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Technology #550
Windows General/Windows comfy
/tpg/ - ThinkPad General
What is the best paid meme VPN that will work with copyright trolls, private trackers and everything alike?
Which Distro should i choose? {imac g4 comfy edition}
Zen price
I am going to marathon this Funtoo installation. What am I in for?
ITT: Essential Sup Forums books
WAV is the best audio file format in the world
So, I have 300$-350$. What PC can I build?
Brand Loyalty
How long until VR becomes mainstream?
Guys how do i become like the guy in the pic and make banks bankrupt?
Dominos has announced that, effective immediately...
What do you honestly believe the tech of year 2,500 will be like?
I want to get into the linux meme but I don't want my OS to look like literal garbage
How can I monetize my VM servers?
Sticker thread
GP104 Design Decision Discussion
I have 12GB RAM installed yet windows only recognizes 4gb?
So, why hasn't Wayland replaced X yet?
Calling it anything but a flash drive in current year
My mum was right. Intel are the devil and only powerPC architecture can be trusted...
/spg/ - Smartphone General
What's a good hobby? I currently don't have one. Is anime any good these days? Hit me up with something
Is it pronounced "arch" or "arc"
/sqt/ - Stupid Question Thread
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Atom vs Sublime Text. Go!
Does Bitcoin mining make sense anymore? I have a basically unused server that I would really like to give a purpose
Why do billionaires still use dumb phones?
Decide to try linux
People on Sup Forums shill this company for free
750 g2 noise question
What is the best image viewer/gallery App for Android now that this has gone to shit?
When you finally abandon the 'free software' ideology and just start running whatever the fuck software you want
Is this normal? I've just built this fucker and installed a Hyper 212x onto it(yes...
/wdg/ - Web Dev. General
So I bought a Raspberry Pi 3b. I want to start programming...
What are some good areas of tech expertise if I want to be able to work and travel? Like contract work?
So basically I'm a fucking idiot. I made some changes to my computer (Windows 8.1) that made everything fuck up...
Tfw rolling release distros suddenly became more comfy after stop using proprietary garbage
Power strips are technology
Is Antergos a Sup Forums approved distro?
Why haven't you written a virus yet Sup Forums?
Internet nostalgia thread
Now that they made a good ass affordable gpu
Why does every laptop I've ever own end up having a broken hinge...
Built new gayming rig a while ago
Remember when 4.3 inch phones were considered fuck huge and shit on I reviews?
F I cash in a 1000 USD on a gaming rig, with the new RX480, would it be worth the money?
Windows 7 Service Pack
Supports M$'s jewing by making their cards only run well with DX12, thus forcing people to get Win10
Why don't people enjoy the most simple and elegant keyboards Apple makes...
I run Linux Mint right now. Should I switch to Arch?
/csg/ Chink Shit General
What if a helicopters propeller stops spinning, is there a back up generator or something or are you fucked?
The Forest for the Trees
Hello Sup Forumsentelmen! I'm Mr CEO-of-a-big-company-man, and I will invest 100...
E-penis measuring
Will apple ever give a shit about the professional market again or do we just get facebook machines from here on out...
What are you downloading?
USB 3.1 can do 100 Watt power according to specs
Xiaomi Mi Max
Why does this shit have the worst scroll wheel ever ? even 5 dollar mice have better scroll wheels
RX 480 or GTX 780 3gb ?
AMD RX480/470 PCB revealed. Apparently they share the same PCB
Could a heavily overclocked AIB RX 480 for 300$ potentially humiliate a GTX 1070 FE? A friend of mine...
You think that you are so techy and edgy for frequenting this board? Give me a fucking break
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Federal Court Rules Internet as Utility
Have the EFF investigate Microsoft for malicious practices regarding Windows 10
Where were you when Nvidya was kill?
Will you be attending one of the pop up shops of the OnePlus 3 tonight?
Would you date a woman who uses proprietary software?
