If you're poor, just get a job. Or make a hackintosh, they're pretty easy to set-up now a days.
If you're poor, just get a job. Or make a hackintosh, they're pretty easy to set-up now a days
Other urls found in this thread:
>on low resolution with low scaling
The only poor person here is you my friend
The default keyboard layout is annoying (" and < are switched and instead of alt, it uses the key next to it to type symbols (@, #, etc))
But if that was fixed, i would happily continue using my hackintosh setup (which works pretty nice.)
Is that Timpopo-chang?
>world's most advanced operating system
>electronic toys
It's 2016, poorfags buy status symbols like this on financing plans every day. No one is impressed.
sauce on that semen demon fox girl
We had this thread yesterday tho qt
Holy shit the poorfag is back
Cause Wangblows Sieben is just fine for me.
Before you snigger about "muh font rendering" or some shit,
A) my computer has a shit screen anyway (1280*800) so nothing's gonna look exquisite, OSX or otherwise
and B) GDIPP is a thing.
I am a big fan of the aesthetics of this, though. If I were to build a shitty little daily driver down the line I'd try and emulate this.
pls senpais
> proprietary software
> why don't you use it
absolute madman
i'd try it on my x201i but i don't know how to.
Gib timpopo plz
OS X is both libre and gratis. There is literally no reason to use anything else.
this is sexy
i like this a lot
It's Tanpopo. Witch-craft works.
>no webp support
no thanks
To bo honest Windows is more "advanced" in all areas except for user experience. In other words: technologically windows is awesome yet it still is half-done, works against user, and is utterly annoying.
prove me wrong.
Try proving yourself right first. That's my advice.
you can make a keyboard layout yourself from scratch
Give Tanpopo wallpaper.
It works on nearly any hardware. It has virtual assistant that you can command with plain english or natural speech. In general it's quick: boot times are low, time needed to open an app is short too. It has plenty of one click solutions - whether it is sharing printers and folders or configuring your system. Now it comes with reversed wine to do your unix things in it. It's suprisigly low on resources use considering what it has to offer.
You've done well, Arup.
Jesus christ, the only good thing I've ever heard about a mac is that the laptops are sturdily made.
Why the everloving fuck would I ever want to run the literal worst os ever made on purpose.
I will literally sell my soul to terry and only run TempleOS before I ever run that piece of shit operating system. All the fucks that run and especially the ones who wrote it should be retroactively aborted.
but os x is best os
Arup uses osx on his macbook as daily driver and hates windows.
I don't think my laptop would run hackintosh, and I really just don't have the free time to try to get it to work.
>virtual assistant
You mean siri?
>plenty one click solutions
>surprisingly low on resources
>inside has unix console
iOS best OS confirmed.
>tfw there will never ever EVER be another season of Witch Craft Works
>tfw you will never ever EVER be princess carried
not on osx yet
also, I like Ciri bettr
Reread his post, Rakeet.
Nice trips Ravi
We already did, Pajesh.
but I am user
Are you german?
Needs more Timpop.
> Shittiest OS on Shittiest Mac
Shut up and post the wallpaper already
Laptop model?
It would be a turn on to be princess carried by a girl.
Sony VAIO Pro 13
Why would I condemn myself to using OS X?
That's a nice image you have in the top right. I also happen to like this image very much. The artist on pixiv しげきっくす is one of my favorite.
Where do I download OS X and how would I get it working on an XPS 8900?