Sup Forums Humor/Rage thread
How can you trust your system to developers that can't even keep their certs up to date?
What is humorous/rage inducing about this
why are you on Sup Forums
>inb4 that megaman screencap
Network admin here. That's true. It's so fucking fun.
Instead of using SSH like sane people these guys need a GOOEEY session to manage there digital build-board.
Where did you find this picture? This is me
Cable managing is one hell of a mental masturbation. Once you're in the zone, nobody can stop you
not tech related but it's pajeet lvl
Those modules are pretty neat. Has the data lights.
I fucking kek'd
I don't get the top image but the bottom one makes me rage
It's really sad that people today are this retarded... I realize that not everyone can spend all day on a computer, but even the average layman should know that the orange WiFi cables are much slower than the blue WiFi cables with little yellow arrows.
I think he's screaming and asking for help.
what does it say?
I think "Bankomat nye rabotayet" - "ATM not working"
delet this
how did he draw without a mouse?
You'd have to be pretty dumb to think this would work.
Fuck you.
your post is invalid
it has been inb4'd here
They moved the entire return string into a newline.
Gentoo never gets old
some of them have a touchscreen
the question is who is the retard that decided they had to use windows on an ATM
Now I didn't count, but look at the amount of indentation and the length of the line.
There's a PEP# that demands that it does go on a newline.
"The given time range already exists."
would be better - given that the code-block on Sup Forums didn't mess up anything.
This thread is fucking gold. I am seeing good pics in humor threads after a long time.
what am I missing?
Why does it make you rage?
Showing where to plug the screen into the installed card?
>There's a PEP# that demands that it does go on a newline.
Yeah, I have fixed that. My code is PEP compliant now.
>what am I missing?
I just felt like posting it here
>I don't have a job
I used to dislike the idea of forced indentation. Seeing production code without any such restrictions made me more lax on it.
I do. I don't do python for a living though.
>Showing where to plug the screen into the installed card?
>plug the screen into the installed card?
>into the installed card?
>installed card?
She's not plugging into installed card
Saw it now. Yeah, that's rather silly.
what the fuck is happening
>Brown in the left picture and middle picture
>red in the right picture
command line is too scary, i need buttons and images to hold my hand.
>not pressing F1
>not just searching the term
> not just getting a perfect describtion of the desired function.
painfully accurate, modern gpus a shit.
Source on the original? Also, you failed to blank out her nipple in the second picture, topleft panel
Muscle memory is a helluva thing.
those are plastic molds, no leds u baka.
i know. I have a few long intricate passwords, but I don't think I'd be able to remember a numeric one that long
I win
>Dividing by zero
>comic-viewing comprehension
>if(a > b && b < a)
>else return bullshit
Looks like so, it also seems he's got his left hand in something.
It's just pi to the 22nd digit. You really don't have that mesmerized?
what book is that?
holy shit and I thought my 8-digit one was long
>if Sup Forums had edits
dont fucking type kek you retarded faggot no one fucking cares if you thought it was funny fucking kill yourself you anime loving faggot
Top kek
No one fucking cares if you don't care about someone thinking something is funny. Fucking neck yourself you retarded piece of shit.
What's this?
>the code in the left ... is hacker code used to steal nude photos!
can confirm, just ran in on kali linuks and got a bunch of n00ds