Tfw you bought a 2015 macbook pro
What do you do with this thing
Speccy thread
Password manager showdown
Sup Forumsuts, /guts/
Hey Sup Forums is my pc build ok? Do you find any problem or incompatibility?
Why the fuck is it doing this?
Did I do good Sup Forums ??
You think you're so edgy and techy because you frequent this board? Give me a fucking break
Just 6 years ago, 6gb of ram was considered "exceptional"
/spg/ - Smartphone General
Firefox has been dropping market-share ever since Chrome was introduced back in 2008. Prior to that...
Does Richard Stallman support a business' right to sell their own software? As long as they make it open source
Why don't you have a smart toilet yet?
Mfw literally every good .com domain name is taken by goddamn squatters
/csg/ Chink Shit General
For my next PC build , only the best fans!!
Holes for fans in the front panel
Canonical making sure Bloatbuntu becoming more bloated
Is this a joke?
Why hasn't Sup Forums made a distro yet?
Google's geolocation API
Snaps. How do you fell anons?
I've read the wikipedia page like 5 times and I still have no clue what the fuck this is
He spends thousands of dollars on technology
You have trackers dedicated to college courses that contain material from courses that would cost thousands
Nintendo NX
Was Steve Jobs dropping Flash the ballsiest move in computing history?
Daily reminder that iPad Pro is more productive than most laptops because of one simple thing
Please select a password between 8-16 characters
So Anons...
Riddle me this Wincucks. If your operating system is so good...
Veracrypt or Truecrypt 7.1a?
I wish javascript had pointers
Hi guys i want to hack my ex gf, send tips pls
Any last words for me, Sup Forums?
Retro stuff and old computers
Elementary OS 0.4 Beta
Sup Sup Forumsents
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Apparently some user recently(?) made a convincing argument for why Arch is better than Ubuntu 16.04 LTS...
Hey Sup Forumsuys, I will now start masturbating. Please cheer me on!
What is this type of CRT called? it's not drawing using scanlines, is it a vector display?
What's your most used social media site?
Canonical won, it's over
External GPU enclosures
Everyones suggesting these chinkpads for programming or using with a comfy linux environment but the screens are such...
Windows is forcing me to upgrade
Favorite editor?
Logical incriments updated their tiers
Negro programmers very rare
Buy Macbook Pro
Best laptop around $500 for college? Non meme and at least an i5
Web Designer Hate thread
Windows 10 just had an update
So I'm looking for developer jobs in the USA because I want to live in the best country on earth and eat the best food...
I can't handle these memes
Has anyone else used this app? It's fucking magic
Software requires me to do anything other than use a package manager to install
What is your NEXT tech purchase?
How does technology factor into Sup Forums's political leanings?
Who here is the least gentile? I reckon it's me. I haven't bought a single computer part, laptop, phone, watch...
Update arch
How truthful is that cracked programs get detected as """"false positive"""""
ITT: Normie panic
What does an average "power user" need?
AMD announces two more Polaris video cards: RX 470, RX 460
/pmg/ - Pimp My GNU thread
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Need music for work/studying/coding
If you own a mac
Sup Forums, Which edition of Linux mint do you guys prefer?
So, which one's the best?
/mpv/ - the best media player
Get toaster notification that dropbox is full
Welp, my CPU is finally starting to show some age so i'm looking to upgrade
Lads, I unfortunately bought a Macbook air for college roughly 10 months ago...
I just bought pic related because I needed an SSD quick and this is the only thing that was available
Yo, what's an alternative to this (gmail) that's not
GTX 1060
Is Flash even needed anymore? Is there anything to lose by disabling or uninstalling it?
Swift programming langauge
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
So have you accepted yet that Windows 10 is a pretty good OS?
/csg/ Chink Shit General
When vehicles become fully automated and every car maker starts offering cheap taxi-like services...
What's the most obscure programming language you've ever made something in?
Give me a single reason why you are using Firefox over this
Did Clover die since it was permanently removed from the Play Store?
I'm making a home computer using 2 atmegas, and need a name for the project
Is this build ok?
Can anyone tell me why the hell does Windows 8.1 upload shit to China?
