What the FUCK went wrong?

What the FUCK went wrong?

Other urls found in this thread:


woman in charge

Except it was failing before she took charge

It would be easier to list what went right:

Go on

Only one person with a mouth as giant as moot's is allowed to be at the head of a technology company (and yes, Sup Forums IS a company, you jerks).

Marisa Mayer was a bit too late to the game, because Sup Forums was started in 2003.

That is why Yahoo failed.

Newer and better companies with newer and better technologies came along and Yahoo just couldn't keep up.

Google became a better search engine then Yahoo was.

Facebook/WhatsApp became a better social platform then Y!Messenger was.

Gmail became better then Y!mail.

And so on and so on...

she was in company before she took charge

I already finished


I am laffing at America's future

You made a business thread in Sup Forums, that's what went wrong.

at which point it failed even faster


No not really. When she took the CEO position YHOO stock steadily increased for 2 years

The only useful thing they had was Pipes, and they never advertised it, then shut it down due to lack of use.

Plus, too much cancerous advertising in their services.

They didn't sell to MSFT when they had $44B on the table.

This, and then they went full mobile -- alienating the 80% of their userbase that was old people running IE6, for which all the fancy Javashit wouldn't even work.

Canonical example of that was Yahoo Finance. Relatively high-net worth self-selected demographic. The messageboards used to be the most active retail finance community on the 'net, and are now a wasteland of spam. (Oh yeah, a simple fucking Bayesian filter to get rid of the same three or four penny stock sites that have been clogging the site for literally FOUR YEARS, and which are the #1 complaint on their own user feedback site, and they never did it.)

I suppose to amplify on that point -- Agile. Something obvious that is a dealbreaking failure right out of the box, but which isn't necessarily solvable in one sprint... never gets fixed.

How do you figure?

>hey didn't sell to MSFT when they had $44B on the table.
Holy shit, that has to be the dumbest decision ever.

No she wasn't, she was at Google.

In retrospect, they should've let Microsoft buy them back in the mid-2000s.

They became complacent and thought people would never leave them. Gmail completely killed yahoo mail. Then they had the retarded idea to stop developing their own search engine and just use Bing, which was a disaster.
Marissa Meyer couldn't have done much, by the time she arrived at the helm, most of the damage had already been done.


Yahoo tried to become a media company while Google focused on tech. Bad move for yahoo, now they rule nothing. But yahoo finances, nothing like it. Best place to get up-to-date balance sheets

>build a nursery for her new baby in office next door

... what?

What's the difference between a 'tech' company and a 'media' company, user?

What are some examples of techy non-media things Google did, and non-techy Media things Yahoo did?

Everything I've read about the CEO indicates her claim to fame was designing the Google front page (wow, deep), and being so mentally ill with OCD that she'd spent 80 hours a week testing different hues of blue and whether a 4 or 5 pixel border is most appropriate. After Larry Page was done fucking her with his little Jewish pecker, her opportunity for advancement at Google were over.

Turned into a stupid as fuck gossip news site with "social profiles"

not the same user but yahoo screen has original exclusive programming and yahoo news is an original publication. In contrast, google's video platforms where always about user uploaded content and google news is an aggregator.

they stopped using the YAHOOOO-HOO jingle

Based Lisa saved AMD

This is it actually

>Facebook/WhatsApp became a better social platform then Y!Messenger was.
Literally no

Yahoo Messenger and Facebook are not from the same fucking time period, retard fuck. The direct competition was MSN Messenger (Live) and Gtalk.

RIP Yahoo answers


>Based Lisa saved AMD

AMD can't stand up to Intel without the help of Muslims.

>AMD can't stand up to Intel without the help of Muslims beheading Intel users.


Of course some perma virgin finds ways to make her look bad

>you will never be 11, log onto yahoo chat rooms, add girls on messenger, and get girls your own age to cam on yahoo messenger ever again

why oh why didn't I appreciate anything as a adolescent?

Good damn.

>you will never be 13 and go into porn trading user created rooms on yahoo chat and deal with sketchy older men just to see pictures of girls your own age getting fucked ever again


I remember doing this, both on Yahoo and MSN messenger.
Actually, at the time I was using a Mac, (because they looked shiny) and I was using a third-party alternative that recorded all my cam sessions by default. When I found out about that, I moved the recordings to other drives—for research of course.

Fast-forward to just a year ago, and I accidentally formatted the drive with those recordings, and no back-up. I mean, a chunk of my childhood is gone, but in hindsight, probably a good thing, considering what was on them.

Ymail was inaccessible most of the time

And why'd they shut down geocities?

I miss Yahoo Pool :(

They got complacent and let other companies (namely google and facebook) outdo them at their own game.

>google was less bloated and let you seach without having to wait 10seconds before the entire page loads
>gmail had more uptime

shit excuses women give to cover for themselves and other women

>Except it was failing before she took charge
it wasnt, admittedly the CEOs they had before Marrisa didnt do anything, but doing nothing was A LOT better than completely gutting out the site and turning into a trash news site

>They became complacent and thought people would never leave them. Gmail completely killed yahoo mail. Then they had the retarded idea to stop developing their own search engine and just use Bing, which was a disaster.
>Marissa Meyer couldn't have done much, by the time she arrived at the helm, most of the damage had already been done.
this is all bullshit, there was no damage done before Marrisa Meyer became CEO, Marrisa did all the damage, she took a website that had decent traffic with no growth and destroyed it till it is losing money and completely insolvent

>It MUST have been the woman's fault, because the others CEOs weren't women

Stay mad about your shitty site that no one visits.

>get proved wrong
>start PMSing
>confirmed for female

Google became too ubiquitous.

Yahoo was the one that introduced the instant results when you type in something into the search bar.

>type in keywords in search
>sidebars load
>ads load
>news load
>it has been 5-8 seconds already
>results page take long to load

They made a decent webcam thing and didn't take advantage. So much fun was had during that time period.

hillary will be the end of america