and he's earning a lot of money. How does this shit make you feel?

So this faggot is working for Google right now and he's earning a lot of money. How does this shit make you feel?



I have a jewish gf, he doesn't
So it feels pretty well


>turned down full ride at harvard, went to nyu instead
>turned down job at google for job at a prop shop

literally who?

Who is this guy and why should I care about his job?

he's doin better than cuckerberg. that jewish fuck is gonna lose everything when facebook crashes.

>not knowing Hiroshima Nagasaki
Fucking kill yourselves

Tbqh I'm much happier with our slope.

At least I'm not a faggot

Is she screwing you, or screwing you out of something?

what does he even do at google?

Nothing important.

Leak Sup Forums users info

I only heard of him when he blew up in august.


Could he even be any camper?

what do you expect, he wanks off to chinese cartoons.

What the fuck does camper mean?

Google is a terrible place to work already, and they probably stuck the Google+ department in their dustiest basement long ago