Tech shit that is pleasing to look at thread
What is the king of the meme laptops?
How do-able is cancelling home internet and only using phone internet and wifi at hotspots when /out/?
Newer Hardware is only compatible with Win10
People complain about the htc one m9 overheating
GUI Porn
Is the XPS 13 worth buying over the Macbook?
/bst/ - battlestation thread
Someone threw away a computer, had a i7 3770 inside it. Took that fucker off
Do profile views have anything to do with "people you may know" suggestions on facebook?
June 15 SpaceX launch
How will AMD survive this?
Que ventajas tiene instalar gentoo en mi computadora? O me quedo con windows. Ayudaaa!!!
Serious question about the 480. I always see people saying that the 10x0 don't sell for msrp, but assume the 480 will...
So what is the best Sup Forums extension/userscript for Chrome these days?
Previous thread: >>55046234
Tfw you work at apple
Are tier one power supplies just a meme or do they really help in overclocking and life span of a system?
AMD won
Project Scorpio
The chinkboard I just bought has an odd set of front panel pints
"If you have a 390X or 980, better sell it now"
Sup Sup Forums
What are some good gaming laptops on the market? I'm gonna be traveling a lot, so I might as well invest in one
/dpt/ - daily programming thread
Homescreen Thread: Early Summer Edition
That guy who bought a Quadro for gaming
Modern Depiction of "Hackers"
Sounds like another systemd-type attack against the linux ecosystem desu senpai
Post a modern system with this level of comfy
Basest of base tech reviewers
AMDiscount fags thinking this would have fury performance
14" 2560x1440 matte IPS
HFS+ has his dead sentence announced
So I'm about to buy my first desktop with the following specs:
When will hiroshimoot release the Sup Forums source?
F-Droid Client 0.100 Released - The best app store for Android just got better
Is there a free as in freedom alternative to fraps?
"hey pal can you make my pc faster?"
PC Building
Why are planes so expensive?
What went wrong with it?
/csg/ Chinaman Shit General
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
I pay to decrypt ransomware infected machines. It's far easier than restoring from backups...
Why is Apple going crazy about USB-C and all the Apple fanboys seem to support the decision...
How did you learn programming Sup Forums? State the language then tell us how you learned said language
Who knows more about tech, reddit or Sup Forums?
Which DE lets me do this? Note that there are no top and bottom bars for maximal muh vertical space
How long until we no longer have a free and open Internet?
What's the best CPU/GPU combination?
Where is the best place to download free songs?
The joy of restoring old computers continues
Why use anything else?
I've never learned coding, but I want to learn A language before this year ends
Why do web browsers implement tabs? Isn't that just duplicating window manager functionality?
So I'm buying and building my first pc...
The MacBook Air and Pro are the worst buys in laptops right now
Windows 10 will be the last windows
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Pooter Building
Tiling Window Managers
Is it the only good browser for Android?
Summer arrives
So we found a thing
Yo guys, I'm going from Mac to PC master race today. I'm not really familiar with windows commands and whatnot...
I have a question to you Sup Forums
Can I set up a Finite-State Machine using Python?
Why is binary just 1s and 0s?
Microcontroller threads goyim
/sqt/ - Stupid Question Thread
New Screenfetch thread?
Are Nvidia users higher IQ than AMD users? Looks like that to me from being on Sup Forums since 2014
Apparently different emoji 'typefaces' express different emotions
Give me a good reason why you arent using emacs as your main editor
Now that this wasn't announced and it's gonna be shit anyways, what's the best 15 inch laptop on the market?
/dpt/ - daily programming thread
Why is Richard Stallman the asshole on the stickied post in this board?
Hey Sup Forumsents, what Internet browser do you use? i use Firefox. What plugins do you use?
Install gentoo
How long does take to learn a programming language
The macbook air on Linux
The older I get, the more I enjoy NOT buying new hardware
Sup Forums Unboxing
AMD Teaser
Is it worth buying just one ?
