Anime Micro Devices!

Anime Micro Devices!

Please fucking leave.

More like autistic micro dicks

shes a cute

AMD confirmed better then nvidia.

I will only accept it as confirmed when they start actually putting Amada on boxes.

big version

I thought thats ruby?

Point being Ruby was physically on products and Amada Kokoro is not.

How can Nvidia and Intel even compete

They could partner with IBM and it's VR waifu machine development

Nvidia is better for anime because it's 5x faster at madvr.

dat fang...
fucking miracles

nice pic, thanks

>Amada Kokoro

don't the cpu pins hurt them when they hold it like that? or do amd's cpus no longer have the pins on the cpus?

They aren't trifling bitches.


it's slower on the only player that matters though



I am considering going full meme with my desktop with my idea to buy the rx480. R8 the idea of putting this on the free space of the card.

basically this but not half assed photoshopped

go for it

fucking weeeeeabo fuck off my teenage turtle summer site

anime is cancer

you seem to be on the wrong website

is that way fag

Microsoft girls are better and are more integrated t b h

dumb animeposter

>reddit on a Japanese image board

you gotta go back

>Japanese website
>Complains about anime
Triggered much?

Who's the nearest manufacturer can do this in the upcoming video card releases?