Updating CPUs, SSDs
CS is a waste of fucking time
I'm so sick of this crap...
Why is Ubuntu the most popular linux distro among professional developers using linux (and it seems like its vanilla...
What's a good card for higher resolution gaming?
All Xbox one exclusives will now have W10 DX12 ports
Why haven't you upgraded to windows 10 yet Sup Forums?
Tfw my 2008 aluminum unibody MacBook can't upgrade to macOS Sierra
It's over, Apple has won
Who else is an Anonymous member?
/spg/ - Smartphone General: "why is there no thread up?" edition
What are some cool technology related tattoos?
Man Sup Forums
Counter Surveillance/Counter Gang Stalking
The best OS to exist is OS X. It's the best in ease of use for new users and productivity for experienced ones...
So I see you're running Gnome
Dragonbox Pyra / UMPC general
Why does this lockscreen seem so familiar
Here it is fuckers
ITT we post cute GPU's
Programming with ADHD
The guy who keeps shitposting on our board is literally an /r9k/ faggot
Tfw fell for the 16 GiB RAM meme
With all these threads on the gtx1080 and rx480, It's like the new APU lineup is being ignored completely
What are the skills that separate the men from the boys in programming?
Let's take a moment to celebrate the career of Woz (aka The More Likeable of the Two Steves)
Windows 10 is botnet
Mods are asleep, post your sticks
Is there an actual advantage of using linux or are you guys just contrarian?
Tutanota vs. ProtonMail
That face when you realize that women get paid more to pretend to code in their granny panties than you do to program a...
It's over, AMD won
Gaming PCs for Stupid People
Mint (Linux)
Since when did apple pay for positive coverage of their products?
Audiophiles assemble
Can we agree that windows 7 is the best Windows
Ransom bastards
Install Arch with latest kernel + latest drivers, a full DE along side around 200 packages that I use
Why do we hate python again?
Lenovo P50
Bravo Intel
Sitting at library
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Guys, what the fuck is this shit?
How lifelike does this technology feel?
Windows users will L I T E R A L L Y defend this
Wat do, retard employee made their own icloud
So, there exist CS grads who can't do FizzBuzz or is it just a Sup Forums meme?
Tfw you will never be smart enough to be an engineer at SpaceX
This is the Samsung Galaxy Note 2. Released in 2012...
/sqt/ stupid questions thread
JS for AI
All AMD had to show at e3 was cringey mustard race memes and more poorfag cards
ITT post stuff you programmed that you think is pretty cool. It can be anything, no matter how basic
Why in the name of god do people keep using node.js for web servers? Serious question
/wng/ - Wireless Networking General
Convince me to start learning python. Also, how much difference is there between 2.7 and 3?
Hello Sup Forums
Pc faggots
ITT: we build a PC close to 300$ to outmatch the new XBOX One
Hi Sup Forums
Stolen laptop :(
Talk me out of it Sup Forums
This is the iPhone 5. Released in 2012, It will get iOS 10...
What's wrong with it?
Getting an IT degree
The future os iOS - embracing it?
RX470 RX460 have just been announced
Why should I care whether my software is 'free' or not?
Linked lists on suicide watch thread #2
What kind case you have?
Apple WWDC Keynote Thread
Apple WWDC Keynote Thread
Ok Sup Forums, so I'm considering to install a Linux, but not sure which...
The fuck is an uncompressed Pixel?
ITT: things that work fine on your machine but not on other peoples machines
Rip oS x
Buys a 1TB+ hard drive
Apple WWDC Keynote Thread
What are some mindblowing Sup Forums-related things that you discovered recently...
Why is Microsoft pushing Windows 10 so hard?
Advice for PC gaming
Whats your opinion on special coatings on pans?
Recommend me a good gaming tablet. I have to lie in bed for 2 months for recovery...
/dpt/ - daily programming thread
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Pc gore thread
EDC here we go
WWDC in San Francisco
After 8+ years I finally received a copyright notification from my ISP. Recommend me a VPN...
WWDC 2016
Hey Sup Forums I have a central AC in my home...
There is any reason to don't buy HDDs now?
Should I be worried about these reallocated sectors
How and where do Android games store their files? I want to simply switch out a few images...
What's your thoughts?
Laptop backpack thread
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Taking out the internet
Help me Sup Forums
Removing Windows 10 spyware
Are SSDs made of fucking gold?
Is the beebox the cheapest option for in-home streaming? need something capable of 4k and HDMI or DP
Dashchan is FOSS now
Help me Sup Forumsuys
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Did i miss anything?
Best linux distro for hacking? I would say kali linux. What does Sup Forums think about this?
Wow, it's actually real
$60 aircooler
Get in here, my dad wants sell his pc and buy an imac 27 inch. how do i convince him not to?
How many email addresses do you guys use? Ignoring your corporate email
How do I help my family with their computer problems without being called for every single issue they have and being...
Y'all niggas ready for the keynote?
So I really want to buy a GTX 1070. But taxes in Norway is skyrocket high...
Explain why you use tiling window manager
So a bunch of "specialists in ergonomic design" visited our office today
Desktop OS ranking
Those would be prices for retailers, no?
How much data did you leech in the last 60 days Sup Forums?
Does anyone on Sup Forums use a dumbphone and if so, why?
Using os x
What does OS X have that Windows doesn't have?
What's the industry standard CAD software?
Where were you when Sup Forums got BTFO by a 9 year old Pajeeta
Genius or hack?
Using Windows
Looking for a botnet free file manager for android that will let me us smb shares
Does anyone know any good media players for linux?
Are there any cases nowadays that don't look fucking autistic?
All these hipster lolimadev memes
Can anyone recommend a good audio player on Android that plays Opus?
I mean, for programming and software work, its good eh? 7ms response time tho
Battlestation Thread: Richfag edition
/wt/ watch thread
Linux vs. BSD
I hate javascript
How many iPhones have you found ?
Did Sup Forums fell for the in-ear meme?
Hacker or liar?
Looking for info on gpu cards. Anyone care to advise?
IMessage coming to android
Crossfiring two graphics cards with built in watercooling
/wdg/ - Web Dev. General
What's Sup Forums's opinion on dual booting?
GPU Overclock Thread
Is AMD going to bless us with more Polaris new? RX490? Vega? Zen? AM4? Nothing?
Hear my phone vibrate and get excited
Which is the superior 100$ case Sup Forums ?
Critique my pseudocode. Remember, I'm just a beginner. I wouldn't mind recommendations
*Smacks Lips*
I had my last one of these pieces of shit die on me, so now I need a new pair of drives for my media server
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
Any recommendations for a good custom PC building service?
Google reverse image search is now broken
At my shitty college lab
Install Linux
Why use gnome meme when unity gives you more vertical space and just werks Sup Forums?
What's Sup Forums's thoughts on Xubuntu?
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Whats the justification behind devs locking games for CPU's with less than 3 cores?
Anyone else miss firewire?
Why aren't you giving your eyes a break tonight?
Sup Forums humor thread
Does knowing math makes you a good programmer?
How do you protect your HDD from loli attacks?
Is installing linux a good way to force yourself to stop wasting time playing video games
Does anyone know how to remove this shit?
Can't somebody fix linuxr? I don't want to install windows 10 in a few years
Using Linux
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
/DMT/ - Daily Maki Thread
Find me 3 people on here who agree on the same thing
State of consumer laptop market
My mother, who I love dearly (and has been using only apple products since the Apple II)...
Daw General: Asian foods and stuff
Macbook pro problem
Mine is
Sup Forums memes you couldn't be happier you fell for. Had this baby for a little over 4 years now
Newpipe 0.8.0 Released - The Best Youtube Client for Android
What instant messenger do you use to chat with friends, Sup Forums?
This interesting website has turned a bitcoin faucet into a microeconomy
The upgrade offer to Windows 10 will end on 28 July 2016
Go for a job interview for an ict company
Veracrypt thread
Robot kills man?
What is the ugliest case money can buy?
Is snapchat making super advance face tracking software...
Is C worth learning?
Who /hype/ here?
Do phone cases actually protect your phone? I have a simple rubber one for my Moto G3...
/csg/ Chink Shit General
What desktop environment or window manager is Sup Forums using right now?
I like Microsoft Edge
Linux and games
Start my internship
What do you Sup Forumsuys listen to when you're coding?
Linked lists on suicide watch
OpenSUSE Leap
I need a mature/sane linux distro
What is the best Sup Forums approved website or program to download youtube playlists...
So I picked up one of those mini soldering irons from massdrop a while back...
King of Sup Forums is doing an AMA:
What browser you using?
Why do you bully web devs? ;_;
Just ordered a sager laptop. Anything I should expect?
/tpg/ - ThinkPad General
Best computer case
Rice thread
Make a fresh installation of Windows 7
SSD Lifespan
Sitting in library working on code
Whats the point of using the unity botnet when you can make gnome look exactly like it?
Slackware vs Arch
Could redundant computing increase the single core performance?
What is some great software written by people who aren't white males?
/MKG/ - Mechanical Keyboard General
Apple plans to use ARM on Macs
Where the fuck is it?
Build a pc or get a custom built one ?
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Disturbing new site scrapes your private Facebook and informs landlords, employers
480 price in europe reality check
To burn a DVD on Linux, you have to do all of the following:
RX480 has 980ti performance at 1400 MHz
Feminist software
How come an alcoholic...
Just installed Arch
Found this while looking in my junk drawer
/spg/ - Smartphone General
PC master race Distro!!
Mfw i edit vidya
What is a mature, stable, non-Firefox browser alternative to Chrome/Chromium? Is there such a thing...
Mice/Trackballz/ thread
Help me make my desktop beautiful Sup Forums...
Why C++ is such piece of shit?
Are you a bad enough dude?
Why does Windows have such retarded defaults?
No internet in new apartment
I want to become a hacker. And hack stuff like websites and so on. Where do I start?
14.2 release imminent
Sup Forums university starter pack
Mp3 player thrud
/bst/ Battlestation
Wi-Fi is turned off on my Kindle
What's the best linux OS?
Where were you when AMD won the GPU wars?
Maki feet or Maki legs
970 owners on suicide watch
Linux Jobs
Why is Ubuntu such a steaming pile of shit
After deleting all my online accounts to my name, if it doesn't appear on google searches...
/dpt/ - programming thread
Which one?
Any difference in types of mother boards g ?
How far have we come really?
Been using Ubuntu and Arch. I feel Arch is much more simpler to use
So is the RX 480 really going to be the ultimate mid-range card? I've heard different comments about its performance...
Age/Job/Wage Thread
He doesn't use an iphone
What an amazing launch!
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
Does anyone think it would be easy do-able to reposition the SSD brackets from the Corsair Obsidian 450D to these...
Unironically browse reddit
No regrets
Keyboard key shit
Why does Sup Forums hate people who spend money?
Well shit
/csg/ Chink Shit General
I don't know shit about computer part compatability please teach me
Website does this asking you to log in
Sup Forumsuts, /guts/
Gtx 970
Wat do
/mpv/ - the Sup Forumsreatest video player
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Do you
When you tell Pajeet to poo in loo but forget you're not on Sup Forums
What's wrong with this?
Who old i7 here?
Will someone explain to me how exactly credit/debit cards and card machines work...
Be me working
"Microsoft brings a lot of improvements to Bash on Ubuntu in Windows 10"
Guys my phone is stuck on "encryption unsuccessful" screen can anybody help?
Why does my VPN connection turn to shit when I have uTorrent downloading? as soon as I close the program...
Comfy thread
Why does Linux Mint get so much hate?
Have you escaped the facebook botnet, Sup Forums?
How do you compile something?
Just a reminder that if you use Kali Linux you are one or multiple of the following
What's the best terminal emulator for Linux right now?
Has anyone used to curtail Google surveillance?
Want to use Linux
What cool shit should I buy?
Hey Sup Forums. How about a break from the seemingly never ending
What is the difference between an i7 and the latest Xeon models
Explaining CPU performance to normalfags
Anime Micro Devices!
Tfw no Leap WorkLounge to spend my day/night in with the comfort of being able to work and lounge for chink cartoons
Got this old (early 2ks, late 90s) dell laptop with win2k on it from a school. it still has the school config...
What's a good desktop to put on Arch when I install it?
Which monospace font do you use?
Light distros
Firefox is bugged
Why do people get so autistic about how people apply thermal paste...
Hey Sup Forums can I get some help in upgrading my computer?
Your birthdate
It's 2016 and you haven't installed Antergos
What's the most realistic depiction of hacking in a
In the past 5 years I can't recall one "Gamer" thing that I bought which didn't look like shit...
How do you feel about cases like this?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Tfw ur favorite case be out of stock
Wake me up
Daily Reminder: One more month until Micro$oft stop nagging you to update to Windows 10 for "free"
What's a good terminal emulator that supports w3mimg and bold fonts, and isn't urxvt
Which major company will go under first?
Price for performance build. Can you do better Sup Forums?
Sup Forums Humor/Rage General
Is the i3 6100 the true king of budget processors right now? Seconded by an a8 or a10 APU?
What is your favorite dumb phone that works in your country at the moment?
Ask a PHP developer anything
UTorrent Community Forums Hacked
Just watch guys, Nvidia cant even do DX12, AMDs gonna take the GPU market back!
Why is there so much brand loyalty for a company that treats their customers like criminals?
Where the fuck does Sup Forums get their used/refurb Macbooks?
Sup Forumsuts, /guts/
Why does Nvidia insist on using a 256-bit bus when even low-end AMD cards use 512-bit?
Year 11111100000
What program do use to listen to music? I use mpd and ncmpcpp
Would an iMac make a good file server? Could it stay in low power mode while accessing an external drive?
Sticker Thread
If you let this dead-eyed sociopath pound your boipucci daily for a year...
So I had no issues living without flash for the past year but now I need java
Ah the joy of restoring old computers
Why is this allowed?
Copper fumes
Battle Station Thread
There is any actual reason to use a network card over the integrated one?
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
/wt/ - Watch General
Install Arch Linux
AMD Radeon RX480
Are there any cheap phones that are good at emulating stuff?
Is this method of encrypting my Chinese cartoons secure?
What is objectively the best laptop size?
Own a high end graphics card capable of 1440p and 4K
Why do you still have this cancer installed? youtube and xvideos work without it so why?
What phone Sup Forums use?
Which should I install?
/sqt/ - Stupid Question Thread
Can a Thinkpad x220 i7, with a 9cell battery,IPS Display,16gb of RAM and SSD compete with today's flagship laptops...
What's is it with this case? Why is it being shitposted everywhere
BSD And Other Things
Let me explain Sup Forums
Gaming Adults
Why are square shaped pixels so widely used when triangle shaped pixels are much better? Pic related
Would it be possible to have a technological innovation that reads people's stress levels like in Psycho Pass?
BSD vs Linux
Why do so many people spend so much time and energy hating on this faggot?
Why all qt girls use iPhone?
What does Sup Forums think about briefcase computers?
What's the best security software for linux so nobody will hack my server
CTRL+F, no phone homescreen threads found
When I'm working in starbucks, how much coffee should I buy per hour, and how long can I stay?
GTX 1070
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Why do these meme coolers break down so easily??
What is this
5/10/2011 Steve is death
ITT: dead tech memes/fads
I fell for a AIO cooler a little over 2 years ago because someone on Sup Forums talked me into getting one and the pump...
Is primarily a video game user
Godly i7 owners thread?
Which one?
Screenfetch thread
/tpg/ - ThinkPad General
Keepass 2.34 Released - Fixes bug that a lot of fags were crying about
/spg/ - Smartphone General
Rainmeter Skins
Is this really worth an extra $500?
/fmwt/ - Friendly Microsoft Windows Thread
From the day that I met you
Need to install ffmpeg on my GNU/Linux station for work
Apparently Karlie Kloss (American super model) is learning Ruby
Wifi sickness?
What's Sup Forums's opinion on meme fans? Why are they so popular?
I have 6 Nokia N9
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
What apps are a "must have" for android?
I'f you're short on money
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Sup Forums OS when ?
Sup Sup Forums what Sup Forumsmic reader are you using on your android?
I7 920
Hey Sup Forums, what Sup Forums app do you use on your lagdroid?
I have 11 netbooks
5820K is worth it for future proof?
Why would Google create a racist algorithm?
Is there such a thing as an anonymous google account?
What is the best elegant but slick case with a big window? I love the corsair series. But the problem is...
What's g's opinion on smartwatches ?
How can Nvidia retaliate?
Be hiring manager
What do you think of KDE?
Leave Nvidia to me
Hey Sup Forums, just graduated? Need a job? Come work at my company!
What do you think is the most shit board to be on right now besides this one?
Cheapest build for csgo 300fps ?
All of these GPU war shitposting threads when dx12 enables you to mix n match GPUs
RIP Object Oriented Programming
What are you guys ordering?
New macbooks!
Sup Forums warrant canary
/sqt/ - Stupid Question Thread
Use iPhone
Hey Sup Forums, so im looking to get a new mic for general usage/vocal recording, to setup for my PC. Now...
Is embedded development comfier than most other software jobs?
She's the CEO of Yahoo, but she's pro-Obama
What does Sup Forums think of this guy? Seems smart, and watching him fix boards is strangely therapeutic
Just switched my build to a new case, never had any problems and it won't power up at all
Would you buy this toilet?
What is vram and where exactly is it located on a gpu?
What Windows theme does Sup Forums use?
Why is planned obsolesce legal?
Say goodnight to rato Sup Forums
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Status 0xc000000f
How come Windows 7 is better than 8 and 10 even in weeb form?
What is your favorite Technology?
Help me build a Battlestation
Chromefags will defend this
What other browsers beside firefox don't support Webp? I want to make a list of browsers to avoid
So what's your excuse for not having at least three monitors user?
Post Your Homescreen
/wdg/ - Web Dev. General
Red pill me on password managers, Sup Forums
So my hard drive caught fire today. Any chance I could recover the data if I found a replacement PCB?
Install windows 10
New GPUs come out
How did he suddenly become so popular?
So why was russia blocked? Were they doing nefarious things?
Hey Sup Forums. I'm here to ask about the airflow of my case...
Hey Sup Forums
ITT we try to find what is the country
Important Coding Question
New clover release when? It's been so long
/nootropics/ general thread
Linux has an office suite
Sup Forums-chan, daisuki~
/bst/ - Battlestation General
Give me one reason why I shouldn't install Debian on my ThinkPad?
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
You Rage You Lose - Tech Edition
Google official supports the TPP
What are u doing tonight user's?
What has Sup Forums hacked before?
Tfw cant game cause all windows version suck
How do you make money online?
Anyone else burnt out in their IT career and looking to get into another field?
How much do you spend on apps and app subs each month?
Why aren't you using IceCat Sup Forums?
Yfw this exists
Is docker actually useful or is it just a meme?
I need money to build a new computer, can I use go fund me for help? Is it legal? have any of you used it?
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Walmart Using Uber And Lyft To Deliver Groceries
Tfw you're self-employed
If you're poor, just get a job. Or make a hackintosh, they're pretty easy to set-up now a days
Opera vs. Vivaldi
What should I buy? iPhone SE or Galaxy S7 Edge
What are some Sup Forums approved subreddits...
No properties, no location, can't close it
Why is there a major price gap in consoles and pcs? Consoles are capable of performing as modern desktops...
Post comfy setups
Member of some random message boards
Girlfriends old GPU
According to our information, some european stores already received their stock...
Sup Forums Humor/Rage thread
What the FUCK went wrong?
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...